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30 Bonus Rewards Points (Worth $0.15) When You Bring Your Own Bags @ Woolworths / BWS ($5 Min Spend)

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In Store:

30 points when you scan your rewards card.


Pick up: 30 points if you choose to ‘BYO bags’ at checkout.

Delivery: 500 points if you select the ‘crate to bench’ service.

Limit one transaction per day. $5 minimum spend, exclusions apply. Offer available until Tuesday 2nd October 2018 at all Woolworths, BWS and selected Metro stores, excluding Tasmania.

Previous Deal (2 points per bag) thanks to melbourne guy.

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BWS - Beer Wine Spirits
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits

closed Comments

  • +5

    All these bag deals/changes/policies are doing my head in!

    • +9

      Not really, just bring ur own bags! Easy!

      • -1

        Bring my own bags, scan my own items, pack my own items, do I get a staff discount too?

        • No.

        • +5

          If only that’s all a staff member had to do…

        • +2

          @lawrencium: I think the point is these are things staff members no longer do.

        • You forgot stacking up specials and refill all empty aisle

        • yawns

    • -3

      "30 Bonus Rewards Points (Worth $0.15)"

      This has to be a joke….

      • +3

        Every 2000 points = $10 off

        if 2000 = $10.00
        1 = $0.005
        30 = $0.150

      • +1

        If you mean, paying $0.15 for a plastic bag is outrageous. Then this would appeal to those outraged customers.

    • -2

      I remember when I used to have a friendly chat with the checkout staff as they scanned my items and bagged them up.

      Fast forward to 2018, I'm expected to scan my own items with little or no human contact, pack my own bags and swipe an orange card to get a massive 15 cents rebate.

      • +3

        It all adds up…do that once a week and you've $7.80 to splurge with at the end of a year! :D

      • +6

        i purposefully never use self checkout since they were introduced. where are all the teens and mums returning to the workforce going to work if not at registers? i've worked as a cashier at service stations and hospitality industry. why would I want to reduce employment and improve corporate profits?

        • I'm the same with the self-service terminals at my local Australia Post shop, and some of the staff there have got stroppy with me when they've tried to direct me to one and I've refused! It's your jobs I'm trying to protect, loves!

        • +1

          @dm01: I told that to the bank teller who instead of trying to help me that once every customer learnt to use the newer ATM they'd be out of a job. They don't seem fazed about it.

        • @dm01: Looks like AP's self-service terminals have found OzB and are downvoting me for rejecting them.

  • +1

    how could they know you bring your own bag?

    • +6

      I had a woolies lady come over at self serve and tell me I get extra points for byo bag and she put it through on the machine. It was very quiet at the time thou I can imagine you won't be getting any assistance while they're busy.

    • They don't. At the self service checkout I saw the assistant asked every customer whether they were using old bags or purchasing new ones. At the regular checkout I had an assistant scanned and charged my old bags until I stopped her.

      • Similar to what happened to me at self-serve - i brought my own Woolies $0.15 bags from a previous visit back into Woolies, but when I was assembling my purchases into my reused bag, I picked it up and turned around to put it in my trolley behind me, and the darn barcode scanner detected its printed-on barcode and scanned it again as a new purchase even though I was about 40cm away, it detected it anyway…"BEEP"! I then had to decide if it was worth the $0.15 cents to get an assistant to remove it… username checks out, I did.

    • +3

      The self-checkout machine just displays a question "Did you bring your own bags today?"

      • it is something new?

      • +2

        "The self-checkout machine just displays a question "Did you bring your own bags today?"

        I usually give it a slap when it does that.

      • +1

        @abb: The self-checkout machine just displays a question "Did you bring your own bags today?"

        it doesn't at my local woolies

    • +14

      I use coles bags at Woolies, and Woolies bags at coles. :)

      • Actually I use the countdown bags at woolies, any NZ'er know? countdown!!

        • I use my New world ones in pak and save.

        • +1

          @Zedsdeadbabyzedsdead: haha I like PaknSave! Kinda like costco and aldi all in one, the fuelsaving is pretty cool too

      • +1

        What a mad lad

    • You're supposed to scan the 15c bags, which then are credited (at least in coles they are) therefore, if you don't scan any bags, it assumes you bought your own.

      • +1

        why would you buy someone else's?

        • Assumes you had your own bag and didn't need to use theirs

  • +12

    If this is just an automated points offer when scanning i'm all for it. Having the staff roll their eyes every time i try to get my 2 points is getting ridiculous.

    • +3

      I went to a checkout lady yesterday at Woolies and gave her my bag but didn't get my two points :( Hope it's automated too like Coles!

      • +16

        They should create a bag ombudsman :)

  • +1

    Been getting this on my FlyBuys for a couple of weeks now also!

  • +11

    Yay there's now a free BYO bags option for Pick Up!

    • +2

      I like this

    • +1

      Awesome, this ruined click and collect for me. Especially because the stickers ruin the bag for re-use.

    • Not for delivery but

      • Can't believe they charge $3 for crate to bench service..

    • Awesome to hear.
      Hopefully the targeted points offers will go back to instore & online.

    • Yasss. This was a downer when ordering.

  • +13

    I went through the self checkout counters at Woolies today and there was a pop up screen asking if you brought your own bags. Clicked 'yes'and got the message 'Congratulations! You have earned 30 extra points for bringing your own bags.' Didn't have to speak to any of the checkout people.

    • +4

      My local woolies denied the points because whilst I didn’t bring my own bags, I just chucked everything in the trolley that I place in a box when I get to my car. shrugs

      • +2

        If you showed them one of those small deli bags when your item is a 30 can coke box, would they still give you the points?

        • One of the items was indeed a box of coke, that never required a bag.

  • +13

    Funny how people gets all furious when they decided to ban the free plastic bags. Aldi has been doing this since day one yet no one complain. Bunch of whingers.

    • +3

      Yeah that's because we get a free bag from woollies /coles before going over to aldi

    • -3

      I agreed.

    • +11

      We get far better prices from Aldi, and because of the no frills nature of it, it is expected we do some of the work/bring out own bags. Coles/Woolies are much more expensive and had the additional benefit of bag packing, and by removing these bags without reducing pricing, this is a lot of what we are whinging about. The second thing, most people don't use their plastic bags as single use. I myself use them as bin liners and for swimming bags. Now I can't, which has the added issue of now I have to buy them from Coles/WW. Need I go on?

      • Good you are supporting Aussie products.

      • +2

        "for swimming bags"

        finally we found the culprit. letting his bags swim in the ocean and kill the penguins.

        • Was thinking exactly the same thing! 🤣

  • If you purchase a bag for 15 cents, you've effectively brought (and bought) your own bag anyway! Points should also apply :)

  • FYI they'll also apparently replace damaged bags free of charge.

    • Isn't that for the pricier 99 cent ones only?

      • This is correct yeah, my bad

    • 2 year warranty on bags????!!!

  • Online:

    RE: Pick up: 30 points if you choose to ‘BYO bags’ at checkout.

    • Do they still charge you $1 for Recycleable Bags?
      > Woot woot - they fixed it and don't charge you any more.
  • 30 Bonus Rewards Points (Worth $0.15)

    Are they kidding? Even if you made a $5 minimum spend everyday for a year, that would amount to a maximum of:
    * 10,950 points
    * Worth $54.75
    * After spending $1,825 out of pocket on groceries
    * Just a meager 3% return

    • remind me how much is a savings account returns these days? Even a 2 year term deposit pays less than "a meager" 3% retunr

  • +2

    Finally: $0 bag fee option when you order online. :)


    • +1

      Been waiting for this option. Why oh why didn't they have this before is astounding.

      • +1

        To make more money from bags! That's why.

  • Seriously I feel for the cashiers some of the reusable bags ppl take in to have their groceries packed in are so filthy. They deserve a medal.

  • How many bonus points will I get if I bring a Coles one?

  • +1

    I prefer to take the red baskets home, easier.

    • yeah i dont get why everyone was complaining about no bags. the free baskets are much better anyhow. and so many more uses around the house than just bin liners. laundry basket, hamster cage, storage bins for shelves in the shed, fishing chum dispenser in the boat, planter in the garden…

  • +3

    Just need to find an item they sell for 14 cents or less then I can post the ultimate bargain…

    1. Buy 1 green bean (loose) approx 5 grams @ $5kg = 2.5 cents
    2. Pay by credit card so you don’t get hit with rounding up
    3. ?????
    4. PROFIT!!!!!

    • +2

      The green beans at my shop are bigger.
      Going to take my own knife to cut them in half


    • +1

      Minimum spend to get 30 pts is $5.

  • +2

    Maybe I should ask WW to backtrack my points earned for bringing my own bags for years in SA. BagGate just keeps on going, sad that.

  • Hey - any tips on deals on woolies delivery - they always seem so much more expensive than coles or their minimum shop is double to get free delivery.

  • I work at BWS and 2 weeks ago we've had a pop-up come on screen whenever someone scans their rewards card saying "Did the customer BYO bag?" but with no yes or no option - just click to exit. We haven't been notified about this extra points scheme, and whenever I check customer receipts I don't see the bonus 30 points. Just a heads up that BWS might not accurately reflect this deal.

    PS: BWS is a subsidiary of Woolworths

    • Also work at BWS, the store would've been emailed a barcode which you have to scan when customers bring their own bag. A pop up then comes up asking how many bags the customer brought and they get 2 points per bag.

      • +1

        So if I bring 1000 bags I get 2000 points (worth $10)?

      • I'll check tomorrow but I often check the emails and haven't seen anything of the nature

        • Was a few weeks ago, the same time the message started popping up

  • +2

    So how do I get bonus points on self checkouts?

      • +1

        Yay free 30 points, maybe I'll just keep checking in and out lol

        • +1

          $5 min. Could turn a $150 shop into a long time. I think one a day too :(

        • @spillmill: That explains why I got nothing for my 85 cent chocolate bar yesterday at self-serve

        • @spillmill: Spent $6 at a Metro Woolies, but no prompt came up asking if I brought my own bag …

        • +1

          @kerfuffle: Excludes the following Metro stores:
          NSW - Central Station, George Street, Pitt Street, York Street, North Sydney, Norwest
          VIC - 60 Elizabeth Street, Bourke Street, Collins Street, Flinders Street, Literature Lane, Melbourne Central, Southern Cross, Swanston Street
          QLD - Southpoint

        • @Neoika: Thank you; greatly appreciated!

          Now do I want to walk to Woolies Town Hall rather than Woolies Metro Pitt Street in order to scab 30 points 😂

  • +1

    Got it at self check out. sometimes i buy 1/2 roast chicken for $5 at metro woolies for work lunch, this scheme is great for me!

  • this is something they shoudve thought of before they got rid of single use bags!

    • +1

      I mean, they didn’t have to do any of this stuff when they banned bags here in SA. So I guess they assumed the bigger eastern states would be just as civil about it. Foolishly.

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