This was posted 6 years 7 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Amazon Prime] Xbox One S 1TB Minecraft Limited Edition Console Bundle $199 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Update This deal will return @ 6:00PM AEST (17 July) and ends 11:45PM AEST

Back again for another blistering lightning deal, not as cheap as the $179 deal with AMAZON20, but still a killer deal!

Get in quick as I'm not sure how many are available.


Get a full-game download of Minecraft, plus the Redstone Pack
Includes a custom designed grass block console, premium system sounds and a vertical stand
An exclusive transparent underside features Redstone circuit accents and other special surprises
Build, dig, and craft in style with the included limited edition green Minecraft Creeper controller
Instant access to over 100 great games with 1 month of Xbox Game Pass included
Play Minecraft with people across Windows 10, iOS, Android, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and VR.
Experience richer, more luminous colors in games and video with High Dynamic Range technology
Stream video and watch UHD Blu-ray™ movies in stunning 4K Ultra HD

As always, enjoy!

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.
This is part of Amazon Prime Day sale for 2018

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closed Comments

  • Seems like it'll be available again in the next hour. Anyone that missed out get another go at it.

    • Thanks for the heads up!

      • +3

        This deal will be highlighted at 5:59PM till (edit) 6:20PM. Hopefully it's the same price at $199.

        Edit — deal is now active.

  • +25

    LOL! 4 posts at once :)

    • +1

      WP you had faster fingers doweyy :)

    • +1

      doweyy wins every time! 😄

    • +1

      haha.. I was about to post the same deal! and then I got notified that it was a duplicate, literally 2 seconds past 3pm !!

    • +5
      • They were literally all at exactly 3pm.

  • is it a competition to post these deals or something?

    • Just makes your Profile deals tab look nice, and you also get special achievements :)

    • Well it is when you know it's going to net 200+ upvotes haha

  • bloody hell all those posts lmao

  • Cheaper than before when you use $10 streaming credit and CR

    • not if you had the new customer $20 code

      • +3

        $174.075 vs $179. Can't use CR and Amazon20 together.

        • +1

          There was also the NAB 10% cashback going on previously… so with new customer $20 discount and NAB 10% off, it came down to $162-ish (for those with a NAB card obvs).

  • Does anyone know if they will have a deal for a standalone xbox controller?

    • Unlikely, and even if there is such deal, it won't be priced like this.

  • +1

    As good a deal as the PS4 Pro one? U know comparatively.

    • Awesome deal for the Xbox One S

    • Depends on what you prefer. Sony exclusive games or a cost effective console to play games cheaply with GamePass.
      The included UHD bluray player is nice, but unless you have a lot of them (or willing to buy a few of them, it might not be that big of a deal).

  • +2

    Finally pulled the trigger. Now waiting for good deals for games/controllers :)

    • Don't forget to buy Xbox game pass and EA access

      • +1

        Best place to buys these from ?

      • -1

        and a PS4 to get a good gaming experiance

  • +3

    The only things I can't change for this Xbox is the on and off noises that are Minecraft themed. Everything else can be changed.
    $20 for a skin + button change on Xbox (A/B/X/Y, didn't worry about joysticks) and it's not a kids console anymore.

    Oh and also something interesting, the redstone (on the base) lights up when the sun hits it. Cute touch.

    • +2

      lol its weird i never played minecraft but i love the colours and theme

  • Another chance for those who missed out last time.

  • Anyone have issues with 5G connections on this Xbox? Mine plays up, but my original X1 didn't skip a beat.

    • +1

      You mean 5Ghz WiFi.

      • 5-Ghz Wifi, yep.

        • Was there any firmware update for it?. Might have been worth a shot trying that if there is in case it fixes up the 5Ghz WiFi connection. You never know if it's a firmware bug or the WiFi chip just doesn't like your router.

        • @hollykryten: Nope. If anything, the latest firmware now doesn't find the 5Ghz network at times. Plug the other X1 in, since haven't sold it yet, and it's fine. So not sure what's going on with it.

        • @RocketSwitch:

          Ahhh it's probably a case of the WiFi chip has an bug issue with your particular WiFi router. There's nothing you could do about that.

          Oh and also the X1 would have a newer chipset and so a newer WiFi chip.

        • @hollykryten: One that works is the Xbox One original, the one that plays up is the Xbox One S.

        • @RocketSwitch:

          Xbox One S has an updated newer chipset than the original so it's likely that it has a different WiFi chip on it. You know it has to have a newer chipset since it supports 4K video whereas the old original does not.

          You're probably better off since it has 5Ghz WiFi issues to run the Xbox One S in 2.4Ghz WiFi if it works or run wired Ethernet.

        • @hollykryten: my ones fine (using 5ghz)

        • @Danstar:

          Well yeah as i said it's probably a compatibility bug between the particular Wifi router being used and the Xbox One S.

  • +2

    Hmm, is this worth it for 4K Blu-rays & FH3?

    Any other value attached to this thing? Someone convince me!

    • It can do plex too.

      Best budget Blu-ray player you can buy. Even if you don't play games, it can still make a non-smart TV smarter.

      Mouse and keyboard support to 'come soon'.

      • Can't agree more!

      • i.e. it's becoming a PC.


      • I bought it and don't play games. I don't even use the controller (however I use the xbox controller for Steam Link). I bought the media remote and use this exclusively for media (blu-ray/Plex/netflix/stan)

        • And Kodi

      • This is why I brought my last one, though I prefer ROKU devices for their ease of use.

    • FH3 is amazing, so yes.

      Other value is the $10/month game pass - Halo, Gears, Fallout, Tomb Raider - best value for games IMO.

      • -1

        You can buy most of those games for $10 on buyswapsell so if your like me and don’t enjoy renting games I’d argue that would be better value

    • 4K Blu-rays - it is still one of the cheapest players around. However, I've only got 2 UHD blu-rays so far. They are just too expensive to me.

      FH3 - you can see a difference on XB1X now the XB1X enhanced patch is out. I found the difference generally minor (except the text which is obvious - and you can see the 4K texture advantage I guess). It still plays well on XB1S. I played FH3 mostly on my XB1S because by the time XB1X patch was released, I already spent a lot of hours on FH3.

      • I already own FH3 on PC but it ran like ass, and I have a PS4 Pro already with my 4K TV so I'm almost only buying it for the 4K Blu-ray capability…

        • From memory, I think the game runs 1080@30fps on XB1/XB1S. Surprised FH3 didn't run well on your PC.
          XB1S basically has a RX450/RX550 GPU - not that exciting in today's standard. UHD blu-ray player works well except (1) you'll probably prefer to use a remote (i.e. Logitech Harmony or the XB1 remote) with XB1S instead of using the controller and (2) I found it hard to pay the extra $$$ to buy many UHD blu-ray discs.

        • +1

          @netsurfer: FH3 ran like ass when it first released on PC, but from what I understand it was patched to run better.

    • +1

      All Microsoft exclusives (Forza Horizon 4) coming to game pass on launch day! you could just sub for 1 month and play it unlimited then cancel.

    • I end up ripping my limited number of blurays on my main PC, and then play them back via Kodi on my Android box. The poor old HTPC was to get a drive, but sits there dark and cold these days - tho it rund MO TV server if I ever want to share FTA TV to the house/ even then I am better off prerecording on my main server so I can ad skip - can't remember how many years it has been since watching or recording any commercial FTA TV though. I find most doco watching comes from youtube now the ABC has given up broadcasting any.

  • I've been saying that if the Xbox 1 dropped below $200 with a good game I'd jump. But now that it has, I still can't see myself playing it much overall given the lack of exclusives(already have a PS4)

    • +2

      Yes but there's a HUGE selection of backwards compatible Xbox 360 and even some original xbox games! There's a massive library to choose from :)

      • -1

        Yeah but its Xbox. None of its exclusives or advantages count.

    • Xbox has loads of good games, and you can get them most of them with game pass pretty much.

  • LOL this deal is back yet again

  • Snagged. Thanks!

  • +3

    Cashrewards 7.5% off too…. not too bad really!

    • Why do I always forget Cash Rewards?!

      • Install the Chrome extension!

        • +12

          I have. But I bought this using my phone while sitting on the toilet.

        • @Pollywaffle: What a sh1t show

  • Hmmmmm hanging for an “x”. Come on Amazon!! My credit card is open!!!

    • Why? I don't see any pending deals with X, nah? And, Why X? Why not the Ps4 Pro? There is already a massive sale with that.

      • Got ps4 (orig) want red dead redemption 2 in 4K for October. Plus I have a few uhd 4K discs.
        ….and by the time I could sort out an EB trade on my ps4 to upg to the pro - the deal was done. Ehhhh families. Grrrr.

    • Don't think the X will be $379 in the near future.

      • Oh I knew that. But if it was cheaper then $649.

  • +5

    Got one. Been waiting for this since the $179 deal. I had the time to get one last time but didn’t need it. Realised after the fact my 3 nieces fkn LOVE Minecraft on their iPads and this would make me the best uncle ever. Not missing that chance again hahaha

    • +1

      They will love it! comes with a minecraft themed controller too haha not to mention cool minecraft boot sounds when you turn it on

  • I knew about the controller but not the boot sounds, that’s awesome

    Unfortunately it’s single player of course so they will have to learn to share. Upside is I don’t need to buy a second controller ha!

    I’ve had it on pc since it went beta. Maybe I’ll try some cross play via the win10 version (assuming they have internet)

    • +3

      Minecraft has split screen on XB1.

      • Yep, we've had 4 people playing at once. Make sure you have a big screen though :)

        • Received yet?

        • @TarquinOliverNimrod:

          Yeah, finally got it after a couple of chats thanks. There was some stuff up on their end saying my payment details weren't correct - even though they were.

          For my first purchase at Amazon it was not a fun experience!

  • Oh man, really? They’d probably need 4K to have it look good? That’s what I’ll tell myself. starts looking for a deal on the pig controller

    • +1

      some cheap PDP wired controllers are around

    • +1

      Nah looks decent enough. Being split screen though, bigger the telly the better. But then kids aren't as fussy as adults.

  • +1

    I got an X but am contemplating rebuying an S for media duties, but I just can't stomach this colour in a living room even though it looks OK.

    • I just had mine delivered today. Can't believe someone selected this colors. (I know its probably the Minecraft design but still.) Looks ugly to me.

      • Are you going to cover it up? Kid's present, maybe?

        • Nah, will just tuck it inside the TV stand/console so that only the front is visible.

  • +2

    I opened mine up recently. It comes with the stand which is awesome. I actually liked the minecraft design.

    I mainly use it for the 4K UHD player

  • I hope they have a max of 1 or 2 per customer on these deals! I would hate to see a bunch of resellers just buying up.

    • +1

      Yep there's a limit of 1 per account :) But I guess nothing stops having more than one account..

  • Still not wanting a fugly Minecraft version :( Give me a white please!

    • Seriously?? Get a skin and replacement buttons. Cost me $20.
      $219 for a 1TB Xbox that's not Minecrafty seems a great deal for me - you can even use your $10 credit from Prime Video

      • -4

        What's the point in getting a cheap xbox if I'm going to slice it up lol?

        I'd rather just get a second hand one in the style I like.

        • Lol "slice it up"? You are adding an additional layer takes literally 1 minute. The replacement buttons are a bit more work but just get a new controller if it's bothering you.

          You would rather get a second hand one than a new one? Wow.

        • -4

          @pennypincher98: Yes. I don't put stickers on my laptop either.

          Your solution to me wanting a bargain on something I want is to spend money and "hack it together".


        • @StoneSin: well don't complain if you don't want the console. I'm not forcing you to buy it.
          My solution is to either a) get a white skin and apply it or b) get over yourself and pay more if you don't want to do it.

          Btw you won't find a "bargain" buying a used console off Scumtree or feeBay for more.

        • -3

          @pennypincher98: No one's complaining except you buddy.

          There's no need to get upset.

        • +1

          @StoneSin: actually

          Still not wanting a fugly Minecraft version :( Give me a white one please!

          Is complaining.
          I couldn't actually care less about whether or not you purchase or how much you spend. You're the one whose got their nose out of joint.

          No-one is just going to hand you what you want for the price you want it when you want it.

        • -2

          @pennypincher98: Nope. That's wanting.

          I couldn't actually care less about whether or not you purchase or how much you spend.

          You seem to comment quite a lot for someone who doesn't.

  • +1

    Grabbed one for RDR2, and for Dobly Atmos / Dolby Vision / Kodi etc:…

  • -5

    ew minecraft ew xbox console

  • +1

    Deal on a second wireless controller?

    • +2

      I just bought another one for the controller XD

  • FIFA 18 is $9.99 and Star Wars Battlefront II is $24.99. They seem like pretty good deals too.

  • Missed out because of work. Is a restock likely for this kind of thing?

    • Deal is still live? Only 30% claimed?

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