To celebrate the announcement of the Galaxy Note 9, JB-HiFi are selling it at a special pre-order price of $1499.
Standard ticket price of $1799 will apply from 24th of August.
Limit of 1 per customer.
To celebrate the announcement of the Galaxy Note 9, JB-HiFi are selling it at a special pre-order price of $1499.
Standard ticket price of $1799 will apply from 24th of August.
Limit of 1 per customer.
But with $250 of required adapters
Trying to imagine price to replace a cracked screen…
Samsung have recommended pricing for screen replacements now. I had to replace a smashed screen on a Note 8 recently and local repair shops were quoting >$400. Samsung did it (and replaced the battery) for $260 which still stings, but at least we're not at the mercy of the dodgy little shops anymore.
When i got my Note 8 late last year they had an offer through samsung where you received one free screen repair within first year of ownership. Have a crack on mine but hanging out until the year is nearly up to get the repair done.
I picked up an Asus ZenFone 5Z a couple of months ago for $640, grey import.
It has the same Snapdragon 845 as the Note 9, but with 6gb RAM. I've seen some say you don't need more than 4gb, I agree. My phone doesn't get near using all the 6gb, but I don't do much gaming. Battery lasts two plus full days.
The Note 9 will have heaps better other stuff probably, screen, water protection etc. I reckon the 5Z is a wicked phone though, for the price.
Sooner or later, a model will be over 9000.
Yes just like that.
Except this is from a retail store for ease of warranty claims etc.
How so? When my phone had issues, I went to a samsung kiosk, showed them the fault n my receipt and got it back in 2 days. How much easier or faster can it be getting a phone fixed if you buy it from jb?
They have more JB than samsung kiosk?
For me, it's a 25 minute walk to JB. I'd need to book a flight to get to the nearest Samsung.
Get it 5% cheaper with gift cards at JB Hifi.
All retailers should be offering this price with the 512/8 model. Official from Samsung here -
Are any retailers offering any additional incentives?
I only ever buy iPhone and I blame iPhone X for this new pricing model.
Many articles attest to the fact that high end phones are going to be more expensive now.
Good idea is to hold onto your phones for longer and buy second hand 4-8 months after release. You can save $100 a month this way (gets slower after around 4months)or get a Samsung phone half price around the 4-6 month mark.
Thank god the Chinese phones dont follow Apple's trend.
Now if they just got NFC and band 28 support
They will probably start supporting band 28 when we have 5G here :D
You sure? Oppo Find X > $1,100. "Cheap" iPhone inspired.
Agree. Oppo arent ready to start charging $1100 for a phone. Lacks too many features and updates are a non event. It should be retailed at $799 not a dollar more.
I would have to slightly disagree with you. There's no doubt that Samsung makes their prices competitive to Apple's, but at the same time, I feel that you get so much more from a Samsung.
Not to open the whole Apple/Samsung can of worms, I've used both, I like both, both have their pros/cons. But I mean this particular phone on sale has 8GB of RAM. A lot of computers don't even come with that. I'd say they're equally as expensive because of the hardware as they are because of the competition.
"Cutting-edge processor for super-fast downloads"
They need to fire content writer, don't they? 🧐
No they did a great job. I was especially pleased to see one of the main specs listed was ‘touch screen’
That is an insane phone
That is an insane priced phone. Good luck selling them.
Business people LOVE fancy shit. They don't care how much it costs
Cheaper than most other flagships yet much higher specs. It's less than the IPX, less than the P2XL128gb on launch. It's the same price as the Note 8 on launch too which is amazing value considering how much more they crammed into this one!!!
Show me another flagship with 512gb ROM and 8gb RAM and 4000mah battery for under this price.
there still making a profit retailers get it for roughly 1100 the 516gb
128GB must be selling like hot cakes for $1.499.
Wonder if telcos bundle them at their different RRPs.
Wata rip
Good guys have the same deal, combine with RACQ for 5% gift cards ($75 discount) and use CR for 1.75% cashback which is an other $25.
Works out to be $1400!
Sadly, too expensive for me!
JB hifi 5% discount cards available from RACQ as well to sweeten OP's deal.
I think you could potentially get it down to $1,110.45 +$1
A total discount (equivalent) of $387.55 (Cashrewards/Woolworth Rewards/GST refund) and $300 (off RRP from JB Hifi) = $687.55?
From $1499 or $1500
- 5% ($75 from Cash rewards/ Woolworth e-gift cards)
- 10% ($150 from Woolworth Everyday Rewards bonus points) Buying Ultimate Teen Giftcards (which can be used at JB Hifi) For this week special, each $50 Ultimate Teen Giftcard earns 1000 Bonus Point (read more on the other post
-9.09% ($163.55 assuming based on $1799 Tax Invoice price and you take an overseas trip to claim your GST refund)
$1,110.45 +$1 (if u get 30 Giftcards X$50 =$1500, as the price is $1499, I suspect you wont get the $1 change)
Not worth the money, extra ram won't make absolutely any humanly noticeable difference in use, its a poor excuse for an upgrade. Technology has hit some certain point where some significant progress isn't gonna happen anytime soon, it's just rehashing, remilking of one the same. Get the s9/9+ same thing, cheaper price, even s8/8+ will do everything flawlessly for next 3~5 years.
Nope. S8/S8+ will not do the same thing. This battery will last much longer than even the S9+. It has a bigger screen. MUCH MORE ROM. RAM does make a big difference in usability, and given how these are powerhorses it will be great!
I was expecting a twin oled fold screen instead we get the same old with a little add-on to make it the ….next Samsung sX line.
Will keep my note 4 until something new and innovative comes out.
Loved my Note 4. Only replaced because it died. After two dying, I moved onto LG V20.
They are making another trillion dollars! Donkey me!
Crazy price for a phone that Samsung will probably only keep updating software for the next 2 years, even if the hardware is still capable
This appears to be the normal price so why does this need another post
It isn't the normal price.
I managed to find the list of stores that have this pre-order offer (although I'm sure someone else has already posted it somewhere):
JB Hi-Fi
The Good Guys
Bing Lee
Qantas Q Store
Harvey Norman
Jesus RRP is the same price as my first 2nd hand car!
have anyone pre-order the note 9 instore with JB?
I'm really tempted with this. Somebody help
Like that?
$1,799 lol
I wonder if a version of the new Iphone X PLus whatever will break $2,000 here.