• expired

GET $40 BONUS for Opening an ING Orange Everyday Account


Hey guys,

Got this email and thought it was a cool offer for members. It's quite simple as all you have to do is go to the link provided and register in your details AND don't forget an Orange Everyday gives you:

No monthly account keeping fees and no minimum deposits.

Free use of any ATM in Australia when you withdraw $200 or more.

Free cash out with EFTPOS and a 50c bonus when you withdraw $200 or more.

After registering, follow the link to open an Orange Everyday account and make your first purchase with your Orange Everyday Visa Debit Card by 30 June 2011. The $40 bonus payment will be paid within the first two weeks of the month following your first purchase and is limited to one bonus payment per account (including joint accounts).

Important Information: The $40 bonus payment offer is only available to new Orange Everyday customers who register and open an account after 8 February 2011.

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closed Comments

    • VERY true, but it is still free money, I guess they gotta draw the line somewhere.. there's a point where it becomes unprofitable.

  • already with them :(

  • Signed up. I'm an existing ING Direct customer but haven't had an Orange account before. Took 10 minutes to sign up. Easy $40 made :-)

      • I signed up for an account without any mention of required identity checks. The account is already opened and ready to use in my profile. I transfered $1 across from a Savings Maximiser account to activate it.

        • They only need to check your ID once.

      • As an existing customer I filled out the paper work, took it to the post office with my driver's licence and I received my new card this week. Have deposited $10 on it and now just have to use it to earn that $40!

    • +1

      I followed the above link, entered my details and then was taken to the sign up page. The page asked if I'm a new or existing customer. Taking the existing customer route, I was asked to log in and signed up for an Orange account through there. I assume this will still deliver the $40 bonus. If not, the card will just be added to my pile of unused debit cards.

        • hahaha, am in the same boat. Too many cards….I am waiting for my RDO, sit by the phone, cancel all those accounts one by one.

  • +1

    Registered and it said "You've successfully registered. To receive your $40 bonus payment, you'll need to apply for an Orange Everyday and have made your first purchase with your Orange Everyday Visa Debit Card by 30 June 2011" however when you click on the "Apply Now" link under it it's a dead link.

      • Not sure - the link (which I've now closed) just opened a new tab but of nothing.

    • why im not getting this message after i successfully registered for the orange account just now? is the promotion already closed?

  • +2

    So basically anyone (with or without a bank account) can claim this money. Just put in a few quid and spend it.

  • damn, have to make a trip to the post office to seal the deal!

    Does anyone know if the post office charges for this verification service?

    • +1

      It takes two minutes max. I'm pretty sure they see a few of these, with all the free money on offer.

    • Post duped. Weird.

  • +4

    The post office doesn't charge a fee to verify your ID

    • Correct, the merchant requesting the verification pays for it.

  • +1

    I found some fine print on the email. Important Information: The $40 bonus payment offer is only available to new Orange Everyday customers who register and open an account after 8 February 2011. Payment of the $40 will only be paid within the first two weeks of the month following your first purchase and is limited to one bonus payment per account (including joint accounts).

  • "We were unable to verify your identity electronically."

    Even though I already have a Savings Maximiser and went through all the steps.

    • same here, been a customer with ING for years…

  • 2.5% fee on international purchases.

    Better than the 2.94% I'm paying atm so I'll get use out of the card too.

    • +6

      +1 for the wizard clear mastercard card. My friend uses it for all his oversea purchases but unfortunately only for permanent residents of Australia :(

      No international transaction fees
      No currency conversion fees
      No overseas cash withdrawal fees²


        • +1

          Usually from the people who fail to pay in full every month.

      • I use my wizard/28 degrees for overseas things and my ING for local stuff.

        The wizard card is so slow at showing up purchases in the history. If that was faster it'd be the perfect card. ;)

  • thanks nuggnuggs!
    i'll be making a small deposit as soon as i get the card and then i'll have $40 to spend!

    • You're very welcome morpheu :)

  • +1

    There doesn't seem to be any time frame it has to be open for, in the t&cs, you just call them to close your account. Which would be done after you get the $40. Awesome.

  • +5

    The Orange Everyday Visa card is a nice looking bright orange piece of plastic. Since I got mine last year I've had many positive comments on it's brightness in my wallet. :)

  • -2

    Whilst the $40 might be 'free' to you, ING is getting paid the $40 or more from VISA. That's called a referral, $40 to pay for your details.
    You will forever be sent every new 'offer' and new limit card VISA can push onto you.
    And its not hurting VISA at all by taking $40 off them per hit, as its just someone elses hard-earned cash, paid in CC fees, that your receiving.

    Nasty, nasty.

      • +1

        Or the fee that they charge merchants to use their services or the fees that they charge the bank for using their services

    • I already have a VISA card with NAB (0.5% off on all purchases under $2k, I guess someone else's hard earned cash pays for that too). VISA is welcome to send me all the offers for new cards it wants. They'll all end up in the recycling bin.

      If the $40 comes from someone else's 20% interest payments, so be it. No one is forced to pay interest on credit cards in Australia. All banks have generous interest free period cards available, many with no annual fees.

  • When it says the $40 bonus is made after your first purchase, theres no restrictions on how small the first purchase can be right?

    • With these kind of things usually no, but even if there is, it doesn't really matter. Next time you need to do your grocery shopping, or buy something at target, just transfer the right amount in and pay with that.

  • +1

    I was almost done with my application in my ING internet banking, confirmed the sms codes and was up to the linked accounts information section, then clicked continue and this error comes up:

    "Sorry we were unable to complete your request
    We encountered an error while processing your request, your application has been saved.
    Your Reference Number is:

    You are able to access your saved application at any time, to view or continue.
    Please try again later or contact one of our Direct Associates on 133 464 or +612 9028 4077 (if you are overseas)."

    Typical that this would happen!

    • I was applying as well while the same things happened. But I was up to preview and submit.

    • Crap this happened to me too, right up to the SMS part (I entered the 5 minute code then the error came up).
      Stupid me, I didnt record the reference number etc!

      Guess a phone call's in order.

      edit: quite a few people are having this problem according to the lady on the phone.

    • Logged in before and resumed my app… all good now! Just need to go into post office to confirm my id.

  • OK so A$40 for hopping through some hoops. Thanks OZ Bargain. Nice one!

  • i had no problems with the online part last night, downloaded that ID verification file and printed it, next stop the post office!

  • I am an existing ING Everyday Orange customer and I just applied for a new account. I got this message after I applied.

    Congratulations - your new Orange Everyday is now up and running too

    Your new Orange Everyday is now up and running. We're so excited. Not only do you have an everyday bank account that's totally free from ING DIRECT everyday fees, you now have two of them! The sooner you follow the next 3 steps the sooner you'll reap the rewards.

    Step 1: Make a deposit

    As you know, you need to make a direct deposit to your Orange Everyday. So, why not organise to have your salary deposited into your new account (if you haven't already done so).

    To save you the time (and effort), we've already completed the form for your employer. Just go to 'My Personal Details', click on 'Forms' and simply print out the 'Salary Deposit Form'.

    Step 2: Change your direct debits

    To really make your Orange Everyday your everyday account, give your new bank account details to any companies where you have direct debits. You'll find a letter for that online as well.

    Here's a great fee saving tip: Once your regular deposits are set up, remember to close your old transaction account. That way you'll avoid paying any unnecessary monthly account keeping fees.

    Step3: Start using your Orange Everyday every day!

    Your new Orange Everyday is now linked to your existing Orange Everyday Visa Debit Card.

    Here's how you'll need to use your card for each account:
    Your accounts
    When using your card
    Your original Orange Everyday
    Press the 'Savings' or 'Credit'
    Your new Orange Everyday
    Press the 'Cheque' button

    Also, when using your card overseas, you can only access money from your original Orange Everyday using the 'Credit' button.

    Here's a reminder of just some of the benefits of Orange Everyday:

    ING DIRECT doesn't charge you any ATM fees across Australia for using your Orange Everyday
    We even reimburse any ATM fees other ATM owners charge you when you withdraw $200 or more per transaction
    Plus, we pay you $0.50 into your Orange Everyday every time you get $200 or more at any EFTPOS facility per transaction.

    For your added security

    If you're ever unsure about any communications from us, call us immediately on 133 464 (overseas +61 2 9028 4077). We're here to help 24/7.

    We're so glad you chose Orange Everyday. We can't wait to make your everyday banking even more straightforward and rewarding for you.


    Brett Morgan
    Executive Director, Customer Delivery

  • sure thing :)

  • +1

    Went to the post office today with the form - no troubles at all. Showed my license and signed the form - and the post office sends off the form. Hope it works!

    • I did that. Got a confirmation email earlier today… everything is under way :)

  • Couldnt verify me online dammit.

  • Thanks, $40 each for me and hubby for a few minutes work!!

  • hey my first post sounds really cheap and shrewd but whats to stop someone from putting i don't 3000 dollars into an ing account, then withdrawing $200 each time and getting the $2 atm fee?

    i could do that tomorrow 15 times and get 30 dollars worth of atm reimbursements. I Could quite possibly do that every 2-3 days and get minimum of 60 dollars a week with a $3000 amount. I know its highly highly immoral but is it illegal? fraud?


    EDIT: don't worry I just read they just pay the atm fee and not 2 dollar bonus. Thought I was being clever

      • thats only 5 bucks and don't you have to buy something first to get cash out?

  • I got my card today, thanks for that nuggnuggs. One question is do I need to use credit when making a purchase, or it doesn't matter?

  • They send me two cards, do new customers get two ?

      • I think I applied twice. So does it really matter if I got two cards? is there any charges?

  • If I use this card at say a Commonwealth Bank ATM will I be charged an ATM fee? (Assuming I spend less than $200)

  • I just called them today and they told me this offer is for existing customer only :( So I just wasted my time opening a new account :(

    • I think it's for both existing and new ING customers, as long as you don't have an orange everyday account.

      Anyone can confirm that?

    • shit…..i just opened one!!! why just offer to existing customer? they should attract new customers!!

  • I was hoping it was: GET $40 BONUS for Opening an ING Orange Account Every day.

    • Lol, that's really too good to be true. Lol

  • just registered, going to the post office for identity verification tmr=)

    so the first thing i hv to do after my account is opened is to transfer money to the Orange Everyday Account? then make purchasing using their card? even i spend only $1?

  • Can anybody confirm whether new customers are qualify in this $40 offer? i'm thinking whether i should go to the post office for the verification tmr….:(

  • Got my $40.

    • When did you use your card to do a purchase?
      You press Saving or Credit?

      • yeah, what did you press? savings or credit?

        • I bought something online :) (topped up my myki transport card).

  • +1

    They can't seem to be able to verify whether my referral code is valid or not (whether I can get $40). Phone support wasn't very professional. Don't think I'll go ahead with the post office id check, don't want to waste my time.

  • Got my $40 :D

    EFTPOS Purchase - Receipt XXXXXX
    Date 04/03/2011 Time 4:56 PM

    10/03/2011 ING DIRECT $40.00

    • So you use 'saving' instead of 'credit', also got the $40 bonus?


      • Yea I used "saving" :).

  • I haven't received my $40 yet…how long does it usually take?

    • me neither!

    • when's ur first purchase? i hvn't received it yet neither…mine was on 16 mar:(

      • Me neither. My first purchase was on 13th March.

        • thought i would have rec'd within one week, as (amir aljaberi) above did…

          but i've rec'd $40 for the friend referral one anyways.

        • please let us know when u got the money =]

    • Anyone get theirs yet?

      • not yet:(

        you? my neck is getting longer and longer lol

        btw, do aussie say "neck is getting longer" to imply i've been waiting for so long?

      • +1

        Just checked, yes, $40 went into my account on 10/03/2011 (purchase made on 7/3). So it's worked for me.

        • Thanks! Strange that some people have gotten theirs and others haven't. Will just have to wait and see!

        • thanks! i guess they pay it in batches. so i guess yours was paid during last few batches

  • Is there a minimum limit for the purchase with the credit card? i have got the credit card but am unsure if we need to purchase something over a certain limit…

  • Is that offer still valid? as I had a trying today - when click "Apply Now" button that open a BLANK page - no contents no link URL???

  • Got $40 credit on the 5th April, thanks OP

  • yea got it too on 5th April. I think they process in batches, so the rest should have gotten their share too!

  • got it as well, now can we close the account and wait for some other ING promotion? Will we be classified as new customer?

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