This was posted 6 years 7 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Blu-Ray; Interstellar, Baby Driver, Fury, Dunkirk, BladeRunner2049, The Martian Extd Cut $7.99 (Free Post $49 or Prime) @ Amazon

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Dunkirk BD UV $7.99 ->…
Blade Runner 2049 $7.99 ->…
Interstellar BD $7.99 ->…
Baby Driver (Blu-ray + Digital) $7.99 - >…
Fury $7.99 ->…
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (3D Blu-ray/Blu-ray/UV) $7.99 ->…
Fast & Furious 8 $7.99 ->…
Minions $7.99 ->…
Despicable Me 2 $6.49 ->…
THE REVENANT $6.49 ->…
Rio (3D Blu-ray) $6.67 ->…
Star Trek $6.49 ->…
Hunger Games, The BD + UV $6.49 ->…
Southpaw BD UV $6.49 ->…

Mad Max: Fury Road - Black & Chrome Edition $7.99 ->…
Credit to @AngryChicken for spotting this deal over the original movie

Look in the comments below from Where's_That_Cake for more titles.

There's so much more bargain in the blu-ray section. Check amazon out.

Don't forget cash rewards 6%

It seems that amazon might have bumped the prices some bluray mentioned in the title. However, there's a possibility of it going back down as the prices seems to go up and down

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +16

    No 4K no deal

    • +1

      There are a few but not really interesting title as well as the asking price for it. But hey, you might find one or two movies to your liking and justify the price. For me, it's a pass on the 4k ones :)

      • +6

        Yeah I've looked through. Great gatsby at $7.99 is pretty good…

        They've priced matched to JB's 2 for 1 4K which has 8 titles in it

        • Dammit - would have totally bought Creed 4K but doesn't look like it's on Amazon :(

        • +1


          get it from JB. I'm thinking of getting Creed and Gatsby.

          Don't think I can stand to have any of the DC movies in the collection except for Wonder Woman

          Edit: I thought it was buy one get one free, turns out it's buy 2 get 1 free. Annoying!

        • This 4K or fake 4K?

    • Blu-ray? More like Blur-ray!

    • +6

      Most if not all films were mastered in 1080p. The 4K editions are just upscales. It would require a remaster for every film released in 4K, and that's going to be expensive and a huge bother.

      You might be disappointed if you bought a 4K setup and 4K BDs only to see very minimal difference in PQ.

      • Most if not all films were mastered in 1080p. The 4K editions are just upscales.

        Some truth to that. There are websites tracking real 4k vs fake 4k. They will often know the camera used (e.g. 6.5k) and the intermediate mastering (e.g. 4k).

        Some of the fake 4k are very disappointing. Like Justice League (2017) was mastered in 2k, so the 4k deluxe version is a rip-off.

      • Up until relatively recently most films were shot on film.

        • Spot on. Anything shot in 35mm film has an "equivalent" resolution of around 80 megapixels, much more than the 9 megapixels or thereabouts required for 4k. They can take the original 35mm master and transfer it to 4k but obviously this is expensive because all the post-processing and effects have to be redone.

          I'm aware of a few films that have been remastered for 4k from the original 35mm film. Most recently The Matrix (1999) and the reviews are saying it's one of the best 4k blu-rays available.

        • +1

          They were shot on film. But mastered at lower resolutions for home release. There's a difference between mastering and shooting.

          They can do a remaster, but most haven't bothered as you can see from nhand's database above. Instead they're duping you into believing that because it's 4K and has a darker colour case, you're getting a true 4K remaster and should pay more for it. So far most of the titles are still mastered in 2K.

        • the Different color box helps me sleep better at night

    • I would rather buy seconds for $3 ewch

    • Totally respect your opinion. It's a movie either you love it or you hate it. I am the prior.

    • +2

      its mostly historically correct … its no saving private ryan ..

    • +2

      I agree - hated it.

    • +1

      I don't agree with the "for girls" comment, but I agree that it's a super overrated film. Particularly from Nolan who is one of my favorite directors. I think it's his highest rated film on RT, but it's my least favorite. It's a straight up film. He's used to either being dark, or pulling twists. This was neither.

      It's not a film I would personally recommend, even to girls, so I disagree with your comment in part.

    • I agree

  • Where is the bargain bluray section?

  • +1

    Nice find OP!

    • +3

      Thanks bud :) Glad to be a service to the ozb community :)

  • Anyone like the Rolling Stones?…

    There seem to be quite a few music concert Blu Ray titles going for $5.00 each.

    • They have been part of multiple 2-for-1 deals now (none currently active). $2.50 each then!

      • Yeah it's true. for music, i reckon you can wait for the deal to appear again. But these blu-rays are as good as when it way 2 for 1 deal. Plus, you don't need the hassle of buying two movies and finding the same movie pricing to fully utilize the deal :)

    • They were as low as $1.27 each too single price.

  • Does anyone have any luck using their $10 credit from Prime Movies on this?

    • Are you buying a minimum of $20 and are they from Amazon as the supplier?

      • Yep.
        I wonder whether this means that the individual item must be at least $20:
        "The $10 credit can be applied to the eligible items contained in orders equal to or exceeding $20"

        Edit: nope, that wasn't it. Even with a $25 blu-ray it does not work.

        • I would get on chat then and get them to help.

        • Double check with their live chat as some said it was expired one day earlier than 27 July

        • @GaryG: it's down.

        • @wtfnodeal: Right… that might be it.

    • Nope, doesn't seem to be working for me. Not seeing it even on the last page of the checkout.

      • And their chat is down…..

        • Their chat is up again and they managed to fix it for me. Had to remove all items from cart, log out and try again.

        • @eswes: Still down for me….

          Edit: used phone in the end. Got the order total revised.

        • @Make it so: To get to the chat, you need to go to the contact us page and select a combination of issues from the drop downs to allow you to select the live chat.

        • +1

          @gnarkill: I know. But as soon as it tries to connect the chat, it says the connection is lost. Was impossible to get the chat going.

        • @Make it so: having same problem here.

  • thanks for the find :)

    • +1

      Cheers :)

  • +10

    +1 for Baby Driver. Such a fantastic entertaining movie.

    • +3

      Agree, watched it again last night, I love the soundtrack!

    • +4

      Loved Kevin Spacey in that flick, great actor. Haven't seen him since though, weird.

      • -1

        Search "Kevin Spacey metoo" and you'll see why he disappeared.

        • +3

          We all know why he's gone mate, the movie is great regardless.

        • +3

          @Where's_That_Cake: Oh that was a rhetorical statement from krushgroove? Well I tried to be helpful but now I'm krushed.

    • Great movie

  • Where are the Pink Floyd blu-rays

  • +2

    This blu ray case is 86cm tall according to the third image -…

    • +2

      hahaha they even pictured it against a life size human. Epic!

  • +1

    Blader runner

    • Yep, got that.

    • +1

      Sorry can not get into it. Beautiful filmed but the story……the pace is so slow I actually slept for half an hour and still was able to pick up the story

      • the pace is so slow I actually slept for half an hour

        XDD at home you can sleep until next morning

  • The ad does not say that you need to be a prime member though? OR am I missing something here?

    • I assume you need that to get free shipping, unless your order is over $49 (i think). Dunno as i'm a member.

    • Free post as prime member? If price is the same when you look at them.

  • +1

    If you want to get the BluRay Fury Road, make sure you get the double which includes the Black & Chrome version for the same price as the original initial release.

    • What is the difference? The amazon description is useless

      • You get the original mad max, fury road and then in black & white movie. A difference movie experience from the reviews.

      • It looks like you get the "Black & Chrome" version in addition to the standard colour version that was initially released.

        I've seen the colour version on torrent (haha), but it's the kind of movie that would look good at high resolution i'd say. The so-called "Black & Chrome" edition had a good review in the Guardian.

        But basically anything George Miller thinks is a good idea i'm prepared to go with.

    • Updated the listing bud. Thanks for spotting this one.

  • BTW is it just me or is the pace of the recent Dunkirk as slow as a snail?

    • Nah it was a bit like that, didn't hate it though…didn't love it either.

    • Not just you. It was unbearable.

      • Mind you i saw it on torrent…

        • +1

          That doesn't alter the film too much.

          It wasn't for me either. Didn't find it exciting.

  • +1

    Pre-order Avengers: Infinity War $25

  • If they are still showing it at the various cinemas capable (Astor & Sun Theater for VIC), Dunkirk in 70mm is an experience, definitely recommend.

  • For a moment got excited thinking is a deal for 4k

    • They cost a fortune.
      I'm not sure i'm worried about missing out on all that now that i've bothered to look at a few prices.

  • +1

    Just checked some others, I Tonya & Phantom Thread arealso $7.99. List looks similar to JB's Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal.

    • +2

      Excellent choices. More to the bargain list. Thanks.

    • May go for X-MEN APOCALYPSE because I have most X-MEN movies.

    • +3

      Logan is now $14.99. Every single title I ordered earlier have doubled in price, or more.

    • why have they increased the prices?? I heard a rumour that they did that for the last 4k blu-ray sales.. not happy Jan! what a shady thing to do… JB don't do that.

      • JB actually do it all the time, I think this was just Amazon clearing stock. Nothing shadey about it at all.

  • +1
    • Thanks for the addition of titles.

  • Dunkirk keeps changing between $11.98 and $7.99 but always ends up being $11.98 in cart.

    • It seems amazon has increased the price for this popular bluray. Perhaps it's just fluctuation occurance. It might come down again later. Just add it to your cart and watch the price from there. Good luck!

      • Yeah I suspect Amazon runs algorithms to adjust prices based on popularity… Great post OP

        • that's shady in my book. JB don't do that with their movies :(

    • +2

      Not sure about that one…

      • +2

        Lot's of marvel fans i see LOL

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