How Much Is Your Power Bill?

Interested to see what other Ozb community members pay for power.

I pay $300 a quarter for one person, NT. No water bill as I use bore.


  • $79 per qtr, with concessions is about $29 for two people in a regional town. We use about 20% of the electricity compared to the norm in our area for 2 people. We don't have solar panels, we Never use electricity other than TV, kettle,coffee machine, lights and fans during summer. We use gas water heating and stove, 1 bottles lasts us a year, costs about $145.Power switched off at the PowerPoint, use laptops only. When I was living in a capital city my bill was 200 per qtr for 1 person, don't know why its so expensive. I think, using my 1000W gaming computer didn't help.

    • +1

      yeah i can attest to the costs of running a crap load of electronics…

      i have a 1250w PC (i7 8700k, 32gb ram, 1080TI) that runs 24/7, my wife has a 650w pc running 24/7, 2 more server pc's around 350-450w each running 24/7, fish tanks, heating, 2monitors on each main pc, entertainment systems, multiple routers, switches, and wireless ap's, ducted airconditioning, etc, and average about 200 per month in summer, and 180 per month in winter. for 2 x people.

      • With all those computers, who needs a heater.

      • Those PC / servers will only consume a fraction of it's rated PSU wattage. My NAS + HP Gen8 Microserver + SAS Harddrive caddy + UPS consumes a total of 180W when running. My desktop computer will idle at 100W and run at about 500W when fully loaded.

  • Gas: 360 ($6 per day)
    Electricity: 430 ($4.67 per day)
    2 adults, 3 kids, Melbourne.

  • NSW
    No Discounts - Electricity averaged over the last 4 quarters = $318
    No Discounts - Gas averaged over the last 4 quarters = $436
    2 Adults and 2 Children in a 4 bed ensuite property with Ducted Gas heating (set at 19ͦ on a timer), hot water service and cooktop, our oven is electricity

  • About $180 a quarter, two people living in a small apartment

  • 470-500 per quarter, 2 adults and 2 kids. I reckon I used a lot :(

    I live in an apartment.

  • Last bill $250 for a quarter. 2 people in a 3 bed townhouse that uses electric stove, water and split system heating. This last bill was higher than previous ones because we got a new puppy so have been at home a lot more with more lights, more cooking.
    I thought we were paying lots but apparently it's not too bad according to this thread.

  • $300-375 per quarter with 2 adults and 1 infant in an old two bedroom house with limited insulation.
    Electric hot water and stove.
    Both bedrooms have separate reserve cycle air con systems. Not used much in the summer for cooling but used in winter for heating around 12 hours a day for baby.

    No TV, no desktop PC, no gaming systems, mostly LED lamps, two fridges, kettle, microwave.

    $100 service charge to property
    $80-120 controlled load (hot water)
    $120-160 for normal load

  • +1

    Far out I can't stand reading your power bills!

    mines $1100 for three months, being winter aircon is on 24/7, Heater is on 80% of the time.
    Also, have a shit water cylinder 2 showers and it's emptied. Run a bitcoin miner with 2x1060's but that's pretty low draw and not on all the time.

    Tasmania electricity is so fckn expensive in winter, come summer it'll be down to $500-600

    • +2

      People are too use to having the heater on all day that's the problem.

      You think you need it on all the time, when you don't

      Getting into the habit of throwing on a long sleeve shirt, vest pants etc is actually a hard habit to start if you're use to a warm house all the time.

      I've holidayed in Hobart during August, I was fine without turning the heating, I could have just think to do so

      As a kid I use to always use the electric blanket, as an adult, no thanks, I'm learned to live without it and Im fine.

    • You're making like 50c / day running those 2 pascal cards 24/7 lol.
      But you're right, that's only about $60 of your power bill over 3 months.

  • 2 adults & 1 toddler.
    My last bill here in Perth was $157.37 for 40 days, 443 KW used ( meter read). That amount includes a $0.86 daily supply charge.

    We only moved in May hence why the bill was 40 days.
    Feels like the washing machine has been on constantly since the last bill so expecting the next one to be a lot higher.

  • Paying about $0.22 inc GST (no discounts) for peak kwh. Contract is about to end and they want to increase that to $0.35 (60% increase) so I'll be jumping ship to another mob that charge around $0.23 with similar off peak and availability charges.

    My bill for 1.5 people is around $450/quarter.

  • 3 people - Melb

    $120 avg a month in summer ($360 qtr)
    $160 avg a month in winter ($450 qtr)

    Aircon / heaters are always on, we have no gas for stove/hot watering system (all electric)
    We dont receive discounts on our bill

  • -$13 thanks to solar and LED's, Power/Slave Boards, and stay at home wife.

    • +2

      Does she stay home and pedal a bike connected to an alternator?

      • +4

        haha, no, just able to do heavy electrical load activities during the middle of the day, washing machine, dishwasher etc.

        • Ah yeah that's handy for solar, part of the reason I haven't bothered with it is no one is home during daylight hours mostly.

    • What's your ROI for solar?

  • +1

    Would be more helpful and comparable if each person could also include their KW usage that way a true comparison can be made like the one below

    Duration (month/qrt)
    KWh consumed:
    Price per kwh:
    # Individuals:
    Solar: Yes/No

    • and State,

  • $150 electric
    $200 gas

    I wish i could bring the gas bill down a bit

    • Nat/LPG?

  • I pay around $70-$80 per month for electricity, for a household of 2.

  • Averaging $400 per quarter here. House of three working adults.

  • Our electricity bill for the period of May to August was $1600. This is family of 4 in 3 bedroom house, GAS cooking and water, everything else Electric.

    • Dame, that is crazy high. Thought of solar?

      • We rent so it is not our house. LL wont spend money on the property.

        • yeah, hopefully, you can get yourself your own place one day.

    • That's very very high…Can I ask how many kWh that got you and what network distributor area you're in?

      How about installing a gas heater?

      Or….a reverse cycle air conditioner.

      edit: just saw your reply saying you're in rented. My advice….move.

      • See reply above. cant do anything you have mentioned.

  • 3 Young lad house, 600 per quarter. SA

  • $331 for hot water
    $314.99 for electricity

    3 people in a 3brm apartment.

    One housemate has the worlds longest showers and the clothes dryer gets used way too much by all of us.

  • +1

    4 x 2 BDR w solar.
    Approx $50(summer)-$150(winter) for 2 months.
    Best we did was $40 for 2 months.

  • Approx $380 per quarter - 4 persons in the house.

  • Two adults, two toddlers, Melbourne, no solar.
    $200 per quarter.

  • Electricity probably about $650 ish a quarter on average. Gas (hot water, cooktop and one fireplace only) about $180 per quarter but closer to $250-$300 in winter.

    Family of 4 with a pool in Sydney. No solar.

  • Used to be $600 now zero

  • +2

    Family of 4 (2 adults, 2 kids in primary school). We're not heavy energy users (I think).

    We work M-F and are away mostly between 8-6. After work we cook dinner (gas stove), watch TV/play games for a couple of hours then bed. Weekends are a bit random (weather depending) but I'd say 4-5 hours inside the house (playing games/watching TV) then outside.


    Main energy consumers are fridge, washer (running 2 loads every weekend), dish washer (one load ever 2-3 days) and a file server which runs 24h/7 and consumes 55W (reported by UPS). Lighting in the house is mostly LED. TV is 4 year old LED.

    Prices are $0.2935 per kWh + $0.841 per day supply charge.

    Discount 20% when paid on time.


    Used for cooking and heating water.
    Discount %17 when paid on time.

    Both utilities are provided by Energy Australia.

    We live in 5 bedroom duplex in South Sydney. Payment is per quarter. No solar.

    Year Month Type Period Cost Notes
    2017 September Electricity 30/05 - 29/08 $340 Usage 933 kWh
    2017 October Gas 07/07 - 06/10 $170 Base usage 95 x 38.48 HV x 1.0402 PF = 3802 MJ
    2017 December Electricity 30/08 - 22/11 $240 Usage 611 kWh
    2018 January Gas 07/10 - 04/01 $140 Base usage 63 x 38.77 HV x 1.0136 PF = 2475 MJ
    2018 March Electricity 23/11 - 23/02 $340 Usage 981 kWh
    2018 April Gas 05/01 - 05/04 $130 Base usage 55 x 38.24 HV x 1.0082 PF = 2120 MJ
    2018 June Electricity 24/02 - 24/05 $260 Usage 690 kWh
    2018 July Gas 06/04 - 05/07 $140 Base Usage 65 x 37.97 HV x 1.0355 PF = 2555 MJ

    HV - Heating Value
    PF - Pressure Factor

    • Thank you for the detailed response. It's very helpful seeing the kWh used and the charge as opposed to just the monthly charge which varies widely depending on region.

      I would class your usage as a little below average for your area.

  • $470 a quarter 2 people NT. I will die without aircon

  • $120 per fortnight for a couple in a Melbourne studio apartment. Roughly 35 kWh per day

    • 35 kWh per day in a studio apartment with only 2 people?
      What are you running? A meth lab?

  • 150 a month in a 1 bed apartment for 2 adults in Melbourne cbd. Crappy winenergy is the provider and we can't change it as it's a embedded provider. Just use air con for max 30 mins a day and usually go to office 5 days a week.

  • 2 adults and one baby in a newer 4 bedroom home.
    Last quarter my electricity bill was $200 but its normally around the $500 mark. Also have gas and my heater has been on from morning until night unless I'm not home and just recieved my bill for $550 which is normally around the $200 mark.

  • Wouldn't the daily usage for a time period be a more accurate way to compare bills? Since we all pay different rates depending on various things, plus discounts depending on provider

  • Electricity $65 per fortnight
    Gas $76 per fortnight

  • The last one for 3 months after discount was like at least 650, basically old house with poor insulation so weather extremes and probs not the most efficient appliances and hot water system, joys of renting. Still seems like too much, at least $220 a month

  • I live in South East QLD so lots of sun for my 5Kw solar. I am also on an old feed in tariff deal till 2025 (I think) of 56c per Kw. Its a 2 person home, well insulated and we never need heating. Aircon gets run an increasing number of days a year as the climate heats up but probably still not more than 7-14 days in a year.

    When I first got solar (at 3 times the current price) I was getting about $2500 back per year and paying no bills. 8 years later the system has totally paid itself off (payoff around 4-5 years I calculated) and I now get a bit over $1000 per year back (and dropping) as all the various "costs" added on the bill keep stacking up.

  • My latest bill was $1500 with 5 people. Air con running all night every night. 4 bedroom 2 storey house in Sydney.

  • Around $400pq on average for 2 people in a largish two bedroom, two level apartment. We use way too much ducted aircon for both heating and cooling. Gas is around $180pq.

  • $300 a quarter on average, 2 persons sometimes 3, no gas or solar.

  • Last quarter was 146 and almost 100 of that is daily connection charge. One person no aircon.

  • About $1k/Qtr - four people, two heat pumps, only one power provider in Tasmania so no choice who you go with..

  • $300 a quarter, 3 people, Victoria.

    Every light in the house is LED.

  • +2

    What the hell are you guys running :-O ? I've got 2 kids (3 & 5 so home mostly) + 2 adults in a 3 bed room unit in Melb and my average is $200 per quarter. I've also got a column oil heater which is used on very cold nights in kids room but temperature on oil heater maintained at around 17C. First thing I did when I moved to this rental was to replace every light with LED !

    Most of water and heating is via gas (Wall furnace in lounge) and my gas avg. is around $120 (but possibly will be high this quarter due to winter).


    My utilization between 20 April to 20 July was 657.182kWh with 7.30kWh average daily usage.

  • About 600/quarter with 2 adults 2 kids :/

  • +1

    I'm with Globird in Melbourne. Lives by myself, except the other half stays over twice a week.
    I average 4.6kW/day in Winter, usage rate including GST is 22.363c/kW and supply charge is 65.34c/day.

    • I've got similar usage. What's your distributor? I'm with Ausnet who have ridiculous charges. Move a few minutes away and it'll be United who are much cheaper.
      Ah the joys.

  • about 500 / quarter after discounts.2 ppl

  • Crazy, ours seem larger than most. $900 for electricity a quarter (after discount of around 20%), avg of 20 kw a day usage - it's like 43 cents a kw in SA. It did jump up a bit once we put in the split ducted system in though, maybe a few hundred a quarter, gas (for water and oven only) alone is about $300 (after the 20% discount) a quarter which is pretty avg no matter the size house we live in. Just recently put in a 6.5kw solar system and its doing an avg 25-30kw on a crappy winter day so should be good to see the results especially in the upcoming summer. We don't expect much money back in return with only 15 cents feed-in tarrif but should hopefully kick off all the day time usage. 4 bedroom + additional office house (heating isn't used in all rooms)… Sucks that we didnt actually change our usage once we brought the house compared to when we (2 of us) lived in a one bedroom flat. Pretty modern appliances and led lighting throughout so yeah… Not sure tbh…. I just assume it's pricey here.

    • Damn, what's your daily fixed charge?

      • $0.896 per day, so 93 days is $83.33

  • $2200 single person, including room rent and gas for shower

  • 3BR in Yarra Valley, Melbourne.
    Old house minimal insulation, electric everything (no gas). Supply charge $1.27 per day with PowerDirect.
    2 people, hardly home during the day.
    AVG. $350 for the winter quarter and in credit the rest of the year due to Premium Feed in Tariff on solar.
    Bills are very confusing but have been told numerous times by door to door sales and using Vic Energy Compare that I'm on the best available deal.
    Eg. Most recent bill said $279.58 but pay on time amount $70.60 that seems a weird discount.

    • Odd, our daily charge is 55c and 27c kw/h

      Solar feed in is same as tariff (27c) for whole of NT.

      Wish I had solar, wouldn't have a bill..

  • 2 bedroom house, South East Melbourne, Ausnet distribution area. 2 adults, at work all day Monday-Friday.
    ~$50 per month, daily usage ~3-4 kWh per day.

  • 4 bed 3 bath Gold Coast QLD 2ppl
    $750-$1000 quarter
    AC used most nights

  • It was credit last quarter thanks to solar power

  • $280 last 3 months, 2 adults, 2 toddlers. My electricity came with a free 1 year of NBN from Amaysim. Plus we use a fair bit of a/c this winter too.

  • Around $120 a quarter, family of 4, electric everything no gas, use A/C for heating and cooling. Solar panels on the roof make all that difference. Cut our bill from $600ish a quarter.

  • Was 120 a quarter but now with a bub I’ve upped it to 185 this winter with extra heating.

  • Before I met the wife, I used to get back over $2k a year, but she is a clueless powerhog who will run everything she can during the day, now I only get back around $1200 a year if I'm lucky! I used to do all washing & chores at night so I put as much as possible back through the meter during the day! 45kg gas used to last me a year for cooking & hot water, but now it's more like 9kg every 3 weeks!

  • 2 adults, 2k per quarter pre discount and 1.5k after discount. 700 hashes… havnt needed to heat yet.

  • About $1400 p/q. 3 people in a 4br house with quite a lot of electronics, swimming pool pump, house pump, bore pump. Gas heating and stove, no aircon, solar hot water.

  • Approximately $100/mo. 2 ppl 2 bed unit, no gas, no solar, and electric water heating

  • 200/QTR in winter, $30/QTR in summer (got solar)

  • 1br unit in Melbourne.

    $50-$60pm, no heating, no washer, no dryer (use the laundromat down the rd)

  • about $35 a month (in rural Japan), two people. If the oven and kettle are on at the same time, power cuts out. rarely run air-con, gas hot water and stove. in a solar town with wind farms to boot.

  • 4BR home, elec only with no gas.

    Average bill is $1000 per quarter. Prime offenders are a 2kw pool pump running 8 hours a day, ducted aircon which heats in the winter and cools in the summer (small kids so it generally runs overnight), dishwasher, tumble dryer and a home server for work.

    Yeah, its expensive but cant see it changing until solar with battery storage becomes worth if for us.

    • Solar alone (without a battery) would make a significant saving in your case.

  • Amount: $712. $539 after 28% Alinta Discount
    Duration (quarter)
    KWh consumed: 25kwh per day
    Price per kwh: 20c

    Individuals: 3

    Solar: No
    Comment: How water system runs all the time (thermostat). Theres no off peak in these new houses. Luckily rate for power is decent.

  • Update: just received $575.53 deposit from Origin for last 1/4 credit.

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