This was posted 6 years 8 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Shipster Now $1 a Month or $10 a Year (Free Delivery Over $25 at Selected Stores) @ Australia Post


I was checking up on my Shipster subscription and noticed on the main page "Pay nothing for 1 month then as little as $10 a year".

Following the 1 month trial offer, you will be automatically charged $1 per month or $10 per annum (as selected) until you cancel your Shipster subscription. All payments will be deducted from your PayPal account. The monthly or annual fee (as applicable) is deducted from your PayPal account. 1 month free subscription of Shipster and reduced subscription fees are not available concurrently with any existing offer for free or reduced subscription to Shipster. Offer available to PayPal customers only. By agreeing to the offer, you also agree to the Shipster terms and conditions which can be viewed at


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closed Comments

  • +7

    This would be good for those who didn't already get the free 12 month Shipster subscription through Cotton On.

    • Yeah, I signed up through Birdsnest though interestingly my AusPost account shows no active subscriptions.

      Wondering if it's the same foe anyone else?

      • +2

        Mine also shows nothing (even tho I signed up for the 12 month Cotton On thing and got the email from Shipster confirming I got it

        • +9

          I asked Aust Post about this and they noted that any Shipster subscriptions from third party places like Cotton On etc wont show in your Aust Post Shipster account. Strange as how does one know when it expires.

        • @Borg: Thanks for checking that out.
          Was getting a bit worried there!

        • @Borg:

          I suppose that the only way you'll know is one day in the future you'll go to order some thing online and it will suddenly be wanting to charge for shipping.

        • I signed up too and received the email. Turns out it works, coz I ordered from target and got free delivery with Shipster.

        • @Borg: Well, it's not like they want you finding out when to cancel it. :D

      • Shows no active subscription either. But i still get the free Shipster. Well at least it just worked for me through Shaver Shop online.

      • Same here

  • +6

    I wonder how long Shipster service will last. Clearly at this price the # of retailers won’t increase.

    Good price though!

    • +9


    • Not very long……it's tanking hard.

      • Not surprising. The stores its allied with remain the primary problem! They need to align with stores that are selling things cheap, not more expensive than their competition!

        It's not rocket science.

        • Plus most of the partner stores I use have free shipping on orders over $50 anyway. Shipster drops that to $25, which is nice, but not worth paying too much for.

          I’m not sure if the Prime model is viable in Australia. When I was in the US, I’d regularly order items worth a couple of dollars and get free shipping. With the costs of postage and labour for packing here, I can’t see that “no minimum” policy bring viable for most stores.

        • @marlor: I found postage within the US is actually more expensive for the retailers than here! AusPost is much cheaper than USPS.

        • +1


          Most Amazon deliveries were through their own courier network (i.e. shady looking guys in beat-up old vans).

    • +1

      Not for long according to those working there, it's barely clinging on.

    • Retailers dont pay for shipster and they actually save money if a user is on shipster as they dont pay for shipping.

      Well at least that is how they tried to sell it to me. However it costs money to implement and I think a lot of places don't see it as worthwhile even if it cuts the shipping cost for the retailers as it seems like the service is going to die and most places offer free shipping to the users over an amount anyway.

  • for life ?

  • +8

    I got the Cotton On 12 month subscription, but I would've been more than happy to pay $10/yr!

  • +9

    Hopefully, Ebay or Amazon or Catch is talking to Auspost about combining efforts. I obviously can't justify multiple free shipping plans, but if a few of these combined it would be much more valuable.

    • +3

      It's okay if they're priced right - at $10/year I could justify shipster on top of prime (once my cotton on expires).

    • doubt it will last a year tbh. prime and ebay plus are already playing havok..

    • -4

      Shipter probably want this to happen (to be bought out by Amazon $$$). More than likely they'll just get crushed.

      • +10

        Shipster is a product of Australia Post.

        Unlikely Amazon will buy Australia Post…….

        • +2

          Unlikely Amazon will buy Australia Post…….

          Really? I would be just speculating, but that's not as crazy an idea as it first sounds. Its well known that Amazon have a strong interest in distribution and logistics. If they could squeeze some efficiency gains out of the existing AusPost network and control shipping costs for most of their Australian competition, then such a purchase could turn out to be quite profitable for them.

        • +2

          @newdad:you are off to the ferries mate..there is 0% chance that politicians and unions will allow it. And why would Aus post sell its profitable business?

        • +2


          And if they hired staff instead of contractors like auspist does they'd probably find postage costs drop dramatically.

          Outsourcing is never cheaper. Unless it's to an overseas low cost centre.. which postage can't be.

        • +4

          @stockastics: I seem to recall the same 0% ever happening statement about Gas&Fuel,SEC,Board of Works and Commonwealth Bank ….Never happen they said ..politicians are not stupid ….Yes they are.

        • +2

          "off to the ferries"…………..thats a reckless thing to say.

        • @justtoreply:

          Based on all the info around I doubt this is true, if it were cheaper to use their postie workforce to do more I would assume they would do it.


        • @justtoreply:

          Unless it's to an overseas low cost centre

          The chinese seem to be able to ship stuff here for virtually nothing. maybe they can outsource it to them!

        • @crazycs:

          It's hard to believe that they are underpaying. Frankly I think that story is a load of crap. In any urban area at least.

          I am also a government employee, so if it's anything like where I work, then they are crippled by two main things:

          Employees come up as a liability on the books. Contractors do not. Liabilities kill credit ratings. The poor spending choices and red tape that accounting rules cause is incredible.

          Public perception of having lots of government employees is bad, so they avoid this

          Consequently there are Full Time Equivalent employee limits, regardless of whether you have the budget to hire you are limited to a certain number of personnel

          In summary, even if it's cheaper to hire than outsource, they won't do it. The department I work for is crippled in this way. Although we don't provide anything vaguely like postal services. Where I work, it would half the cost of doing things, sans the occasional dodgy employee that management needs to have the balls to sack

        • @stockastics: I believe you mean "off with the fairies" but you are correct, you can add the FIRB - Foreign Investment Review Board and ACCC to the list that would not allow it.

      • Fake news

  • It is $10 a year and there is no option for $1/month.

  • +1

    Yeah they'll all combine for $79 a year lol

  • How does GST work with stuff sent through shipster? Do they just send your stuff in a parcel without any invoice displayed?

    • Not sure what you mean.. Shipster retailers are all in Australia?

      • I think @iampivot was thinking of AusPost ShopMate

  • Cheers OP :)

  • Chemist warehouse has a good price. Sometimes Cotton on and Myer also have sale season. Is Myer a part of shipster retail partner?

  • Hardly Normal also uses shipste, I saved several postage already.

  • Just for anyone else wondering, I just cancelled my current subscription through paypal and immediately signed up for the offer of $10 per year. I have been meaning to cancel it anyway so do not care if it gets cancelled in the next few days. Will update if this happens.

    So far all fine, no errors in sign up process. First payment is not due for another month though.

    • Is there an easy way to cancel the account? Either I'm blind or there's no account management page, you do it all via submitting requests

      • Mine still says $6.xx per month.

        When I hit cancel, it said I can still use it until the end.

        "Cancel subscription - If you cancel your subscription now, you can still use it until the end of your billing period."

        • Thanks for the link, bastard to find on their website.

          Turns out I have 12 months free from the email they sent me, have no subscriptions on that page, and my paypal subscription has marked itself inactive.

          They actually told me there's no way to cancel a free account, but they'll email me when it's available. Dunno what kind of shitshow they're running over there…

      • I cancelled the payment in paypal.

        I didn't fill in the cancellation request on their webpage.

  • +1

    Wait, on the Shipster: How it Works page (, Step 1 says:
    "Join Shipster with your email address
    Use the email you shop online with. Your first 12 months are free!"

    But at the bottom of that same page it offers the "Try it free for 1 month" deal.

    Seems like Shipster's left hand doesn't know what its right hand is doing.

  • I reckon it only shows your Subscription "if" you have signed up to a "Paid" Shipster account via AustPost and they manage your Creditcard details for ongoing payments.
    The Freebie ones from the likes of Cotton On etc don't show up as its probably managed within their (Cotton On)"Client" accounts. I wonder do places like CottonOn "pay" Aust Post for each subscription they give away as they have to manually enter each subscribers details into their systems which then creates a Aust Post link. You then get the generic welcome email from Aust Post. Makes one wonder if they (Cotton On etc) get xxx amount of freebies from Aust Post to give away or do they in fact have to pay for each one (perhaps at a discount). I feel bad (just a tiny bit) for signing up especially from a Vendor I never buy from!

  • Ok, bought it (herd behaviour is a cancer! ;D), though the only merchant there I see myself using is Kogan, as mostly all others have physical stores less than a couple of kms away from me.

  • +3

    if you go here you get 12 months free

    • I got an error page. Ozbargained?

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