• expired

Any Clutch Handbag for $5 - min of 2 bags and max of 10 bags per purchase. (83% off RRP)


Mod: Please note that their website has a major security hole and your details may be exposed. Company has fixed security issue

Hi, I am the advertising manager at DivaBags.com.au

Our post valentines sale for ozbargainers is 83.33% off our RRP for our range of clutch bags at divabags.com.au

1.Add the item to your cart (Minimum of two and Max of 10 bags per transaction)
2.Enter the coupon code into the payments page.
3.Proceed through to checkout.

If you have any further queries, please email [email protected]


All issues have now been resolved and site is now functioning as per normal. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. All of our websites DO NOT store any credit card details.

Mod: Changed link back to original URL.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    coupon not working for me?

    "The coupon has been successfully applied for <BR>HOWEVER:No reducion available, please see the coupon restrictions"

    I only ordered 1

    • Says in the description minimum of two. Rep, please put that in the title too.

      • plus shipping

        • +1

          Yeah, I was about to suss that out so I could comment. :P

      • ok I'll add that now.

  • +3

    $5 postage. Not bad. Really cute bags too. Dammit, I'm trying to save money.

    Please add postage to title.

  • So has anyone here bought from there before? There's 13 that I want but dunno if I wanna take the risk on a company I've never heard of before.

    • Ashlea

      You can return the bags if you are not happy with them. The123Group has many online stores within the group (crazycontacts.com.au and glamourhair.com.au to name a few) and has over 4,000 fans on Facebook.

      We look forward to your custom soon.

  • +1

    @bananabart: When does the sale finish? Ta.

    • End of the week. Friday 25th February 2011. Some stock will sell out before then.

  • I was looking at a couple of them trying to gauge the size and I realise all of the clutches have the same measurements. So I'm guessing the sizing stated on the website is not accurate?

  • +9

    just a word of warning with regards to the security of the site.. i think this website is related to some other one or was the website that left the personal details of customers open for everyone to see. for example when you click the shopping cart, a random account appears to be signed in and from this the personal details of a random person can be accessed… doesn't look safe

    • +3

      I was just about to say! I am seeing a few other people's personal info, full names, email addresses & phone numbers!! Gonna cancel my account now!


        • Me too!!!

      • Apologies for the inconvenience caused, we have now rectified the issue. We do not store any credit card information on our sites; however we do apologise for the server failure.

    • +3

      Wow, that's a pretty bad security gap… whlie I wasn't able to access personal details, it is worrying that I can see other peoples carts and have the option to log off =/

      Edit: Oh dear… I can see the details now…
      Edit: And it seems to allow people to change shipping addresses!!!! I can see two shipping addresses from different states for a particular order…

      • Apologies for the inconvenience caused, we have now rectified the issue. We do not store any credit card information on our sites; however we do apologise for the server failure.

    • +1

      Saw several different accounts! When I tried to check-out, it kept adding more clutches, which I didn't even touch/look at! Tried to check out for the past half hour, massive fail

    • yeah i can see all these people's personal details.. and about 10 clutches added to their cart..

    • Apologies for the inconvenience caused, we have now rectified the issue. We do not store any credit card information on our sites; however we do apologise for the server failure.

      • bananabart, the site is still not working as it should, and as I set out below. Please advise.

  • @bananabart ….. can you FIX please now . Thank you.

  • Geez. I haven't seen anyone elses accounts and website appears to function fine for me.

    Is anyone seeing my account? Name is Ashlea B, address in VIC.

  • I haven't seen anyone else's info, or had any problems … other than on the plus side: ordered 4 bags and was only charged $20.83 including postage :)

  • +3

    I've seen multiple accounts, and have been able to access their information. The security of this site is terrible.

    • -1

      Apologies for the inconvenience caused, we have now rectified the issue. We do not store any credit card information on our sites; however we do apologise for the server failure.

  • +1

    I can't give negative reviews, but wish I could.
    I've had the same problems ie: security.
    Gave up for fear of other people seeing my details. Upset since it IS a good deal.

  • +1

    mikiora …. if u, or anyone, can give me the 4 digits from my wife's credit card, or part of street address, … I'll send you $10 (surname: Barrie). First correct answer only!

    • Let me know if you hear from anyone. I want to know how safe my details are, and I'm in the same boat as you - Website appears fine for me.

      Will make a purchase if all appears okay later tonight.

      • will do.

    • It seems to come up with random accounts, after the login page. I'm not sure it's possible to access others accounts purposely.
      EDIT: Now when I log in, it's consistently coming up with my details only. I'm tempted to order but will wait it out, see if there's any developements.

  • Now getting 'The site is currently down for maintenance. Please try again later '

  • +1

    So far I've seen an Annie, Mani and Casey. Are any of these you guys?

    • I've seen Annie too. And I'm Casey.
      Now the site seems to be down for maintenance.
      EDIT: So glad I didn't order now.

    • Seeing different people's names, too. This is crazy/appalling !!!

  • down for maintanence

  • Credit Card Error!
    Test server response code - not used in live server

    Down for Maintenance …

    The site is currently down for maintenance. Please try again later

  • Seems to be being fixed right now. The link via this post has been changed to the ozbargains one…

  • +1

    I wonder if the problems only apply to certain browsers and/or operating systems.

  • Site is down for maintenance (which I'm sure is making some customers take a big sigh of relief.)

  • Hi Guys,

    I've just been told by the IT guys that the site is down cause of server overload; hence, the errors in accounting loading.

    I'll let you guys know as soon as it's back up.

    • +5

      Never heard of server overload showing other customers details though.

      • +4

        It does make a mockery of their "100% Secure" banners on the homepage.

        • Heh, I was thinking the same thing.

    • +1

      Sounds like your IT guys are telling you porky pies ;-) So if it "overloads" again will it repeat the "error"

  • Just ordered and the site has closed for maintenance not looking to promising..check back in the morning

  • Hi Guys, the Website is now back online. If anyone has any issues using the site, please post your queries here.

    We thank you for your patience. The special will be running till the end of the week.

    • +1

      ok cool

  • The issues discussed have been rectified and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. Our sites do not store any credit card information. All orders received will be dispatched on Monday morning.

    • Order placed. Thanks for keeping us up to date :)

    • +1

      Credit Card Error!
      Test server response code - not used in live server.

      Dont you accept mastercard????

      I have been trying putting my card details and the error comes like this. Any reasons?

      • My order was mastercard, no issues.

        • +2

          hmmm…thanks..ordered successfully after so many tries…still couldnt figure out d reason but thats fine…

      • Please send an email to the website at [email protected]
        One of the sales staff will call you.
        As far as I am aware, we accept all Mastercard and MasterCard Debits (some NZ card exceptions).

      • Ok good to hear.

    • Were people able to see other folks personal details also able to see the credit card info?

      • No we don't store any credit card information on our sites.

  • +1

    Tried using a Debit Visa, doesn't work.

    • Please send an email to the website at [email protected]
      One of the sales staff will call you.
      As far as I am aware, we accept debit VISA and Mastercards.

      • Tried to pay by Debit Mastercard and didn't work so left an e-mail.
        Got back to me within 3 hours and sorted the whole thing out. Transaction went smoothly and charged right amount. Very happy afterall!

  • Wow sounds so dodgy.

  • The link takes me to this page again.
    Really is looking dodgy..

    • We've asked the moderators to change this link. Please visit www.divabags.com.au yourself.

  • Still not received a confirmation email for registration or. For the order I placed

    Has anybody received any communication I have double checked my account

    • NO.

      I registered & fully completed an order on the web by well before 11pm, ie. it was confirmed on the web, well before the site went down "for maintenance".

      THIS MORNING the site is NOT working properly:

      a) it did not allow me to log in (I know my ID AND password).

      b) when I entered my ID to retrieve my "forgotten password" it accepted it and said an email had been sent with a new password (over an hour ago).

      c) NO emails have been received, ie. confirming registration, confirming the order, or providing password.

      I have emailed the above, and details of what I ordered, to the sales dept as Bananabart requested.


      • I believe a reply has been sent to your email now.

        • +1

          THANKS. Yes I have now received the manual reply confirming my order will be delivered this week.

          But you still seem to have a problem with the "auto emails" as I haven't received the auto confirmation which your sales dept said I should also have (and they are not in my spam folder either).

          bananabart, it seems a great offer so I am sorry you have had the IT issues!!!!

          ps as I haven't received any auto-emails I am also unable to log in.

        • I have not received any sort of confirmation email either…

        • +1

          Thanks mxyzptik. Yes it really is a great offer.
          I'll get the IT guys to look into the email issue.

  • Man that's dodgey as. Crazy contacts isn't a good site either considering their contacts usually sell for like $25 bucks and they bulk order that brand of contacts in 1000 lots from korea for just over a dollar.

  • Apologies for the inconvenience caused yesterday evening, we have now rectified the issue. We do not store any credit card information on our sites; however we do apologise for the server failure. The website is now functioning properly and orders are being received regularly.

  • … bananabart: on a sort of more positive note, I think you might increase your sales if when after placing one bag in the basket the 'other bags' displayed were not always the same selection … a "more" link taking to the rest of the bags would be good.

    I found 2 more bags I wanted immediately after completing the order, so would have ordered at least six if that had been available. (After completing the order I realised how I could see all the bags but I still think this would increase sales.) Other customers like me will be put off placing a second order and incurring a second delivery charge.

    This may also apply to your other sites.

    • Thanks very much for the feedback. I'll pass that onto the IT guys immediately.

  • +2

    Good deal so a positive bargain wise - just waiting to see the quality of products once delivered.

  • Just wondering was the website secure when you tried to login / submit your details?

    • it should be secure now
      it was only early this morning that it was fixed
      so there shouldn't be any problems now

  • Glad to hear all is well with the server and all is back to normal so can someoe from divabags please confirm if I am going to receive any email to confirm my order in the near future….because at this stagei I do not have any confiration

    • Please send an email to the website at [email protected]

    • Not all of them are vinyl. Some are satin-like material based on the pictures. Their description for every bag is too generic though. All measurements and materials are exactly the same although the pictures show otherwise.

  • Smells dodgy.

    • What is Coupon Code for this deal?

  • It is "BARGAIN".

  • btw … still no auto-confirmatory emails, maybe tomorrow.

  • +1

    the only email I received was to say that my order was dispatched. I would have liked an email confirming my order.

    Having said that, the bags arrived via express post, well packed, and they look great.

    • That's great to hear. Please check your junk mail as the email could have gone there as it is an automated email. The bags are all absolutely fantastic and I'm glad that you liked yours.

  • No emails for me either. Paid for express post on the Saturday and still have not received them.

    • You'll receive this week Ashlea. Apologies for the delay. Packing staff are just trying to get through the orders in the warehouse.

      • The order went to 'despatched' status on Monday morning.

  • I received my bags..and 2 of them were absolutely gross and damaged. I ordered more than 10 though, is that why I got 'punished' — by being given 2 duds? =/

    • Heh, same deal. I ordered 12 and 2 were in a bit off condition.

      Quality of bags = Great.
      Condition of bags = Acceptable, at best.

  • Just got my order of six bags, only 2 had stains inside, still useable but would have been lot happier if all 6 were of the same quality. So I guess overall not bad for the price paid.

  • Got my 4 today …. went looking for the stains and one had them inside (but very faint, and no one else would notice) … we wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't searched.

    The designs are great.

    For $5 a bargain, we think.

    • +1

      Agreed. I looked at the stains on mine and figured if I saw that on a clearance rack, even with the stains, I would have paid more than $5 anyway, so it's all good.

      • Ashlea, my 4 were $20.83 so they were even a better deal than $5 each +$5 postage.

        • Yup, same for me. I got 12 for $61, and it was express post, though it appears I received mine in the same amount of time as you.

          Maybe you should revoke your neg mxy :P

  • I would but didn't know I could.

    Ive only negged twice in the whole time I've been here … and this one was when the security issue hadn't been resolved.


    It has already been 7 working days since I purchased and paid for the bags.

    I have not received them.

    I have emailed [email protected]. No response there.

    PLEASE ADVICE. I want my bags, or I want a full refund.

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