Some pretty hot fares to Hong Kong with our National Carrier. Travel appears to be Aug-Sep/18 & May-Jun/19. Bags & meals are included. Enjoy, and safe travels :)
Sample dates & fares:
Return Melbourne to Hong Kong (direct):
01/May to 08/May $461
06/May to 13/May $461
15/May to 22/May $461
03/Jun to 12/Jun $461
11/Sep to 18/Sep $466
30/Aug to 05/Sep $466
Return Sydney to Hong Kong (direct):
01/May to 08/May $465
07/May to 14/May $465
08/May to 15/May $465
27/May to 05/Jun $465
10/May to 15/May $465
27/May to 09/Jun $465
Return Gold Coast to Hong Kong:
06/May to 14/May $480
15/May to 21/May $480
06/Sep to 11/Sep $480
08/May to 15/May $482
15/May to 22/May $482
11/Sep to 18/Sep $495
Return Hobart to Hong Kong:
01/May to 08/May $483
06/May to 13/May $483
08/May to 15/May $483
15/May to 22/May $483
06/May to 14/May $483
11/Sep to 18/Sep $494
Return Canberra to Hong Kong:
21/May to 28/May $498
11/Jun to 25/Jun $499
20/May to 29/May $509
15/May to 22/May $509
20/May to 27/May $509
06/May to 14/May $509
Will always upvote sub $500 flights to HK on full service airlines.