This was posted 6 years 6 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Mayvers Peanut Butter $2.50 (Was $5.00) @ Coles


We have had a dry spell for half price natural peanut butter, my stocks are getting low, but no longer.

Mayvers Peanut Butter is $2.50, half price at Coles this week. It is one of the better ones too. Starts Wednesday as usual.

Time to stock up!

Pro tip, the glass jar is upside down storage friendly too.

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closed Comments

  • +28

    Dark roasted one is the best!

    • +1


      • Health star rating of 5, should be good for you?

        • +4

          That's not exactly how the health star ratings work.

      • Could you please explain?

        • +3


          Out of all the nuts .. peanuts are the least affected by cooking. FAT Stable fatty acid chain is in a brick like form where molecules cant get in there and damage it .. Peanut butter from WW2 Army Rations from 70 years ago are still good to eat and not rancid. You can watch people opening them and eating the peanut butter.. smells as fresh as the day it was cooked.

          But they are not really nuts anyways.. they are legumes.

          Hazel nuts and almonds are the worst effected by heat.

        • @pentole: Sensationalist article. All foods chemical makeup & nutrient content changes when cooked.

        • @vid_ghost: Anything canned never expires: tuna, beans, chickpeas, you name it. We talking stuff from late 19 century. And tastes fresh.
          Although peanuts really are heat resistant, you'll still get "worst" fats, more hydrocarbons and other byproduct nasties.
          We can it defend it as much as we want, and it does taste better, but sorry, I don't believe it is as "healthy".

        • @Carpe Diem:
          That's exactly right, nothing less nothing more than my point: the longer it gets cooked, the more it changes.
          No sensationalism, at all.

        • +2

          @Carpe Diem:

          I can't find it right now, but the US army produced a massive table of food nutrition depending how long it had been cooked.

          Some of the research the US army has produced is truly amazing.

        • @justtoreply: I'm not surprised. This & the method of cooking has a huge impact but sometimes the cahnge is actually beneficial.

          This is partly why I veer to raw food/minimal cooking as a side in my dishes.

      • +1

        Depends on how current your nutrition science knowledge is.

      • +2

        Maybe if you're sticking it in your pentole

      • +2

        too much GOOD fats like this can still be bad for you if you have too much… Drinking too much water can kill..

        :) eat like a normal person and you will be better for it.

        • Yeah: 100% of all people in the past drank water and they are ALL DEAD now.

        • @pebee47:

          lady in America died from drinking to much water.
          She was competing in a radio contest .. Drink water and win a wii..

          back when the Nintendo wii was new ..

        • @vid_ghost:

          hold your wee for a wii

      • We all end up in the same place one day, i'll have my peanut butter thanks

    • shhh!

    • Agree

  • +1

    Awesome. try coconut one too. Smell is so beautiful.

    • +1

      I know people who hate coconut.

      Wait, I meant 'knew'.

    • Selling fast, people going nuts over these

  • +4


    • +1

      Big time!

    • Just stocked up big time.

  • +4

    As an Ozbargainer I'm gutted. I just bought a jar from Woolies this week at $4.

    • +64

      As an Ozbargainer

      • +1

        Savage. Lol

    • same.

    • So how is this 'half price' at $2.50 when the best regular price is $4?

      Obviously its Coles price not Woolies, but its Holden compared to Ford.

      • That's not the regular price.

      • +2

        It was 20% off at woolies

    • Ouch!

    • I just reported you to the mods. Hand in your OzBargain badge on the way out.

    • I got my Bega PB from Coles for $2.85 two weeks ago and although I love it, I would still like to try the new one but I tend to be a jar of PB a year sort of person.

    • +2

      whenever i see those "20% off" or "Was $5 now $4" signs in Woolies for something I know can be had for 1/2 price I think to myself "pfff these prices are for laymans".

      • Rightly so.

  • Is it just this one or the roasted one too?

  • +1

    Oh no I just paid $4.00 or so for this yesterday. Oh well

    • +16

      Buy a new one in 3 days and return with old receipt.

      • Might just get another one…dark roasted here I come!

      • +1

        Can’t tell if serious

        • +2

          Around here, if it's really stupid, it's serious.

      • What if no receipt option?

  • Pretty good but i prefer Pics peanut butter, try that next time!
    Great deal none the less op!

    • +6

      Pics is dry and horrible in comparison.

    • +3

      Pics is a shittier more expensive version of Mayvers

      • +1

        catchy slogan!

  • Perfect timing!!

  • -1

    The aldi brand one is good too and about $2.70 or thereabouts so good as a gap filler when out of mayvers or pics

    • +1

      Had aldi one. Won’t buy again.
      Where are the peanuts from in it? I doubt local.

      • Overseas sourced cough…China

      • I don't think Mayvers or Pics use local nuts. Ironically dick smith nuts are local

        • +2

          Pics is Australian. Processed in nz.
          Mayvers is mix Australian and Argentina.
          Have had em all we eat a lot of peanut butter

  • -1

    The best is Costco Almond Butter, and Skippy is decent too!

  • how do you find out earlier than monday 5pm?

    • +3

      Work at Coles
      Prints the catalogues
      Delivers the catalogues
      Knows someone that does the above things

      • +4

        I got the catalogue in my postbox

        • how about woolies ?

          do they have half price natural PB next week ?

        • @phunkydude:

          Not that I saw, I have never seen them both have it at the same time. Even different brands.

        • @phunkydude:

          The normal Aldi peanut butter I have is all natural and about the same price as these when they are half price.

        • what's a postbox?

  • +2

    Whats this like compared to the old kraft peanut butter?

    • +9

      Ten times better, pretty much never going back to be honest. Stocking up on these!

    • No added sugar, less American-style.

    • +2

      As someone who has only recently gotten into the Pics and Mayvers bandwagon after a lifetime of Kraft, I find myself craving peanut butter all the time, having now tried Pic’s, with an unopened Mayver’s to go. Definitely worth giving it a shot, especially as it’s 99.3% peanuts (vs Kraft’s 85% or so). Overall, I now find Kraft/Bega overly sweet and salty.

      • nah, bega's got natural ones too with 99% peanuts

        they're brown cap on plastic bottle so you can drop it and it's lightweight

        it's $3.50 at woolie this week

        • Oh nice, might try that one too. Thanks for the information

        • +2

          @brian77: Don't bother it's crap. Pics is better as far as these inferior peanut butters go. Mayvers is the the best.

      • +2

        Try Calve peanut butter.

        • I second this. I stocked up on these when it was $1 a bottle at the Golden Circle Factory Outlet a few months ago.

        • Don’t.

          Ingredients: Peanuts 85%, vegetable oil, hydrogenated vegetable fat, salt.

        • @monsignor:

          That's cheap, is about $6 or $7 at the big supermarkets!

        • @Usernames:


        • +1

          Because it's not 99,5 percent peanut butter.

        • @baldur: Yes.

        • @baldur:

          And that's a bad thing why?

          Slightly less peanut and some added fat means the oils don't seperate

        • +1

          @spaceflight: hydrogenated fat is a terrible choice

        • @Carnal:

          Why is it a terrible choice?

          Are you thinking of trans fat? Which is not hydrogentated fat…

          Calve uses fully hydrogenated fat which is essentially the same as a saturated fat, there is no trans fat in a fully hydrogenated fat.

        • @spaceflight:

          hydrogenated vegetable fat

        • @Carnal:

          And why is it a terrible choice?

  • +1


    its been so long since this happened. gonna stack up 10 atleast this time.

  • Cool :)

  • -7

    Without added palm oil or trans-fat, this thing will be runny, needing mixing before use - too much work, no thanks.

    • +2

      you only need to mix it once and it won't separates much unless you leave it a month untouched

      everytime i just scoop it right deep into bottom and pull it out, so i get good mixture of it

    • Store the bottle upside down and it'll be ready to eat anytime.

      • -2

        Ready to eat except for all the oil that has seperated and floated to the top leaving the peanut butter on the dry side.

  • dang, no coles nearby

    when is woolies turn to go half price

  • yay im running low (still have about 6 pack left)

  • Good information OP.

  • I ran out and bought… not exactly the same but fixed a craving and was cheaper than Mayvers at said time of craving. Will be buying more Mayvers to stock up now.

  • Time to buy another kilogram or so. Love these deals.

  • Been too long since it was half price! Can actually just eat this all week long.

  • Here we go…

  • Is this a healthy peanut butter ? My nutritionist or GP (maybe both) recommended peanut butter to improve my diet (which was and still probably is fairly bad/unhealthy) .
    I bought a loaf of bread for first time in long time yesterday (due to craving for sausage sizzle lol), so maybe I should get some of this to go with it.

    • +2

      It's a whole lot healthier than the bread.

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