This seller dropped their price by $189.60 in the last 2-3 hours, bringing it down to the cheapest I've ever seen. I've been waiting for a long time for a great price for the Roborock 2nd Gen. I have bought one, 10 left in stock.
In before somene inevitably asks, here are the differences between 1st Gen and 2nd gen:
Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum 1st Generation:
Suction: 1800 Pa
Noise: 61.5 dB
Dust Box Capacity: 420 ml
Can it mop: No
Weight: 3.8kg
How high can it climb: 1.5 cm
Xiaomi Roborock S50:
Suction: 2000 Pa
Noise: 59 dB
Dust Box Capacity: 500 ml
Can it mop: Yes, tiles and carpets indiscriminately
Weight: 3.5kg
How high can it climb: 2.0 cm
Has anyone bought from this seller before? Comments? I will be extra cautious with some random ebay seller.