This was posted 6 years 7 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Amazon Prime] God of War PS4 $39.99 @ Amazon AU

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Pretty cheap copy of a recent release. grab it while you can. 29% claimed at time of posting.
Don't forget cashrewards 7.5% off, thanks TA

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • -3

    Great game. Quite disappointed with the ending though.

    • +1

      That's because they're making like 3 more

    • -1

      Thanks for the spoiler. Now I expect a bad ending when I play this game

      • I liked the ending. Sorry for the spoiler that you'll have an enjoyable ending.

  • +1

    Beat me by a few seconds I think :D Good deal though!

    • +1

      Yeah it was literally seconds ;-)

    • +1

      Maybe you can do the honours for Assassins Creed Origins (PS4) which goes live at 7:30am.

      • It's $39 now, how much will it be then?

  • More. haha. Not sure, but we'll know soon enough. I'm holding out for the Xbox version later today and then Black Panther on 4K.

    Edit.This was meant to be a reply. Oops

  • Where are your seeing the deals from?


      You can then sort by type on the left hand side. For example, I sorted by movies and video games and can then see exactly what will be on offer and what time. You can also see "Upcoming, Active or Missed," events.

      • Strange, my page is empty. Maybe it's a browser issue, thanks though

  • Awesome, been waiting for a good price on this.
    52% claimed and selling quickly!

  • -1

    im just waiting for detroit become human

  • +1

    If you've got a PS4 and don't own this yet, do yourself a favour and either buy it or get rid of your PS4. If you don't get God of War at this price then your PS4 deserves a better owner.

    • Not sure why you got negged. Upvoting, One of the best I've ever played!

      • +1

        Maybe because he come across as obnoxious? PS4 has tons of great games not just this.

    • +1

      I've got a backlog of about 10 games to play. I can wait another year for this to go to $20.

      • -3

        A game like this should get put at the front of your backlog. The deal expired and my comment was breaking even. Let's see how much salt it attracts now.

        • +2

          Why? It'll still be there in a year to play.

        • @leethompson: Because it probably won't look as good as the current games out at that time. It's the same as seeing a movie in the cinemas as opposed to waiting for the blu-ray. Sure you might get it in a buy 2 get 1 free 20% off JB deal adding a 5% off stack coupon and using 7.5% off gift cards through your corporate rewards, but it won't have that cinematic effect in your lounge room, and the visual effects will begin to age. Infinity War will look pretty ordinary in 5 years.

        • +2

          I'm mid way through Horizon Zero Dawn at the moment and I think it's amazing.

        • @leethompson: Finish that but don't jump straight in to the Frozen Wilds. I actually haven't gotten back to that expansion yet.

          God of War looks better than HZD.

        • @Putnum: game is not all about looks, I still think Persona 4 is better than GOW, just because you like it alot doesn't mean everybody else has to like it as well.

        • @oranglama: Let it go troll

  • -3

    Didn't like the game. It deserves to be in the clearance bin.

    • Perfectly fine not to like the game, nothing is liked by everyone universally.

      It is, however, one of the best games of 2018 so far, very highly rated and reviewed globally so doubt will be in the clearance pile anytime soon.

      Also looks visually stunning on 4K with HDR.

  • A solid price for one of the best games Ive played this generation. Go and get it.

  • Thanks OP! Pro yesterday, GoW today!

  • They finally got me.

  • Had one in the cart but I'm happy to wait longer for a digital copy to drop in price. I just couldn't buy a disc version of a game for some reason.

  • +1

    Damn, missed out. I got the PS4 pro deal yesterday and was planning to get this game asap. :(

    • Same. Bummer.

    • Join waitlist and keep refreshing. I just got it!

  • Missed it. Damn! Edit: Joined waitlist and kept refreshing and was able to grab it, even though 100% claimed. Awesome. This game is one of the reasons I bought a PS4 yesterday.

    • +2

      Play it in 2K not 4K is my advice.
      The game suffers a little bit at 4K.
      They have released a couple patches but it still hasn't addressed the issues.
      The game still looks stunning at 2K

      • +2

        Yeah, I saw some videos re: performance. My TV is only 1080p anyway, so all good.

  • Thanks got one from waiting list too!

    • how long were you on the wait list for? I've just put myself on. Also, how are you notified? I'm not using the app

      • I am using both the web and app and cannot find notification preferences anywhere.

        • +1

          Just found this:
          Note: If you're using the Amazon App, similar notifications are not available just yet. Please log-on to using a web browser on your personal computer or tablet device to make sure you don't miss the waitlist alert.

        • @AdrianR: I literally just saw this on the help page. Lol, cheers.

  • Ah damn, deal was posted while i was driving to work. Had set an alert on this one too. Those who got it from the waiting list - how long ago did you jump on the waiting list? Am sitting here constantly refreshing…

    • Got mine from waiting list about 50 minutes ago, I guess. Only took about 2 minutes of refreshing for me.

      • Ah ok, I think I probably jumped on the waiting list a few minutes after you got yours. Guess I might be a bit late… Cheers

    • Been refreshing the page for about 20min, nothing so far.

      • I've been at it for ~45 and still nothing. Going to keep at it but not looking great…

        • Been refreshing for about an hour now while on the waitlist, I agree not looking good :( I picked up Assassins Creed and COD WW2 for $40 while Ive been waiting. However this is the game I really wanted. Should have slept in rather than go to the gym this morning arg!

  • dam. it….driving to work missed it…

    • +1

      Next time don't drive to work!

  • Missed out !!! >,<

  • Didn't know this was on the list of prime deals… damn

  • Another impulse buy. :(

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