This was posted 6 years 6 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Battlefield 1 Standard [PC] AU$6.24, [XB1] AU$7.49 & Battlefield 1 Revolution [PC] AU$14.99, [XB1] AU$13.49 @ Origin/Microsoft


Price dropped on these compare to previous Origin deal for $12.49 & $22.48

Prices updated to actual AUD as I thought it was USD earlier.

Enjoy :)

Xbox @ Microsoft (Thanks to cheepo) :

Battlefield™ 1 :
Battlefield™ 1 Revolution :

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closed Comments

  • +2

    The standard edition for the Xbox One is also cheap at $7.49 and most of the DLC has been free.

    • +1

      Nice find mate:) will update the post .

      Also, Battlefield™ 1 Revolution AU$13.49

      • No problem 👍

    • ..and 5.5% back with CashRewards

      • Do you know if you still get cashback if using existing Xbox credit? Be good to know for future reference.

  • +1

    I just bought BF1 from EA Origin for $6.24?

    • Was it US$ or AU$ ?
      I thought its US$

      • +1

        Paypal receipt says AUD

        • Great..Thanks then it is AUD only :)
          I will update price as I converted to USD to AUD while posting :D

    • You'll probably want to buy the BF1 revolution for $15 as that actually includes all the DLC's released thus far (due to addition of Premium Pass).

      It also includes a whole heap of loot — when I bought mine for Xbox I was immediately gifted like 40 lootboxes. All of it is either XP boost and weapon skins though, so many will not care about lootbox content.

  • What is the difference btw bf1 and revolution?

    • Revolution comes with 4 DLC packs, all of which I believe have been free in the past on Xbox.

      If you're buying for the first time, the little bit extra won't be wasted.

    • These are in Revolution but not in Standard. (From Origin Site)

      1) Battlefield™ 1 Premium Pass
      Lead the charge to incredible new front lines, grab Battlepacks and more with the Battlefield™ 1 Premium Pass.

      • 4 themed expansion packs: Get a two-week head start on each upcoming expansion pack. Includes new maps, new game modes, Elite classes, 20 new weapons and more. Join the French army in They Shall Not Pass, battle for control of the Eastern Front with In the Name of the Tsar, take to the seas in Turning Tides and descend into nightmarish horror in Apocalypse.

      • 14 Battlefield 1 Superior Battlepacks and dog tags: Delivered monthly, these Battlepacks contain stand-out weapon skins that'll make sure your enemies know who's coming for them on the battlefield. Plus you'll get 14 unique, Premium-exclusive dog tags.

      2) Red Baron Pack
      Take to the skies with the Red Baron Pack, crammed with items inspired by the famous fighter pilot, the flying ace of the German air force.

      3) Lawrence of Arabia Pack
      See another side of the war with the Lawrence of Arabia Pack. Grab items and weapons based on the adventures of the famous archaeologist and diplomat who played a pivotal role in the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire.

      4) 3 Vehicle Skins
      Make sure your enemies know who's coming for them with skins on three of the largest vehicles in the game!

      5) 5x Battlepacks
      Prepare for battle with five additional battlepacks, stuffed full of all the gear you need to hold your ground in an all-out war.

      • do these come with additional single player campaigns or just added stuff for MP?

        • Only additional MP. Most servers are on standard maps so the DLC is somewhat useless.

      • If only interested in single player mode, will the Revolution be of use?

        • i would still question buying it for $6.24 for single player campaign only

          all reviews point to it being way too short

        • @humdingaling:Is it shorter than battlefield 4?

        • +1

          @humdingaling: I'd recommend it at $6.24 just for the single player. The campaign was short but well crafted and enjoyable. Even just as a graphics demo it's worthwhile at $6, this game is gorgeous.

        • @Abaddon: And by gorgeous I mean hyper realistic mud :P

        • @Abaddon: So muddy you gotta wash your TV after playing

        • Thoroughly enjoying the single player campaign maps right now. Currently on #3 and it is definitely worth the paltry $6.24 I spent for the entertaining fun I have had so far.

          I'm still trying to get my Steam controller to work properly with the game but to be honest it plays better as a KB/mouse combo anyway.

  • How active are the multiplayer servers/player-base in AU region at the moment?

    • +5

      In terms of player numbers, it's not that bad. You typically see a peak of 8-10 full 64 player servers at peak, and there seems to be more people playing BF1 than BF4 at peak. I just checked the server browser and there are 3 full 64-player Conquest servers and a half-full one, as well as a full TDM server. There always is a full Conquest server until about 2am AEST every night.

      In terms of variety, it's not good. You only see 64-player Conquest servers about 95 percent of the time, although TDM and Domination servers occasionally crop up. There's also always a server that tries to emulate hardcore mode from BF4 (since I don't think hardcore is officially available in BF1, but someone correct me if I'm wrong). If you want to play Operations, you will need to play on a Hong Kong server.

      • Thanks for that, very informative.

        Could you tell us if the current active servers in AU run base game or dlc?

        • +1

          Nearly all the servers I see in the server browser at this moment have both base game and DLC maps in the map rotation.

  • +1

    thank you very much

  • +1

    thanks just got the $15 revolution version for me n my mates!

  • I wanna buy but scared that I won't get the full experience of the game in the short time frame I have between this and V. I think at BF5 launch especially the player count on this will become painfully bad for Aus but on the other hand it's 7 bucks so why not.

    • I'm only buying for the single player campaign. Already got 3 of the DLC but have found out they are only multi player. Oh well

      • +2

        I bought it. I had to choose between it and a lunch at KFC so I hope I made the right choice

  • So is this only for the XB1 can see any mention of PC version ?

    • +1

      PC @ Origin Site -> Click on Go to Deal

  • +3

    The Standard edition for $6.24 is well worth it even for the single player alone.

  • I heard BFV was going to be boycotted by many long term BF players.

    • +2

      They said the same thing about BF1

  • +1

    Did I neg this post and my own comment? If I did, I apologise. Don't kniw how I did it accidentally.

    [Update] Fixed.

    • +1

      It happens and Its Friday ;)
      All good

  • +1

    Just picked it up for the single player, $6 for 8 hours seems like a good deal.

  • good value

  • thanks, glad i got refund on the anniversary edition recently, this is more my price point.

  • difference between origin and microsoft store? does microsoft store activate on origin or have a friends list?

    also what is the best price for battlefront and which one is superior now 1 or 2

  • Merged from Battlefield 1 PC, US $4.99 ($6.24 AUD) @Origin

    Looks like a great deal if you want to play the full Battlefield 1 game on PC!
    Under half the price of what CDKeys is currently offering for Battlefield 1 on PC.
    Unsure of the expiry date so get in quick!

    • I was always curious for a WW1 game because we never got it.

      But when this game released it flew under my radar because I assumed the low tech weapons would not be satisfying to fire.

      Am I wrong in that assumption?

      I'm still waiting for a dev with the balls to make a WW2 shooter with a campaign from Axis POV. Or at least some parts of the campaign viewed from Axis POV. I know Axis lose the war, but that's never stopped Activision from giving you segments of campaigns where your guy dies. And Axis don't lose every battle, only the war.

      • +1

        It hasn't disappointed being a Battlefield game, I'd definitely say it's worth a play.

        • Are the weapons satisfying to use?

          I've found even WW2 weapons aren't that fun.

        • @lostn:

          I personally think they are, but given I don't game as much as I use to, I'm simple to please.

      • It's full of experimental tech that is hardly true to the period, but makes the game a lot more fun than it would have been.

    • Do I have to join and pay a monthly bill just to buy and play the game?

    • Isn’t this a dupe of this post?
      Great game by the way and even if you don’t like multiplayer, try it for the single player campaign mode.

    • Player Appreciation Sale
      Save up to 85% now through Aug. 28 10AM PDT!

    • already posted

    • Any singleplayer in this game?

      • Yes. There's a campaign where you play 6 different characters.

    • +2

      You will effectively need the premium pass to play online, or buy BF Revolution for base game and all DLC as in BA's post, and even then the EA servers have connection issues. Such a shame as they have released a lot of content and some of the new maps are excellent, though best of luck trying to find one, as most servers are effectively a vanilla rotation.

      It's a good game but only worth about $5-$10 nowadays given the lack of EA support in fixing connection issues, the small number of servers available for a decent game, the value in playing the campaign mode, and the quality of multiplayer and team spirit when you get in a good squad and battle a tight match.

  • This is a good deal but FYI if you're only going to play the campaigns there is also Origin Access which costs 6.99 for a month and you can play many other games within that time period. Great for a binge.

  • Is there any way to buy the PC Revolution version without also getting Origin Access Premiere at a monthly cost?

    • I thought it was just a one off when you get the Battlefield One Premium Pass for AU$8.99. You are presented with a few options to get this as part of the monthly package but in the middle (just below the two main subscription options), you can see the option where you can just get it for the one off "Not interested in joining today?" payment of AU$8.99.

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