I've been told i'll have a large upcomming spend within my strata unit due to a number of issues.. over the course of about 6 months we'll be up for a very large sizable cost. I've known for a while and have saved up for it so it's not an issue of credit but how can I get something out of it..
I can pay my strata fee's via a card provided that passes on a surgcharge etc, and no problem with that at like 1.5-2% overall..
My thoughts are to apply for as many reward cards as possible, hit the min spends for them all, take the bonus points and then cancel them after 6-9 months as to avoid the next annual fee.
My questions mostly are:
- Can I get blocked by Qantas or Virgin for doing a points grab like this?
- what risks are there? (non-financial as i'd pay them off almost straight away)
- will it work?
- any other tips?
Too many applications in a short period of time will have you flagged as higher risk and may reduce your chance on getting approved on your next credit card. Space them out by at least a few months or half a year.