It is a Gtx 1050 2gb. Haven't seen one this cheap in a while. Probably some better deal out there but idk.
Product Information @…
It is a Gtx 1050 2gb. Haven't seen one this cheap in a while. Probably some better deal out there but idk.
Product Information @…
3gb coming very soon ?
for 1050?
there really not much of a point of the 3gb gtx 1050 as it places in between the gtx 1050 2gb and the gtx 1050 ti.
Thats correct, no point of making 3GB 1050… but maybe there will be a 3GB 1150?
Bloody ozbargain, you just made me spend $135 😂
Needed to upgrade from onboard graphics :)
so tempting too!
I'd been meaning to upgrade for a while to play any games, this should suffice to play at medium spec
I snapped the Galax 1050Ti 4GB from MSY deal last month for $177.
I tried few games (i.e. Hitman) and can play easily with high settings
Haven't tried any famous AAA titles yet, but suggestions that 1050 handles Full HD gaming pretty well
not medium spec, more than just-ok-spec. I'm waiting for 1060 3GB back to 200-ish but too long! what games are you playing? I'm using G4560 to play World of Tank Blitz, and all I can say the integrated one sucks
I haven't gamed for a while because of the onboard graphics. I've been using the XB1 for racing games, wanting to use the pc for shooters
Collection of games being played on a laptop with 1050, so desktop version performs marginally better.
Not yet - I don't own the PC version of GTA (got Xbox version of an older GTA)
So is it really bad?
That is the only time I've seen a 1050 benchmark confirm what I get in GTA5 with my 1050 (laptop 4GB version).
A lot of benchmarks shows the 1050 needing to lower to a mix of medium/high settings and not use MSAA at all to get around 60fps stable with very few dips.
I've overclocked mine a fair bit, and it has 4GB opposed to 2, but still I've always been able to run GTA5 at all high settings and MSAA like your video shows and get a stable 60fps with vsync on with no stuttering at all. It's possible Afterburner is reporting 60fps when it actually is dipping. I haven't gone on a mini-gun rampage as he did though, that is sure to hit the FPS hard.
Still running SLI 670 here. This an upgrade or more sideways?
This would be a downgrade.
670 sli is roughly between a 970 and a 980 which are about twice as fast as this card.
I'm using a 760ti, and feel as though this would be a sideways step. Also consider that the new nVidia cards are due to come out in a few weeks (August release). Though they will likely be the 1080 and 1070 varians. The 1060 and rest likely October.
This is just strong rumours I've read recently though, but the new cards are slated for a release fairly shortly. I'd recommend waiting for them, especially since you've waited with your 670 this long, whats another month (or two for the equivalent latest gen)
Use a quarter of the power to produce about half the performance. Worth it to me but im a greeny
Much more power efficient and also less issues to deal with on a single card.
However, I feel it's a downgrade from a graphical prowess standpoint, from both single and dual card.
I feel Nvidia are dropping the ball on SLI support.
If anyone is wondering how it stacks up with it's bigger brother, the GTX 1060 (technically, it should be the 1050 Ti that is it's closest sibling, but I don't own that card) here are some benchmarks that I performed on the same machine.
And if you're wondering how it stacks for shooters, it's playable. I tried COD:WWII and the 2GB framebuffer really holds it back — textures were a blotchy mess so you'll have to make do with pretty low quality textures. Framerate is good, the engine is not super demanding.
Mass Effect Andromeda ran okay if you set the internal resolution to 900p, there are some slowdowns in combat that actually made the game run slower than normal speed (a tactical advantage!)
Rocket League runs fine for the most part, as does Overwatch which can run at a solid 60 FPS. Coming from a GTX 1060 though, I can actually perceive lag in RL and OW because I'm running a 144hz monitor and anything less than native I can actually tell.
Haven't tried battle royale games like PubG or Fornite. Just watch a YT vid for that.
So if your targeted performance is 60FPS / 1080p, this card does meet the performance target in E-sports games but not triple A titles or games that are open world and require lots of VRAM.
Collection of games being played on a laptop with 1050, so desktop version performs marginally better.
Thanks Scrimshaw! Really helpful!
Hey mate, so the card listed is actually a 1050 Ti not just a regular 1050? Passmark is giving scores of 5900 and 4580 respectively.
The Ti cards have 4gb of VRAM. The card I tested is the one being sold here
There are 1050 Ti models with only 2gb but those are laptop cards. I have that too in my Lenovo but I haven't benchmarked that yet.
There are also 1050 non-TI with 4GB ram (have one in my HP Pavilion Power).
I'd be interested in a faceoff between the 2GB TI and 4GB non-TI. I have a feeling the non-TI would actually win, as it can be clocked to 1800mhz+ easily (performing the same as a stock 1050TI) but has an extra 2GB RAM.
ah yeah, forgot about the OEM customized ones.
The Ti edition has a higher core count than the non-Ti version, although both share similar names they have significant different in terms of performance
Ti wins. Not a contest
Can you even game on a 1050?
1050's are actually a really good card for budget gaming, obviously the ti model is better but if your running no higher than 1080p you will be able to game just fine.
At lower resolutions & details, sure.
You can game probably just fine e-sport games at 60 fps with medium+ detail.
A 1050 will easily power through any e-sports title at 60fps full details 1080p.
I am very sure that you are wrong, I have a GTX 960 (a more powerful card) and I cannot play Overwatch at full details at 1080p.
I'm very sure I am right, here's the benchmarks that prove it:
The 1050 shreds every esports title, regardless how you ran your 960. Perhaps in future you should do a quick check of benchmarks before making statements that are incorrect.
@misu p:
My son has a 4GB GTX960 with an i7 first gen and that definitely can't run overwatch with everything up but it comes close . It runs it much better than the 1050 that was in the same computer that we upgraded from .
Maybe it's the limited 2Gb ram or the 8 year old CPU …
Edit : changed 1050ti to 1050 .
@misu p:
On my 1050 4gb I can run csgo at 60fps 1080p at med-high
(High but with shadows turned down)
Should be about as powerful as a 960m
@troyww: i7 first gen? That will bottleneck nearly any graphics card that was released within the last 2 years
Curse crypto currencies. Still struggling on my Radeon 5770, just hoping the currency mining thing collapses in a mess so I can get back to gaming again. Fallout, my old friend, we'll meet again someday. Will stick with TF until things improve.
Blaming crypto for holding on to a card that's worth $5 now, and came out 8 years ago?
Only $5? Maybe I should get a second one and I can finally experience crossfire with it.
I hope you enjoy those legacy drivers :P
Also be prepared for massive FPS gains, like double, going from a 2 to 4fps.
Nahh I shouldn't be too hard on it. My 5770 got me through countless hours of Borderlands and Civ 5 in the early days.
I haven’t loaded up a proper PC game in over 5 years I think, I think the Witcher 2 was the last one. So I wouldn’t even know what my 5770 could handle these days.
So you’re saying I can get 100% improvement for $5!
I’m half considering purchasing this gtx1050 as an upgrade.
The occasional well priced GPU has popped up in the past year, you could have upgraded if you wanted to.
The deal here for the 1050 will double your performance for $135, if you have eBay plus.
This nVidia 1060 3GB will quadruple your performance for $280 with eBay Plus
If you are an AMD fan, like me, you have:
ASUS RX560 2GB for $135 with eBay Plus, similar to 1050
MSI RX580 8GB Armor OC for $322 with eBay Plus, in between 1060 3GB and 1060 6GB
Someone created a post for it
Team 5770 Unite!
Good news is it keeps the games budget down as everything it runs well is $1-$10 bargain bin at this point.
You’ve just convinced me to stick to my 5770.
The bigger bargain is saving money!
Oh and you’re probably right, must have been the first Whicher game I played. Or Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl.
Damn that frame rate sucks!
Considering the 1050 too…what processors are you guys running?
Phenom ii X4 955 here
I had that same cpu back in the day too, X2 555 with the 2 unused cores unlocked to give turn into the x4 955.
Currently running an i5 3570 (12gb RAM).
My system is pretty old but still does the job. Phenom II X4 840 w/12GB RAM.
Would our CPU’s hold back a 1050?
Currently running a GTX 960, is this worth the upgrade?
No, it's a side grade at best.
Thanks, will give it a miss then.
The MSI Armor RX580 is $322.15 with this code from the same store. Paid nearly $700 for my Sapphire about 4 months ago. free postage with Ebay plus.…
Hi guys, looking to do video and photo editing, and have already upgraded my ram to 16gb, but still rocking onboard graphics. Would this card suffice or what card should i go for? Thanks!
Graphics cards make very little difference to photo and video editing. Some transitions do benefit (ie 3D transitions) then you’ll see some benefit.
Going from integrated graphics you might free up some cpu time but anything faster than this card won’t give you additional gains
What have I done?
Would this be a decent upgrade to a 750 Ti?
Not looking to go nuts on it, just light gaming @ 1080p.
Better off going the 1050ti. 1050 may give you 20%? increase. Not worth from a already efficient and similar performing 750ti
Not that true… It's actually quite the upgrade. Go for that1050ti if you really care about the extra 13% and more ram
does the fan stop on low load?
Snipped some nonsense.
Will this be able to handle dota 2 at med/high settings?
Also what psu w does this require?
probably and this requires a minimum psu of 300w
You wouldn't actually needed a 300W PSU, that is what they say to cover any odd situations. 240w would be fine too for a standard desktop computer.
Yes true as a gtx 1050 is in my hp pro desk g1 and it working fine with 150fps 1080p med settings just some stutter when turning on
RX570 $249 (~$236 with PENNY5)…. Something if you're for more power at $100 more.
Nice. This would make a great substitute for people looking for a Gtx 1060 as it only about 12% worse than a Gtx 1060 3gb. For comparison, a 12% difference is seen in a Gtx 1050ti and a Gtx 1050 2gb.
Some freesync possibilities as well?
Sold out.
Special shout out to the 5 legends who bought 35 between them: you're a treasure and a delight.
Wow! Brodened!
Had this in my cart but was surprised when it went out of stock so quickly.
When a GT 1030/RX550 is too low spec for me, and their RX560 is >210mm (CoolerMaster 110 Case), yet a 1050Ti is out of my budget :/ Might have to grab a ex-mining RX560.
The situation's only going to improve, so if you can wait, settle in and see what the 1150 has to offer.
I'm interested to see if they'll continue targeting it as a 1080p/60fps card, or if that'll shift to 1440p.
For a secondary (going to be primary) system w/ a 2700X unfortunately. Time to go buy a GT 710 while Nvidia and AMD work on their new GPU launches next year. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
There are second hand GeForce 1050 Ti cards on ebay for $100-$130 from time to time.
Finally, some reasonable pricing.