½ Price Pic's Really Good Peanut Butter Varieties 380g for $3.75 @ Woolworths
½ Price Pic's Really Good Peanut Butter Varieties 380g $3.75 @ Woolworths

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yeah its really good…
Can't you read, it says really good?
It is really good, but the ALDI "oh so natural" is almost as good and it's only $3 every day
Thanks for the ALDI suggestion I must try it now
I think Mayvers is best I tried PIC's crunchy from the last sale….very tasty the peanuts but a bit dry for my taste
No peanut butter can beat Kraft which is our Bega now. I can't see myself buying anything else.
How much better is the Bega one compared to the Kraft?
Bega used to make Kraft peanut butter in Australia. Then the licensing deal expired and the company makes it under its own name now.
The new "Kraft" peanut butter that is launching (or has launched?) is something new entirely. If you've historically liked Kraft peanut butter, the same thing is now branded as "Bega".
i honestly cant stand the sugar/sweet taste of Kraft PB after transitioning to ones like this
No, it's average.
I vote no, I got crunchy last time it was half price and it has no flavour its bland af
It's literally just peanuts (from Kingaroy) roasted and crushed up with a bit of salt added. The flavour is exactly the flavour of crushed peanuts.
Other brands add sugar, oils, emulsifiers, etc, which may lift the flavour (especially if you have a sweet tooth), but they're definitely less natural.
Probably the best you can buy… not many others made with 100% Aussie nuts.
made with 100% Aussie nuts.
in New Zealand.
Better than made with 100% Chinese nuts in Australia, like some other companies. cough. Of course made with 100% Australian nuts in Australia would be the best.
Does anyone know why this is? Are our local Aussie bottling plants not up to scratch? Or too expensive?
Aussie nuts, processed in NZ.
Apart from the colour and size there really isn't all that much difference between nuts.
Except for HO peanuts.
Is the right supposed to be bigger?
Isn't it 50% Aussie nuts on the label?
Whoops thought this was Mayvers
Bad deal, I prefer "very good"
Think they're underselling themselves with "Really Good".
Had the crunchy variant this morning — it's exceptional.Agreed. It is by far one of THE BEST peanut butters.
Still have 4 jars from the last time they were half price lol.I usually do crunchy..is smooth any good? (seems to be ones sold out faster in some places)
Nah crunchy all the wayyy
+1 very very good! but may get clumpy during winter, just warm it up and good to go.
Only use to buy homebrand before reading it here, tried it and now I stockup when it goes on sale!
homebrand sell natural PB variant ???
I like the instructions on the side. It says something along the lines of:
"This product has no emulsifiers, so the peanut oil will settle on the top. Mix it up before using. If you don't, and it gets dry on the bottom, it's your own damn fault".
I've never had a product tell me that misusing it will be my "own damn fault". But I like it.
Pop it in the fridge, upside down - hardens right up.
This stuff is amazing!
still waiting for a mayvers deal. it is overdue.
1 dollarh cheaper!!
How does this compare with Mayvers?
Not quite as good as Mayvers. It's a little dry, but I"ll grab a couple for half price.
Completely agree…thought it's the driest of all the 100% peanut butters in the market…
I'm the complete opposite. I used to get Mayvers but found it drier than a grannies **** and switched to Pic's which I find a lot less dry.
Pretty similar in my experience, though I prefer the Mayver's Dark Roast. Mayver's is significantly cheaper too ($1.33 vs $1.97 per 100g, and both go on 1/2 price fairly frequently).
I also like the Mother Earth one, which is cheaper than either. Pic's isn't worth the price premium to me. I just stock up on Mayver's when it's on special.
Pic's and M.E. are made in NZ from Australian nuts; Mayver's is made in Australia from 50% Australian nuts.
Depends on the label for example Mayver's protein plus peanut butter is made with "less than 10%" Australian ingredients which I have been told can mean there is 0%.
Mayvers is waaaay better than this. This is better than Kraft/Bega/Dick Smith though. As others mentioned, it's dry as. Mayvers FTW.
lol @ the wirdo who down voted you
Time to stock up.
Is it only available online or can you buy it in store without spending $30 (min spend for store pickup)? Couldn't find it in the weekly catalogue.
It's available in-store.
If you can't find it ask the staff where they keep their nuts.
Ask them if they have any nuts 🥜
Pretty sure I picked this up from coles for $3 last week. Will have to double check
Yeah it was half price last week too.
i won't go to wws till it extends free bag as coles.
Coles has extended free bags?
WWS to extend free bags as coles?
Bunnings to offer free bags?
Both WWS and Coles have, for 1 more week.
Coles have back flipped, bags now free indefinitely
Excellent news. That will get people used to……free bags.
That may be a bit misleading. "Indefinitely" implies that it will be a long-term thing.
At the moment Coles' position is that they are giving away bags for a little longer to help customers get used to the transition. I can't see it lasting more than a few weeks.
The bags they are giving away break after a few uses, though. So I'm not exactly sure what the point is.
I was just at Woolworths one hour ago and got 3 of those $0.15 bags for free.
Aldi never had free bags. They never had any issues because if it. Stats don't lie
People don't like change. If Aldi had offered free bags and people got used to it and then took them away I guarantee there would have been issues. But since Aldi had that policy since they came here everyone just accepted that that is what Aldi does.
The issue with Coles and Woolworths is that everyone was used to not paying for bags, now all of a sudden they have to.I don't think it's that.
It's the pretending that it is for the environment when it's purely about profit and PR.
At least ALDI were honest and said it was to keep costs down.
Not a deal.
All the other premium brands with Ozzie HO nuts are $2.50 and sometimes less.
Mother Earth are the same essentially, Australian HO Nuts and made in NZ, $2.50 on special.
how's this compare to Bega/Kraft PB?
Different brand.
Oh nuts!
thanks i now know the difference between the two, your help was invaluable
The biggest difference is that Pics and Mayver add salt, whereas the Kraft/Bega Natural PB has no added salt. After having the Kraft PB in our house for a few months, my kids refused to eat Pics or Mayver, and I thought they were just being usual picky kids. I was surprised when I tried it myself just how noticeable the difference was, especially Mayver. Makes sense, it's got about 20x the salt content per serving.
Kraft/Bega - 15mg sodium/100g
Pics - 200mg sodium/100g
Mayver 255mg sodium/100ghows that reflect in the taste?
I've always had Kraft/Bega and haven't tried much of anything else cause their PB is too goodNow look at the rest of the ingredients on the Bega one. Oh ok, you said the Natural one :) Yeah it's OK, and I get it when it's super cheap, but it's really runny! Not real keen on the texture of that one.
Mayver's Super Spread = 10mg sodium/100g
No added oil, salt, sugar or dairy.Also not peanut butter so it's not comparable.
This is better than Kraft/Bega/Dick Smith though. As others mentioned, it's dry as. Mayvers FTW.
Does it have chemical emulsifiers to stop the oil leaching to the top?
Why I get Sanitarium. Very oily on top.
In plastic tubs though! /:
Environmental or health problems? I re-use for home made sauces.
The Plastic container (or tin can linings) prolly leaches BPA an Endocrine Disruptor
You should be able to determine what sort of plastc the container is and whether it does have BPA issues
Storing it in the fridge stops the oil from layering on top, although it makes it harder to spread.
Mix before using isn't too hard unless you have parkinsons…. or would that make it easier?
If Pic's is really good, Mayver's dark roast is Godlike.
Yum! My fav too.
I've already stock up from the last deal :)
Mayvers #1
Are these $1.25 per jar (based on half price cost) better than the mayvers or mother Earth?
Not even close to being better than Mayvers, let alone worth more.
I got crunchy last time it was half price and it has no flavour its bland af
IMO this is the best quality peanut butter available in supermarkets
Surprised people call this dry, crunchy is very thick, nutty and doesn't even need mixing. Other brands are too oily as they have smashed the nuts more so they need more frequent mixing.This stuff is gooood!
Not as good as Mayvers, and Mayvers is only $2.50 when half-price.
I like both Mayver's and Pic's crunchy. Alternate for taste variety.
Also like Aldi American Style crunchy.i trust you peanut butter connoisseurs
Given how popular this peanut butter is with my fellow OzBargainers, I thought I’d give my two cents. As someone who’s eaten Kraft/Bega peanut butter my whole life, I was curious to see the difference.
I had both peanut butters this morning on a slice of white bread, Pic’s smooth variety first, after mixing the top layer of oil into the rest of the peanut butter for about 30 seconds, as suggested. It was smoother, sweeter and not as dry as I thought it would have been, based on some comments on this thread.
Going onto the tried and trusted Kraft/Bega, it was noticeably richer; it was oilier, sweeter and saltier, as expected with all the added oil, sugar and salt, respectively. Interestingly, it also tasted significantly ‘roastier’, offering a stronger peanut flavour, which was quite nice and something I hadn’t really noticed.
Given the likely ‘healthier’ alternative in Pic’s, I would happily make the switch permanently. It offers a more ‘real’ tasting product at a decent price. Hope this helps people in deciding whether to try this product. Next time, I’ll try Mayver’s.
Get the Mayvers Dark Roasted. It kicks arse.
Definitely will do
But is it "really good"?