Order total:
Price: $399.99
Shipping: $31.06
Import charges: $51.52
Coupons, discounts: -$60.00
Total charged to Paypal: $422.57
The lowest price by some margin that I've seen for the Samsung WMR HMD albeit that it's in "New, Never used" condition with open box. The seller has excellent feedback and ratings. I noticed he's been selling one or two a day for a while now.
Read the original PRONTO15 thread comments to see how to apply the PRONTO15 code.
TL;DR you'll probably need to make a new ebay account using a US IP and a real US address then your real address as a shipping address. Use your existing mobile and PayPal accounts to phone verify and pay.
Original eBay PRONTO15 15% off link
Sorry I couldn't work out how to do the usual ebay code link with ebay.com :|