There seems to be quite a few web hosting "deals" being posted to this forum.
Using the latest one for example:
The domain name has been registered for only 52 days.
Also it appears to be a single person business - as the registered office for the company is a private residence.
I don't mean to single out this business individually as there are quite a few hosts advertising deals on this forum.
What I suggest is a minimum set of standards for hosts before they can post deals on ozBargain to limit very small hosts who may not be in business for a sustained period, or are simply re-branding reseller accounts for the major hosting providers.
Not sure exactly what rules to put in, but possible something like:
- Been in business for longer than 3 years; or
- Has a physical office or store-front; or
- Has a minimum of 15-20 staff; or
- Owns their own physical servers; or
- Minimum of 3-5+ rented servers.
Buyer beware…. simple as that.
You're rules are unfair to new companies wanting to do 'deals' to get off the ground.