• expired

Belong Mobile $40 Starter Pack for $20 (Half Price) @ Coles


Hello it's on sale again at Coles, only the $40 pack ones down to $20 until Tuesday 24 July 2018.

I like the data bank feature and also data gifting.

Use my referral below or random, and we both credited with additional $20 towards the bill (hence, paid off your $20 initial outlay = FREE to start 30GB plan! more below for information.

Link to the catalogue -> https://www.coles.com.au/catalogues-and-specials/view-all-av…


  1. $40 will get you 15GB data, and depending on billing cycle, you will be credited with additional 15GB. Initial billing dates are every 8 days (4th, 12th, 20th, 28th July 2018 …) , and time between activation and the next available billing date is "free". Hence, if you buy and activate today (18th July), in two days you will get additional 15GB, total 30GB. *** Do not activate right on those days (4th, 12th, 20th, 28th) as you won't get additional 15GB.

  2. You can move to cheaper plan afterwards, giving you 30GB for life, then just pay $10 per month for 1GB plan (30GB is one off).

  3. You can refer friend up to 10 times, or up to $200 credit toward your account.

  4. If you game enough, $60 will give you 75GB of data .. refer to the post below


Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (297)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (31)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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closed Comments

  • How is Belong mobile so generous… pricewise + data banking and gifting.

    • I think they are trying to get as many as customer base .. lost leader marketing..

      • I was under the impression they had a new infrastructure where they're pulling all their bandwidth from their unlimited broadband plans.

        Otherwise this is just too much.
        Half price sim, double data first month, telstra network, referel bonus too.

    • +1

      "They" is Telstra.
      Think of it as alternative branding rather than a different company.

  • You can move to cheaper plan afterwards

    after initial activation or first bill?

    • There are few options to suit your requirement:

      1. You can use this $40 for 1GB/$10 .. and that gives you 4 months of usage at 1GB per month (plus $20 referral credit, which extend to 6 months of usage)
      2. You can activate the 15GB plan, then switched to cheaper plan before the next billing cycle

      Option two gives you better data allowance (30GB) but if you don't care about the data but more the longevity of the mobile plan, then go for option 1 (but Amaysim groupon $9.90 for 6 renewal is better IMHO).

      • cheers. how many months of use for option two?

        • If you use the referral code above, it will give you $20 credit, so good another 2 months @ $10 per month, total 3 months with the starter kit.

        • @elcheapo: It says above "Referee will receive $20 off 1st payment.". If I signup for the $10 plan with my $40 card, the first payment will only be $10 which will then in reality be $0 due to the credit? Does that mean I still have another $10 referee credit remaining after the first payment?

  • Any expiry dates on these starter kits? Want to stay with Telstra till next month since Im going overseas and belong doesn't offer roaming.

    • +1

      12 months from purchase. Kit has no value until loaded at checkout.

  • And, there is lebara for 5 dollars, 2GB.

  • @elcheapo - I'm trying to look for this information in the Belong's CIS but couldn't find it…

    ——-Initial billing dates are every 8 days (4th,12th,20th,28th July 2018 …)——-

    How do you know of this? Let me know? Thanks! :)

    • Its common knowledge….

      Someone asked the CSR and related it to us.

    • +1

      Not officially from their CIS but from Whirlpool Wiki:

      • Thanks mate! Cheers!!!

      • Did they get the info from ozbargain or from whirlpool forums?

  • $80 simcards purchased off gummies.
    I nabbed a few good deals.
    (Better than 50% off rrp)

  • I'm not quite grasping how we can get "30GB for life" with this if we switch plans after the next month, can someone help me please?

    So, let's say I buy and activate today on the $40/month plan. 15GB on activation and another 15GB bonus next "bill cycle" which is 2 days from now. so on the 20th I have 30GB.
    Now, when its mid-August and time for renewal again, I choose the $10/month plan which only gives me 1GB per month, wouldn't it "replace" the 15GB/month I would get (without bonus) on the $40/month plan?

    Are you saying that I can get on a higher rate plan (in this case $40/month) and then switch to a lower plan ($10/month) and STILL receive the data allowance a $40 plan would give me??? And if so, do I also get to keep other features of the $40 plan such as international call and text being included, if I switch over to the $10/month plan from my next renewal?

    Also am I going to keep getting that bonus 15GB data on the 20th of every month forever?

    • +2

      It's not 30GB recurring per month afterwards, what OP means is there is no time limit to use that 30GB obtained because of data banking.

      • Yup great, I was thinking that wanted to make sure


  • +9

    $60 gives you 75GB data no expiry :)

    1. buy 3 x $40 Belong for 3 x $20 = $60
    2. Use amy referral code to activate SIM #1
    3. SIM 1 has $60 credit
    4. Put SIM 1 on $40 plan, 15GB in data bank, $20 credit left
    5. Use referral code of SIM #1 to activate SIM #2
      SIM #1 has $40 credit, SIM 2 has $60 credit
    6. Put SIM 2 on $40 plan, 15 GB in data bank, $20 credit left
    7. Use referral code of SIM #2 to activate SIM #3
      SIM #1 has $40 credit, SIM 2 has $40 credit
    8. Put SIM 3 on $40 plan, 15GB in data bank, $20 credit left
    9. second month, SIM 1 has another 15GB, SIM 2 has another 15GB
    10. SIM 2 gift 30GB to SIM 1, SIM 3 gift 15GB to SIM 1
      Now SIM 1 has 75GB in data bank
    11. disconnect SIM 2
    • That's oz bargain way 👍👍👍

      • Plus.. use 5% off Coles gift cards to buy those 50% off Belong sim cards :)

        • Sigh there goes my free internet.

    • +3

      And make sure not to activate on 4th,12th,20th,28th day of the month to get additional 15GB per SIM.
      75GB + 15GB x 3 = 75GB + 45GB = 120GB for $60 :)

      • Good point.. I will add it to my post :)

      • Nevermind just figured out.

      • +3

        You can then also put SIM 2 and 3 on $10 plan and get another 4GB (1GB per month per SIM) making it a total 124GB. Remember that here on Ozbargain we squeeze out as much as humanly possible.

    • Do you disconnect sim 3 after all this?

      • SIM2 and SIM3 as well .. gift all their remaining data to SIM1, unless if you want to keep two numbers .. ie.. for your partner..

        • Do you know whether the 2nd SIM can be registered in the same name as the 1st.

    • Ozbargaining at its finest.

    • +1

      Good strategy.
      No expiry but would still need a minimum of $10 per month to keep the data right?

  • Do sim cards count towards the flybuys spend required for 'spend $xx at coles and get xxxx points'?

    • +1

      From memory, any gift card, phone recharges, and mobile phone kits/sims are not included.

    • +2

      YES. I get the spend $60 over 4 weeks for 10000 bonus points and often get Amaysim recharge vouchers and once got the Belong half price SIM and have always gotten the points.

      • Wow thanks for letting us know. Will definitely try it myself next time. I am hoping gift cards work as well.

  • Been a day since activation process started and still not activated. After reading the amount of bad bad reivews for belong im really regretting buying 3*sims as suggested by this comment section. Now im just hoping i ONLY lose my $60 and not get billed for next month.

    This is NOT a bargain even at 50% off.

    • ?
      I remember porting and activation only took 30mins.

    • If porting is delayed it's usually because your existing provider is dragging it out, not because of anything your new provider is doing wrong. My port from Aldi took about about 30 minutes.

  • Thanks, got another sim for data gifting.
    Btw, the $10 sims were also half price.

  • Thanks OP.
    Already with Belong but this deal allows me to pay $10/month for 17gb/month, Telstra network.
    1) Buy $20 sim from coles.
    2) Activate using my own referral code gain $20 on regular sim and throw-away aim.
    3) gift 15gb data before and 15gb after the 28th to myself. Use $20 from referral code on the throw away sim to "top up" twice, extra 4gb to gift. Cancel payment service and throw away sim.
    4) use $20 referral money on regular sim to pay for $10/month for 2 months.
    5) repeat cycle up to 10 times at which point referral code max out (as long as Belong keeps up all their t&c. I doubt they will for, but I gambled and bought 3x sims which now hopefully covers me for 6 months)

  • +1

    Cheers OP,
    Just connected on random referral code.

  • +1

    Signed up using random code. Daniel (whoever you are) should have $20 too. thanks.

  • +1

    Belong starter packs half price at JB HiFi.

  • Question, I bought a half price $40 card at post office. When I activate can I still use a referral code? From the wording it seems like I had to order a sim online with a referral code to get the credit?

    • +3

      As part of activation process, right before you confirm, there is a promo code text box where you can enter the referral code.

      • The promo code seems no longer working, I always get "sorry, this promo code isn't valid", does one have same issue?

        • +2

          Did you get a random code off of Ozbargain? Perhaps the owner of the code has left Belong and that account is no longer recognised?

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