With recent influx of Ps4 pro and xbox one owners, I am curious to see how many hours people are spending in the virtual worlds. How do you stop yourself from Binge gaming? How many games do you have in your backlog?
How Long Do You Spend on Computer Games?

Poll Options
- 9Daily about an hour
- 23Daily about 2-3 hours
- 304-5 hours a week.
- 2710+ hours a week.
- 10I finish a game quicky in few weeks and then don’t touch console for a while.
- 14I am a gaming addict.
Ive been playing World of Warcraft at least 2-3 hours a day for 14 years..
plus my PS4, Switch and XB1 games, mainly big AAA titles when released like God of War. Currently also playing Octopath traveller.Backlog too many to count.
Prime day added a few new ones to the collection which i will get to at some point.I used to do that with AOE 2 for 4 years. Man good golden days.
i sat down the other day to study at Uni, noticed one person playing this gem. Sat in silence observing them in awe of their dedication to be playing game older than them.
where's the zero option ?
I’ve never heard of your species.
dad? is that you?
4-5 hours would be accurate. 10+ in my Uni days. Ain't nobody got time for that anymore.
So, you come back from work at 7 and then game till midnight?
4-5 from a weekend session.
Ozbargain is my game
Very dangerous one, especially those In game purchases are a curse to the purse.
1-4 hours a month, about half a dozen games
Wheres the 10+ hours a day option?
Last option?
Back in my World of Warcraft days (University) I did around 500 days in game play over 4.5 years. These days its when I get spare time and the kids are in bed. Quitting was WoW surprisingly easier than I expected, I managed it cold turkey. Looking back I avoid games that reward time spent or require daily activity to progress. I play games like Dota2, every game everyone starts the same, no pay/time to win issues.
800 clocked hours on csgo… And still stuck in silver
Genrally 2hrs per night
Wow. People still play that game? I know it was very famous 15 years ago.
About a couple hours a week averaged out? Have dozens and dozens of games in my backlog.
Not nearly as much as I used to (there were periods of 2-3day stints in Morrowind in my uni days).
In order to limit my gaming I got married. Other options might be nagging on tape.
I once thought life is an RPG itself and i chose to marry when I had few other options. Let see how the game ends. ;)
I bought a ps4 in that amazon lightning deal a month ago with a bunch of games. Finished Uncharted 4 and Uncharted Lost legacy. Currently playing Arkham knight with Last of Us, The Division, AC unity & syndicate, Uncharted first 3 games left to play. oh.. COD WW11 and AC origins are on their way. I play for about 8 hours a week.
Man wish I am fast like you. It takes ages for me to beat a game. I tend to finish eah and every subtasks, collect items and stuff. If I hurry, i feel like I am wasting something.
I like how your options assume that if you play games whatsoever you're either a binge player or you never spend less than 4-5 hours per week on games :)
Once I start a game, I can’t get that out of my mind. It takes atleast 2-3 hours for my brain to get sick of it. I think you have more interesting stuff to do in your life. 😊
I spend on average an hour a day gaming the system.
You only work an hour a day? Wow.. I want iur job.
Not enough!
I spend at least an hour a day "researching" by playing indie games, and try to get 4 hours in practicing game development and doing tutorials.
Outcome of your research?
That I need to pay an artist and a muso.
Usually about 5-10 hours across the Saturday/Sunday.
is mobile gaming included in the poll?
Does you mobile have a proccessor?
Omg, you should've thought about your question atleast twice before posting it here.
😁 What I meant was. Of Course, every mobile phone and portable console have a processor, so it can be called a computer. so, yes you can include. ( I was trying to be smart with a question as reply and ended up looking dumb 🤨)
His answer was meant to be like "Is the Pope Catholic?"!
Rocket League 1-2 hours a night in between doing other things on the PC.
9pm to midnight almost every night with 3+ friends sounds about right
I think thts a time well spent.
Not too much these days, I'm lucky to finish two games a month. A far cry from my younger less productive days. Last game was Watch Dogs, currently on Lords of the Fallen, and Rayman Origins co-op with the other half.
Two games a month and you are complaining? 🧐
None. Or sometimes I pop into Twitch.tv for an hour to chat and watch a few small streamers play games.
Back in my early TAFE study days I played up to 4-5 of hours each day playing Minecraft in 2011 and TERA Online in 2012 to 2014. I quit playing due to doing the same repetitive dailies and my guildies quitting the game for Wildstar MMO.
In 2014 to 2016 for a few hours daily I play with small streamer Twitch friends and speedrunners who only play WiiU Mario Kart 8. I owned the Switch version for a week or two when it released, then I sold it for a loss with MK8 DX ($460) because of no firehopping strats and I already got spoiled for Zelda BoTW by watching someone else beat it.
Last year was the last time I played games was on my phone Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp whenever I had free time. I quit because it got repetitive.
Thanks for sharinig. How do you feel about those time you spent gaming? Do you regret?
Never understood twitch tv. Why watch someone play game when you could be playing them yourself?
Way too much. The realisation that I won't ever finish every AAA release title is enough to stop me from bingeing. Although I did try in my uni days.
These days, I appreciate quality over quantity much more.
Over 600 games on steam library alone. Touched probably 1/5th at most.
I spend a lot of time purchasing games on steam, but I wouldn't say I play computer games
Clash of Clans on my phone when procrastinating (so quite often).
I've found Clash of Clans is one of the easiest games to not touch for months (or go cold turkey) - I gave it a second chance but I haven't really gone back to it.
4-5 hrs a week. I mainly only play single player RPGs so that's easy to just play for a bit and stop whenever. Too busy with kids to have extended gaming sessions these days. I spent about 3 years just playing Witcher 3 this way. This is also good for the wallet, because by the time I finish one game, the games I want to play are already on sale. Don't really have a backlog as such.
Haven't played for a few weeks, busy with family and work.
But I'm a gaming addict.
I have a few 30 hour sessions under my belt. What can I say, I like gaming…
When I'm into it, I'll play 40 hours a week. Say 8pm to 3am 5 days a week, and sometimes an extra 12 hours each day on the weekend.
Comes in waves though…
Had bit of a gaming resurgence the past few years but only play on my phone. Current addictions are PBG, Darkness Rises, Risk & T2
Ever since growing up and becoming an adult I spend 0 hours per week on games
1-2 hours league of legends daily! Such a great community the game has. Gotta love ranked!
Depends - normally 8-10 hours a week, more when I've got nothing much to do, less when I've got stuff that needs doing.
I have no problem going cold turkey (short term) on most games and then picking it up again a while later (or sometimes I just never go back to them)
In my backlog? About 240 games