Just wondering if anyone here has their gas delivered from companies such as Supagas , Elgas etc?
The things that use gas in my house are the stove top, water unit and a gas heater.
My last bill was $160 per 2 months i believe, I just find the service charge too expensive.
Any thoughts guys? thanks in advance
Gas delivered vs Mains gas - which is cheaper?

My understanding is that LNG is pretty much always cheaper than bottled LPG that gets delivered to your house.
I know my grandparents use LPG and they've always said that it gets quite pricey, but there's no mains so they don't have an alternative other than to use LPG. They use Elgas I think.
It will cost you a fortune to switch from mains gas to LPG. All your appliances will need to be converted and you will need to have a place to put the gas bottles.
IF you don't remember to order a new gas bottle you will get caught out without gas.
Just fart into a gas bottle after every meal
That’s methane. No good for heating or cooking. And I don’t know about your butt hole, but mine won’t get up to the required pressure nor fit over the tank shut off tap…
$160 per 2 months would mean at least $120 of usage charges, this is actually quite high imo, no way bottles would be cheaper.
I once rented an apartment with gas hot plates but electric everything else, cost around $25 for supply and $4 for usage per month! Now that’s a situation where if I was the owner I would have considered bottles (or induction hot plates).
Get off bottled gas. It’s dear as poison. I was on Elgas and changed to Supagas because Elgas was too expensive, then Supagas price jacked 3 times in 6 months.
I only ran hot water from my gas bottles, no heating and no cooking and it was $160 per bottle, delivered. In summer it was 1 bottle every 5 weeks and in winter, 1 bottle every 3 weeks. I had no option to join mains gas, as it’s not in my area.
What I ended up doing was changing my hot water system out for an electric unit, as it is so much cheaper to run compared to the extortionate rates charged by the monopolistic gas companies who are no doubt in collusion with each other.
Bottled gas has always been the most expensive way to cook or heat, and still is. The cheapest running cost these days is all electric - heatpumps for heating and cooling the house, heat pump stored hot water, and induction cooktops. And that's not counting if you've got some solar panels to drive the cost down further. Of course that's only running costs - you've got to take into account the capital costs.
Mains gas used to be the cheapest, but its actually gone up much more than electricity has (mainly because the gas producers locked themselves into some really foolish long-term export contracts with China and Japan).
I used bottled gas with elgas
In winter to thru one bottle per month
In summer I can stretch it out to 2.5 to 3 months if luckyUsed for cooking and hot water only. Each tank cost about $100 then there's a yearly rental on the tanks which I can't remember how much ($40ish?)
No option for mains…
Gas bottles are cheaper if you use about 2 bottles per year. It's enough for cooking and a small amount of hot water.
If you have gas heating then mains gas just about always cheaper.
I would firstly switch to a cheaper supplier for your usage. You will pay more per MJ but a lower daily charge.