Good Value Wifi Smart Scales

So I'm looking to get a smart scales and need some advice on people's experience here. I'm looking for one that has Wifi + Google Fit Integration without requiring me to keep some cursed app on my phone (BT sync, I guess). But I don't really want to spend more than $50.

I liked the look of the Xiaomi scales, but I don't really love the thought of BT only for syncing results! I do have a Mi Band, so I guess I already have the Mi Fit App, but I've had so many syncing problems with my Mi Band that I'd rather not go there (I have to resync at least once a month).

Any suggestions for one that has what I'm looking for without the $100+ price tag?

Poll Options

  • 0
    Xiaomi Smart Scales
  • 0
    Fitbit Aria
  • 0
    Weight Watchers Smart Scale
  • 1
  • 14
    "Dumb" Scales
  • 1
    Who needs scales?


  • Feels like more trouble than its worth

  • Dumb scales + Enter weight into Google Fit is the only OzBargainer solution.

  • +4

    stand with your back flat against the wall and tilt your head down and if you can still see your junk you are doing alright

    • +3

      I'd be worried if my wife was doing alright.

      • +2

        I'd be worried if your wife has junk..

  • +1

    Withings Wireless Scale WS-30 were under $50 4 years ago?

  • WiThings aka Nokia WiFi scales are great. Well worth the money and makes tracking you weight etc very easy! Jump on and its automatically sync'd, auto detects the person getting on etc as to which profile to update.

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