This was posted 6 years 7 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Amazon Prime] Middle Earth: Shadow of War for PS4 / Xbox One $20 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Link to Xbox One

Game is the same price as the EB Games deal, but with Amazon Prime you get free delivery.

Meets the minimum spend requirements for the $10 Amazon Credit from the Prime video/trial deal so if you still haven't used that you could grab this for $10 delivered.

6% cashback through Cashrewards

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +3

    Much better deal with 6% Cashrewards too ;)

    • +1

      Updated. Thanks!

    • +3

      You cartels always want everything.

      • +2

        Every bit counts ;)

  • +6

    Cancelled Eb's order and got this one with $10 credit. Thanks,OP.

    • +2

      Same take that EB for canceling my Wolfenstein order ;-)

  • Has Amazon AU extended the dates applicable to their Prime video/trial deal?

    "Prime members will get $10 in Amazon credit when they stream Prime Video for the first time between July 9 and 17 .. "

    • +2

      The promotion lasted until the 17th, but you can use the credit up until the 27th :)

      • ahh ok so it's too late for peeps just signing up for Prime

        • +1

          No! I forgot to sign up. $@)()@(*$@)($

        • @JuliusSeizure:

          I didn't sign for the prime member and wondering where is my $10 credit after finishing 2 seasons of man in high castle. LOL

  • +1

    Still have lots of games in my pile of shame. So tempted to get this for $10, but it will be added to that pile. $10 voucher ends on 27th. Trying to resist getting this !@#!@#

    • +1

      Same here. Finally decided to wait till last day and either get Horizon Zero or Bloodborne.

    • Same here! Although I'm hoping for a deal with Far Cry 5 to use my $10 credit on -_-

      • +1

        I am waiting to see the price on that one.. if it is low enough it could be very tempting but honestly I am prepared to wait for any game to come below $15 total at this point.

        Unless a brand spanking new awesome RTS comes out tomorrow or next week it's the waiting game and bundle deals for me.

        • $20 is my breaking point tbh, but I'd be willing to pay a little more for FC5 because I'd been looking forward to it since it's initial reveal & loved FC4.

        • @281982: loved far cry 4 but the multiplayer was a let down imho

  • +26

    The best bargains are the ones I don’t need to interact with people from the outside world.

    • It's 2018, Amazon welcomes Australia to the internet.

  • -2

    Hm. Not going to get this.. but now I need a 1c item to buy something else and qualify to use the voucher. Ideas?

  • +3

    Why never the PC version

  • why no PC …ree

    • +2

      It's on fitgirl

  • +4

    Amazon is better as they’re sealed. EB copies are shelf stock so they’re not technically new.

    • +1

      Can be a good thing. Got mine from EB and it had a gold edition code inside. Can only assume an employee put it in there with the other pre-order pages thinking it should've been in there.

    • +2

      EB Games have a 7 day return policy no questions asked and even if it's been played and returned multiple times, you can bet your sister that they will still sell it as "new".

      That reason alone is enough to not buy from ebgames.

      • Unless you use that policy. In which case it's every reason to shop there.

      • Why does it matter so much as long as the disc is not scratched?

        • +4

          Because I am paying good money, if I pay for "new" then I should be the first owner. Otherwise it's technically second hand right?

  • +2

    amazon, our new overlord! EB sucks, always cancelling orders and charging for shipping. Have never had a bad experience with amazon yet.

    • -3

      I had bad experience with Amazon. They sent the wrong item to me once (Amazon USA). Also, bought a brand new item which turned out to be defective. On both occasions, I had to post the item back and the postage rebate wasn't done quite right.

      Amazon AU is okay except if you are not a Prime member and you picked regular postage, it could take some time for them to post it. I bought an item on back-order. Once available, Amazon AU kept on delaying the postage. After 3 days (actually 5 days if you count Sat and Sun as well), I contacted customer support and the CSR upgraded it to priority shipment. Even with Prime, most items I purchased on Prime Day took 2 business days to get posted.

      Amazon AU managed to match / beat EB prices quite a number of times. This offer rely on Prime membership. I have mixed experience with EB, but for non-Prime member, and you can do pick up, EB deal is good (you can never be sure a game disc posted will arrive safely with a standard padded bag packaging). Let's not forget EB Game's bonus 1000 V-Bucks promotion. To be able to trade 2-3 years old games and actually make a profit is fantastic.

  • +5

    So it seems that Amazon will be taking on EB Games. I can live with that.

    • +1

      A new challenger appears.

    • +4

      Not just eb games but others like JB hifi, Target, Big W etc with all those electronic, home appliances, toys, clothing I can see the retailers have been in comfort zones for too long especially those cannot even manage online store stock properly should wake up now.

      • +3

        Looking forward to Amazon AU offering great deals for electronics and home appliances etc… So far, their bargain deals are mainly for games.

        This deal is great if you have the $10 credit, but EB have other deals this week. It's kinda funny, when this deal was posted last night (at a slightly higher price), some people were neg voting it.

        Let's not forget, if it weren't for EB, Amazon wouldn't drop the price.

        • Same goes for OW if other retailers don't drop their price it wouldn't price match. It's the same old strategy to kill other smaller players in the competition. Big players usually survive until the end. I won't mind helping the smaller players to help them survive the competition but their online stores are just awful and pain in the butt to 'bet' with not knowing if price errors, insufficient qty etc. too many variables to put me off.

        • @wtfnodeal: The root cause is actually "us" - OZBers. Popular ones get snatched by us very quickly.

          Realistically, most of us don't have any store / brand loyalty nowadays. Like I mentioned, people were neg voting the equivalent deal of this last night.

        • @netsurfer: Nah. For example some Prime Day hot deals compared with Myer hot deal on LEGO Taj Mahal, most people complaint Prime Day hot deals not quick enough to add to cart before they went OOS but Myer they did pay and later received cancellation email despite the stores had plenty of stocks. And damn Amazon even had wait list for your second chance to score one.
          We are the cause and opportunity for these less online capable stores to wake up to realise people are buying more and more online now.

    • +1

      TBH Amazon is doing fairly poorly on game prices, because:

      1) Most of the time they are simply pricematching.

      2) When they are cheaper, it's only by a little, with big differences only being through AMAZON20 or lightning deals (prime membership)

      Amazon, I'm looking at you: Don't be lame. Actually TRY.

      • so they pricematch or are cheaper or have lightning deals, how is that even lame?

        tldr: people are never happy.

        • You can't beat key and bundle sites unless it is person to person trading ala reddit.

          I only pop in now if I feel like holding onto something physical.

        • It's lame because if they had no competition, they wouldn't bother.

      • Fwiw I don't use Amazon at all or eb games unless they are $4 bargain bin decent games.. Isthereanydeal and g2a and is my go to for steam stuff and reddit subreddits steam game swap / indie game swap have even better deals sometimes.

        Keys only of course no physical but I got 2x$4 physical pc games recently from eb just for the Hell of it.. feels nice sometimes to hold onto something

        • Sigh. Having had electronic keys stolen from me (ebay sales - key was used then credit card charged back), I wish people would realise that using unauthorised resellers is supporting crime.

        • @justtoreply: Oh rubbish. Arbitrage as a concept is as old as the human race. Artificially segregating markets is exploitative and only the most vacuous and docile of consumers willingly submits to it.

        • @justtoreply: have had stuff stolen from me also.. What goes around comes around so it's basically a cycle or circle so it's up to you if you want to choose to be in that circle or not.

  • got one…thanks

  • I can see EBGames going out of business in the next 5 years.

    • +1

      They still have RRP on some new release games at ~$100…

      • Oh man that reminds me of one of my first ever actual own purchases. Call of duty modern warfare 1 and 2. Bought them both at full price even got one as a birthday present for a friend and cousin at the time.

        Crazy buys but oh so worth it at the time. Almost ten years gone and no longer buy games at $80 recommended retail price anymore but I can say that I have "experienced" it.

        Gotta try some things at least once I reckon.

        Gives the person some perspective.

        • These days, it's DLC that r*pes you in the butt.

          Like.. Zelda.. $30 for sweet stuff all. When the game costs only $60-$70. There's your $100 in total.

        • +2

          I believe I paid $120 for Earthworm Jim on the SNES at release, which with inflation I think would be near $200 now.

        • @justtoreply: yep the smart developers found another new loophole and in the process destroyed an old respectable tradition of delivering solid expansion packs.. now a game isn't full until you buy at least one extra DLC.

          It is very sneaky and conniving I must admit.

      • But a good price matching system.

      • Obviously to target parents and non tech savvy people

        • Everybody gets burnt at least once. That's their market.

    • They do have good deals, especially recently:

      • 1000 V-Bucks promotion (trade in a game worth $5 or more, get bonus $15 in XB or PSN voucher). Suppose to be one per person, but most staff doesn't check.
      • $10 for Wallenstein II
      • $20 for AC: Origin
      • This deal ($20 for Middle Earth: Shadow of War) - all 3 versions inc. PC one
      • More daily deals to come for this week

      Just because Amazon AU did a price match and some of us still have the $10 credit due to expire soon, all of the sudden EB is bad? Last night, people didn't know Amazon AU would price match and people weren't keen on buying from Amazon. Also, it looks like stock is not an issue for this game for EB stores (unlike Wolf II).

      The way we operate, brand / store means nothing. Any store offers the best deal, that store becomes our best friend for that day.

      • No idea why you got negged. People should be forced to reply before they can neg, there's a lot of idiots who can click a button but not justify their opinion.

      • Come on mate, EBGames charges RRP for everything, they offer a silly 7 day return policy so most of the "NEW" games you buy there have been touched by someone else…

        They have no heart, if you work there, they pressure you to sell stupid stuff like disc insurance and force stupid games upon unsuspecting parents..

  • mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tempting…

    • More like no brainier. At this price you could play it for a few months and then re-sell it for the same price.

  • I prefer this one when I'm still on Prime trial especially because the disc is sealed.

  • Better on a PS4 controller or Xbox controller? Or xbox controller plugged into PC. Too spoiled for choice..

    • -1

      Or: $10 still in the pocket and no need to worry about which version to get.

    • Check Digital Foundry's comparison on Youtube. They claim it has the biggest performance differential across platforms of any game they've tested. Partly on account of the PC and XB1X running 4k texture assets, which the others lack.

  • +1

    Nice buy. Got it for $10

  • -4

    The review is bad for this game.

    • Not the reviews I've seen

        • I finished this game. Absolutely sensational, loved it

        • +1

          All negative rating is around microtransactions. The game itself is an improvement over the prequel

        • A lot of the user reviews have zero scores and are from people just trying to make a point about microtransactions. It's a great game. You can totally ignore the microtransactions. They're not vital at all.

  • dammit, I want that $10 credit but I;m not getting anything? maybe I was late. :(

  • Is this game back to it's normal price? It showing like $37.79

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