This was posted 14 years 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dick Smith Pre-Orders for Nintendo 3DS with Bonus Game for $298, FIRST 200 ORDERS ONLY


From what I can see this deal started this morning on their website, but just on the gaming pages which is strange.

The 3DS comes in Aqua Blue and Cosmo Black. The 3 bonus games you get to choose from are Rayman 3D, Raving Rabids 3D, and Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars 3D. There also appears to be Free Delivery and they have the release date listed as the 31st March. I don't know how the first 200 works (it doesn't say) so I'm assuming if you want your choice of game/colour to get in really quick. Was black and Raving Rabids 3D for me!

This is my first post so don't flame me if I'm light on detail, not sure what I should be posting.

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +24

    Thanks, just placed my preorder (got black + ghost recon shadow wars). You can also use the coupon HIGH5 to get another 5% off. I figure you're not going to get much of a better deal than $283 for console + game delivered.

  • +2

    tempting… not a bad deal considering they will retail for $250 US in America.

    • but 3DS is region locked…

      • +1

        Can still buy games from Amazon UK if you buy a AU 3DS.

        • +1

          not entirely stupid, for example our blurays are locked to region B and so are those in the UK. Guess where it's cheaper to buy blurays from?

          Anyway a google search may have yielded results regarding 3DS region locking.

        • I'm pretty sure Bliind was pointing out the fact that we can get the 3DS here almost as cheap as in the US has nothing to do with it being region locked.

  • Very tempting !

  • black or aqua blue ???
    edit : blue it is ! with ghost recon !!

    THANKS OP !!

  • i just ordered a blue on with raving rabbids!

    fkn good deal in my books!

    • awww - i missed the coupon code :(

      still a good deal

  • +3

    Wow! awesome deal, just pre-ordered this for my boyfriend. Using staff discount and the code HIGH5 (thanks CarbonTwelve) I got it for $268.95. Yay!

    • ooh howd you get staff discount ?

      • +2

        I work at Woolworths :P

    • how did you put in the staff code as well as the promotional high5 code? i can't see anywhere where u can input the staff code…

      • You put it in as your 'Everyday Rewards' card number

        • -1

          Thanks.. does that mean you do not get the Qantas frequent flyer points?

    • haha, shrewd girl. very nice.

  • Did anyone just pre-order a few minutes ago? Dick Smith has rejected my order via paypal 5 times :(

    Yes I do have money in it lol.

    • I've just ordered. So ok here.

  • Managed to pre-order successfully paying via CC, and using HIGH5 as well (thanks Carbon!)

  • awesome deal, just in time for my lil brothers birthday too ! thanks ozbaragain

    • +1

      Hope your little bother isnt to little……fry his brain :-P

      • haha he's 8 :)

    • +1

      wish my bro would spend $286 on me!

  • Is it limited to one per customer? I just ordered one for myself and another for my brother. I hope the orders go through

  • Tempting, but I told myself I would wait for the lite version D=

  • What game is the best out of the 3? Ghost Recon looks kinda crap :(

  • i went for raving rabbids

  • +1

    Can always swap games with friends. The hardest decision was black or blue. I went with blue though.

  • What is Dick Smith's policy on cancellations? tried to find this info but no luck.

    • +1

      I ordered two, and cancelled one.
      The guy i spoke was really helpful and cancelled one of my orders no problems

    • They are great, I cancelled a pre order and they just refunded my $$ no hassel at all.

      I went Blue & Raving Rabbids :) Looked the best

      • out of interest, why did you cancel ?

        • I didnt cancel this, I canceled a black wii once

  • +1

    Ordered. Significantly below Nintendo RRP is a pretty good price.

  • How in the world has this not sold 200 units already??

    • +3

      it probably has. Whirlpool has been ordering too.

      • My credit card has been charged $283 so the price is locked in. DSE should lock the offer when 200 units are reached.

      • *exact comment as another user whoops

  • Just ordered black, with Ghost recon. It must be well past 200 orders now. Im starting to think this 200 limit is a ploy to get people buying…
    edit- cheers carbontwelve! got the discount with HIGH5 :)

  • Does anyone know how to put in the HIGH5 code AND the Staff discount code? Please explain…actually ignore this.. answer already provided above

  • Does dse charge ur account when u preorder or do they charge when they ship the item?

    • Ok nevermind. Just saw the above post. Getting cold feet now with the choice of game I selected. Should I hang to raving rabbids from ghost recon :P

  • looks like they've hit the limit.

  • Just bought one - got black with Raving Rabbids.

    Thanks for the post - seems like a good deal…. Especially with HIGH5

  • All gone I think!

    • I can still see the web page and add the item to a cart. Are you sure it's all gone?

  • No, it's not gone.

    The only one that has SOLD OUT is: NDS 3DS Cosmos Black Console + 3DS Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Shadow Wars

    The rest are still available if you're quick!!

    • Blue is now sold out with rayman and raving rabids too. Kinda funny that - people going for the black one are going for the more serious of the games, blue going for the more cartoony platformer games.

      I'm guessing it was 200 of each one, so 1200 total…

  • Shame, seems they've hit the limit.

    You guys got a great deal, I'll just have to wait for hopefully equally generous ones to prop up closer to release date.

  • wow… cheapest on the market

  • Yeah, just refreshed. All 6 combos are gone. Even had one of them in my basket going to payment too.

    • Bl :( But yeah, seems all gone. Mod should add sold out tag.

  • Massive positive for this post!
    I got black one with Rabbids
    Girlfriend the blue one with Rayman


  • I filled out the payment form and delivery and everything. Got to PayPal, filled it out. Clicked continue.
    It took me back to the Dick Smith page with a message saying "0 Items in your cart". No confirmation page or anything, and no confirmation email.

    They sold out AS I WAS BUYING IT :((

  • Apparently EB Games will be matching any deals posted so probably worth giving them a call.

    i read this over on WP

  • When you try to preorder you now get "This product has been discontinued online". Seems they are all sold out :(

  • wow good price too bad its sold out ;)

  • +1…

    not quite as good, but I guess you get the extra pack as well.

    • lol that pack is worth 10 bucks tops

      • Ha ha, it's $29.95 at Big W, but this deal was fantastic!

  • Good deal. I'm hoping Kmart will do something similar, as I've got a stash of gift vouchers from xmas, just waiting to be spent.

  • DAMN IT! I could've got a staff discount as well! ARGH! Hope it comes back soon or something!!!

  • EB Games will be most unpleased with my preorder cancellation.

    Thanks for posting, saved me quite a bit.

  • +2

    Hey guys, the deals are back up on Dick Smith.
    I think they realised how fast they'd sell, and did another run maybe?

    • +1

      yep that's correct


    • +9

      Sorry oz bargainers, we saw that people missed out as they went quicker than expected. Have been working this afternoon to make more available to all of you. Took alot of arm twisting but we got there in the end.

      Limit of 1 per customer, and the coupon code had to go, but at least there's more stock and we've kept delivery free.


      • +1

        we saw that people missed out as they went quicker than expected

        …the OzB effect

      • +3

        Thanks for allowing more Dick Smith! Just got a Cosmos Black one with Ghost Recon @ $283.10 …

        Thanks All! and HIGH5 to everyone here :)

  • How do you get it for $283.10?

    • Wow! awesome deal, just pre-ordered this for my boyfriend. Using staff discount and the code HIGH5 (thanks CarbonTwelve) I got it for $268.95. Yay!

      Thanks, just placed my preorder (got black + ghost recon shadow wars). You can also use the coupon HIGH5 to get another 5% off. I figure you’re not going to get much of a better deal than $283 for console + game delivered.

      not sure which is correct pricing but use HIGH5

      • they took the coupon code off didn't they? (see dse's post above)

        • yep, oh well, HIGH5 is gone, Under $300 is still a superb price

          and the coupon code had to go, but at least there’s more stock and we’ve kept delivery free.

        • you speak truth :) oh and btw, the other price was with a staff discount also on

    • Thanks guys I got it for $283.10

  • Thanks :) Ordered 1

  • +1

    Got it for $290 by using the HIGH5 code and buying a pack of $1 pens which added $6 shipping also (included in the $290)

      • +2

        Yeah ordered just 10 mins ago and tried using the code without anything else in the cart and it wouldnt work. Only worked when i added something else to the cart

        • +4

          Heh. In the true OzBargain spirit you've found a loophole and exploited it. Well done :-)

        • lol, a hack has been discovered! i'm sure dickie's techs are working overtime to fix it!

    • Also just got one for $283 with the HIGH5 code, paid via paypal, just then. Maybe the code still works?
      This is too sweet of a deal to miss, I just hope that this is not a second delayed batch.

  • +1

    Thanks!!!! Just got one for $283 with the HIGH5 code, paid via paypal.

    • LOL

      DickSmith rep said that coupon code was gone

    • lol, bet they gonna revoke the orders.

      • +2

        No, and I wouldn't say "working overtime", it just doesn't update until the next website publish runs. So lucky you! :)

        • No, and I wouldn’t say “working overtime”, it just doesn’t update until the next website publish runs. So lucky you! :)

          at least you are being transparent about it

          +1 to you

  • Just got one with the code. thanks

    • Here too, code still working.

      • Same just used it!

  • +1

    Woo! I thought I missed out on this deal.
    I went to the hands-on preview event in Sydney and the 3D is awesome!
    I just played Zelda the whole time.
    I didnt know which colour to get, but then I saw this deal back up I made a hasty decision and picked Aqua Blue.
    I hope it arrives on the 31/03 or atleast before that weekend.

    • +1

      Yep! Hell, Zelda was the ONLY thing I played for my sweet, sweet 10 minutes. Shame it was only Kokiri Forest :( But the guys working there were champs (at least the ones in Sydney were) and I had a great chat with the '3DS belt harness' guy.

  • Oh. My. God.

    I thought I lost out on this deal 7.5 hours ago, then I went to the 3DS fake 'launch' event for a few hours and came back and it's back on!

    Thank you Dick Smith! Extra brownie points heading your way.

  • -1

    Very tempting but I told myself to save money for iPad 2 :) And I would be too busy to play my xbox 360 kinect, iPad 2, and 3DS. I guess if I take a train or bus to work I would probably buy one. Anyway still a very very good deal. Thanks quanyeomans.

  • It's not working for me. I have been trying for well over an hour. Neither Credit Card or Paypal take me to the order confirmation tab on the Dick Smith website. I get e-mails sent to me saying i ordered it but when i actually log into paypal it says it was cancelled and i have not been charged. What is going on? I have screenshotted everything in case i get cheated out of one.

    • think they only had a limited amount … not sure how many though

      • I'm getting a transaction error. When i tried to order one on the site earlier on today and it was sold out, the link wouldn't work at all. Now they changed it to 500 and im getting a different error than before.

      • Seems to work for me about an hour ago. I used CC. Got the order confirmation tab and email.

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