I saw A4 laminators for $4 at Kmart. And A3 for $8. But what about A3+, which is 13"x19"? I can actually print 13x26, but mostly it will just be standard A3 (13x19).
A3+/13" wide laminator?
AustriaBargain on 31/07/2018 - 12:15
yeah I thought so. That’s a shame because A3+ is as big as my printer goes and I don’t like to print much smaller.
Where do you buy A3+ size paper?
Bhphotovideo and eBay. Bhphoto is the best, I could spend my yearly salary there :(
I'd never heard of A3+ before you mentioned it - I had to look it up. It's not a proper ISO paper size, so I think it might be tough to find equipment that handles it.