Similar deal to TA's. Same board is $20.70 at Bunnings( so you can price-beat for $10.70.
Available online and in-store.
Similar deal to TA's. Same board is $20.70 at Bunnings( so you can price-beat for $10.70.
Available online and in-store.
Maybe just buy from spotlight store (if you have 1 somewhere nearby) .
Seems fair enough for bunnings not to proce match, since appears to be different item (based on picture). Maybe OP should edit the bunnings price matching though, unless someone else can confirm price matchable at bunnings ?
Is any stuff ….. made in Australia, and reasonably priced ?
A few years ago they were still making products in Sydney. No idea how much of the range is still made here though.
I got one of these a year or so back, lasted about 3 months and then the safety switch kept arcing out. Wasn't uncommon from I believe.
Is this better value?:…
I know it's the child safety version but still 4x sockets and surge protected.
Not for those that are looking for powerboard with individual switches, me included
Oh I see. I didn't notice that.
Reject Shop sells individually switched powerboards cheaper, not sure about surge protection ratings though.
From past experience cheap Arlec products are absolute trash. Plugs don't stay in or go in all the way, switches are dodgy. No idea how they're allowed to be sold in Aus.
It's coming up as full price for me now. Looks like they've changed the clearance over to the child proof one now without individual switches for $7.…
That's normal price. The 30% sale is finished.
Went to Bunnings and the lady refused to price match due to the picture shows a surge protection light on the side (the black dot on the right hand side). The 1.8m lead one however has the light on the side but doesn’t match the description on Spotlight’s site (0.9m). Either there’s a version comes with the light and has 0.9m lead or spotlight used wrong picture.