OPPO PM-3 Farewell Sale!
The Oppo PM-3 is a classic - an easy to drive, portable planar magnetic headphone with a great fit and stellar build quality. With Oppo exiting the headphone business, we are going to send off this great headphone at an amazing price - $429 for Black, and $399 for white, blue and red colours.
The Oppo PM-3 is a balanced, natural performer.
The Oppo PM-3 is a beloved headphone because it is one of the most portable and well built headphones to incorporate advanced planar magnetic drivers. As a result, the Oppo PM-3 has a beautifully balanced, natural sound with detailed, punchy bass and a detailed, relaxed top end. While it may not be the most aggressive or exciting sounding headphone, it is a true all-rounder.
The Oppo PM-3 is one of our most popular headphones, and every unit we sell is authorised Australian stock with full warranty support from Minidisc and the Australian distributor, Interdyn.
How do they compare with the expensive Bose?
Do Oppo make them or are a rebadged thing?