T&Cs here. 3 transactions, max discount $1000 per transaction. $15 flat rate postage (not per item) or free shipping with eBay Plus membership.
Click the related button above to see all PERIPHERAL deals.
T&Cs here. 3 transactions, max discount $1000 per transaction. $15 flat rate postage (not per item) or free shipping with eBay Plus membership.
Click the related button above to see all PERIPHERAL deals.
No Tightarse, no arse.
Omg it's Computer Alliance! Do they traditionally price jack?
You shouldn't need to ask if you're omg-ing
Just wanted to be sure
No, that's kind of their shtick.
Off to the dunce corner with you.
Everyone Jacks when Tightarse is near.
Can used with Samsung SSDs cashback?
Yes :)
But will likely price jack to cover the 15% and the cashback whilst they are at it. So net gain $0 haha….
This doesn't make sense. Why would the seller jack to cover a cashback offered by the manufacturer?
May jack for 15% but not the cash back which is nothing to do with them.
Im also keeping an eye for 500gb 970 evo ssd. With 15% off and Samsung cashback, it will be around $224.15. Not sure whether I should wait or buy it.
Need to include $15 for delivery, which puts it $10 more expensive than the 20% ebay sale yesterday but still cheaper than MSY.
OK, lets hope the prices dont get jacked like FUtu Online do.
they dont price jacked afaik
I can confirm. They do not price-jack. They are a reputable company and I have purchased both in-store and online a few times since 2002.
No, I am not associated with Computer Alliance… just a satisfied consumer. They ship very quickly and do not sell stock they do not physically have… i.e. No drop shipping in my experience.
Store name is self explanatory
So now they added postage on everything?
Always been that way
OK never bought anything from them before.
Question probably for the rep but wonder if they can create an option for postage or pick up at their store in Mt Gravatt for those living nearby.
Sorry, no. It was a close call after discussions internally, and as per my posts in previous threads, we have reasons why we decided not to offer pickup for ebay orders.
I note if you are singed up to ebayPlus, practically all our gear ships at no cost.
@Computer Alliance:
kinda sucks a bit for people (like me) who intend to buy a gaming monitor today for pickup so I can use it on the weekend!,
its the point of impulse buying, i want it naow :)
we have reasons why we decided not to offer pickup for ebay orders.
Is it because you don't want to meet JV.
anyway you guys just missed out on an easy $1200
Would rather miss out than taking a risk with ebay pickup.
wow what a bunch of sooks
@Computer Alliance: that's a bit of pity - pickup offers convenience to the buyers esp those who cannot wait for their parcel at home (and for parcels too bulky for parcel collect), and for the seller that can save on postage.
It's Computer Alliance's business decision I understand but pickup is good for both the customer and the shop imho
they've always charge postage on ebay?
sorry was more of a response to superforever :)
No computer alliance no deal
It's Computer Alliance, deal, mf.
mf? I like how people upvote you lol
"mf" means "my friend", doesn't it? People say it to me all the time, when enlightening me as AngryChicken did above for Bellpop.
I dunno, it just seems to flow, you know?
1080ti for sub $750pls
another couple months and he wont be when Nvidia 11xx is released.
One can dream
He is not. I bought one for $800 from pcbyte from last sale and will claim TRS next week. This will make it around $700 as it is $1070 on the invoice.
You're taking a video card with you out of the country to avoid GST? I applaud your OzB ingenuity but I wonder wtf you are telling the guy at the TRS counter…
What's it TRS's business or more to the point, what would they ask???
He is within the guidelines and conditions of being able to claim the GST, is he not?
They don't ask jack. I know this for a fact.
@tromboc: It is a gift and going overseas anyway doesn't matter I claim the GST or not. They will ask what it is for sure and what could it be? I am not going to lie.
Invoice really should have showed $1080
Isn't the TRS limit $1000 including GST? $1070 would make it ineligible.
No, there's no limit, it just needs to be over $300. Many people claim TRS on watches and jewelry.
But if it is over $1000, they expect that you won't take it back. If they find that you take the item back to Australia, they will charge you GST when you return.
So tempted to go 1080ti but the next gen is so around the corner I can save up now and buy one when it comes out and has it's first good deal.
My 1050ti should hold until then.. might also be able to score a 75 inch 4K HDR TV by then with low input lag and proper chroma subsampling to run it. Definitely no rush for me unless 1080ti's start going for $450 which even then that might not be enough for a new build haha lol oh man I am so lazy.
Any good sound card for playing Hi-Res Audio?
So neg mean NO?
That is the list of their sound cards.
Here is a list of best sound cards according to lifewire.
With 15% off, maybe that card above to get better audio without spending $$$ and it looks good too with the back plate.
If you play old games it also supports EAX, which was good for those few games that supported it.
I did check them a lot of them are more likely designed for gaming. Not sure how they are with music.
I am currently using my old Sound Blaster Audigy output to amp with Hi-Res flac really big difference.
Going beyond these mid range audio cards, you've got to make sure you content is best quality (which you said you have with FLAC) and that your speakers are decent and designed for music in mind and not surround sound gaming / movies.
I preferred my X-Fi over motherboard audio when motherboard audio was shit, but when the X-Fi died and I used a new motherboard audio chip the drop in quality wasn't that bad. I haven't looked at audio cards since.
If you find out a good price on a decent sound card, let us (me) know.
you've got to make sure you content is best quality (which you said you have with FLAC)
They are not just FLAC from CD, they are 24bits FLAC from Hi-Res Audio or from SACD.
FLAC from Hi-Res is so much better than from CD.
I preferred my X-Fi
The Create USB one? It didn't say whether it can do 24bits 192kHz. I think it can only do 96kHz.
The PCIe Creative Sound Blaster Audigy FX can do 24bits 192kHz.
@superforever: X-Fi Xtreme Music, but its dead, so it doesn't make much difference now.
I now use the onboard sound on my motherboard, which is the MSI Z370i Gaming Pro Carbon AC. Which is supposed to support:
- 120dB SNR / 32-bit
- DSD Super Audio CD playback & recording (64x better than regular CD quality)
The motherboard audio sounds great to me, and I can't fit an audio card in anyway unless I use a USB one, which I have no interest in.
Thanks, may be the PCIe Creative Sound Blaster Audigy FX is good enough for me.
It can do 24bits, 192kHz and 106dB SNR.
My ASUS m/b onboard sound did say support 24bits 192kHz but it didn't sound as good as my Sound Blaster Audigy which can only do 92kHz.
FLAC from Hi-Res is so much better than from CD.
I think you meant “FLAC from Hi-Res is so much theoretically better than from CD.”
- DSD Super Audio CD playback & recording (64x better than regular CD quality)
64x higher sample rate you mean? Does not mean better
Have a look at Nyquist's Theorem, higher sample rates will likely not matter beyond maybe 96k, if at all..
But if it sounds good, that's all that matters… :)
FLAC file from Hi-Res Audio CD or SACD are completely difference from FLAC from normal CD that we bought from JB HiFi. They are 24bit/96kHz or 24bit/192kHz which normally CD is only 16bit/44kHz.
Also you can't find SACD or Hi-Res Audio CD from music store.
If you have good HiFi speaker, download some sample to try it. You cannnot go back to normal CD.
Actually my question is will it really better if I go from my current SB audigy 24/96 to SB FX 24/192? Can human ear really can feel the difference?
@clyde82: I just copied paste their text, I think MSI have overblown it a lot. I've personally not noticed better than CD Audio quality, I'm sure people can detect it, but I'm happy with CD.
Did you play it on headphone, HiFi Speaker or just PC speaker?
I feel a great difference between 24/96 and 16/44 on my HiFi output.
If you have HiFi receiver and good speaker try play Hi-Res Audio you will feel it completely difference.
I don't have those expensive Hi-Res audio portable music player and headphone which my friends use to play them with.
I would use an external USB DAC: https://addictedtoaudio.com.au/products/fiio-e10k-usb-dac-an…
Less interference outside case than inside.
The problem of USB DAC is very depends on the default Windows drivers which may not have 24/192.
@FabMan: There are pretty high specs on a lot of motherboards, including isolation in the design etc. The difference is going to come down to the analogue end really. I suppose you could argue for SNR, but a digital out should sort that if it can be noticed.
If you have good HiFi speaker, download some sample to try it. You cannnot go back to normal CD.
My first response is “nonsense!”
I won’t get into pissing contest, but I have a pretty damn good setup - not in Stereophile stratosphere, but more than enough to distinguish excellent and average - using both, speakers and headphones. I can’t hear any difference and neither anyone else (with better ears) in my household. Even with amazing hearing, your room will interfere with marginal improvements HD Audio mathematically provides (by shifting digital filtering into ultrasonic).
ABX test conducted on various audio enthusiast forums persistently prove, on average, people who claim cannot pick difference between recordings from same master.
However, if you can hear difference, more power to you.
Have you ever tried Hi-Res 24bit/96kHz FLAC music file? No way FLAC file from normal CD 16bit/44kHz can compare with it. Even though they are both lossless but the source recording is difference.
You have to try some high quality Hi-Res music file to tell the difference.
Very very big difference, I tested Carpenters Hi-Res flac and the same Carpenters I ripped from my CD to flac. That is why I can tell you Hi-Res is so much clear and better.
Hi-Res Audio CD > SACD > CD
I bought the Creative Sound Blaster Z (OEM) from Computer Alliance and I have been very happy with it - much better sound overall than my motherboard's onboard audio. The card is supposed to be gaming orientated but it works well for music as well IMO.
currently using an X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty, great card
Use a digital out to an amp and then it's DAC's become the deciding factor.
Will be on the look out for a 4K monitor
Will do. Are you actually associated with Computer Alliance btw?
@garage sale
Please take care not to use the associated button when you post, you are not one of our reps!
Hi Rep,
Your pricing for LG 27UK600-W is not really competitive. Kind enough to offer a fix? Cheers
I'm considering https://m.ebay.com.au/itm/28-Samsung-LU28E590DS-XY-4K-UHD-LE…
Reviews I can find seem good and the price looks good.
Anything better around for similar price?
The only thing is this is a TN panel, not IPS
Yeahhhhh baby
If they dont jack there will be deals!
Now what to buy?
dang .. ebay plus expired yesterday
I'm sorry but $1200 just doesn't cut it for something I picked up (lightly used, yes) from GraysOnline for $450 for a better model with an upgraded chip.
What you are picking up from GraysOnline is used. Also used is worse than manufacturer/factory refurbished with manufacturer warranty.
It was manufacturer refurbished with a manufacturer warranty. Maybe it's just me but I'd rather save $750, get a better chip (M7 vs m5) and double the storage.
Compare like for like, new vs new, not new vs refurbished.
Any stand out deals?
Hopefully I get a good ergonomic keyboard mouse combo
Damn..! eBay plus ran out and everything has a postage cost!
Second account?
This guy bargains
One day I hope they will list Nvidia shield tv on ebay!
Now it's a deal, re No Computer Alliance no deal