• expired

Woolworths Wish eGift Cards 5% off @ Cashrewards


This is a long running deal but there are many new members who don't know about this. So here I am sharing the love. The last post that I found was in 2015

Get 5% off any purchase at the following stores:

  • Woolworths Supermarkets
  • BIG W
  • Dan Murphy's
  • Cellarmasters
  • BWS
  • Caltex Woolworths Petrol

The gift cards can also be used to purchase ebay gift cards from Woolworths. That gives you an extra 5% off on any ebay purchase. UPDATE This may no longer be possible and Woolworth's self-checkout systems may prevent you from purchasing a Gift card when paying with WISH & Woolworth's gift cards

If you have the Woolworths Money app on your phone, you can simply add the egift cards to your app easily.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3817)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Woolworths Gift Cards
Woolworths Gift Cards

closed Comments

  • +3
  • +10

    Last post was actually this, just made it on the 6 months rule.

    Please see this Wiki Page for other sources where you can also get 5% off.

  • Isnt it 247 5 percents off?

    • Yea? This post doesn't suggest otherwise does it?

    • yes

  • Could you buy as many as you want? Any time?

    • +6

      Pretty much.

      • You may get "flagged" if you order crazy amounts, which may just mean you get a phone call to confirm that it was you making the order
      • You need to wait "up to 48 hours" for digital delivery of the eGift Card (via email), although it typically arrives in around 2-6 hours
      • Ah ok thanks for that.

      • +3

        Depends on your bank. You might not even get a curtesy call and just flag your whole card and leave you in an awkward spot when you find out your card no longer works

        • Fair point.

        • +1

          @illumination: Wow, that's extreme. I've used ~5 different credit cards and haven't had a problem yet. Amex, ANZ, NAB, Virgin/Citibank at least.

        • +3

          This happened with ANZ. Card was automatically blocked and had to call them to request them to let me buy.
          On the other hand, NAB gave me a call a few mins after I bought a gift card to verify that it was legit.

        • @ely: I’ve had my card blocked after my first ever purchase of only $100. Had to talk to fraud department and enabled purchase of Woolworths gift cards but still have everything else set as potential theft

        • I actually had an issue with woollies automated detection flagging.

          the reason being the email I used for my credit card was different to the email I used for my cash rewards.

          fortunately the guy at woollies dept was able to sort that out and whitelist for me, but process took a few days to sort out

        • @cruizerdog: good to know; first time I bought one woolies called me to verify and it took about a day to come through, afterwards fine, and I've now bought 10s of 1000s worth (family shopping all on GCs for a couple of years). Hope my luck continues!

        • I bought $800 first time with Westpac AMEX no issues.

        • @ely:ing flagged me for only $100.

        • +1

          @troyarr: You should be fine from the next time onwards.

    • +1

      You can buy as many as you want at any time, Woolworths don’t discourage you buying at all.
      Cards usually come in 5-6 hours these days. Sometimes when you order, it will be in payment pending, which seems to need a person to manually approve it and this can take 1-2 days.

  • +4

    There are private sellers that want amex points..
    Can get 7% off any day.

    Risk is you gota bank transfer a middleman

    • +2

      Alternative is buyer themselves may want the points :P

      • what card do you have?

        • +2

          AMEX Platinum Edge

        • @illumination: ohhh thank you!

        • @illumination: Best card for this purpose! Do they have the PE in SIN too?

        • @MathNerd: There's a sorta similar one in name but the product itself is very different.

          Credit Card market here is quite different. AMEX is less accepted here than Australia I feel! But similarly, disparity between points earn on AMEXs and Visas/MCs is also smaller.

    • how come the points are worth so much to them? why don't you want the amex points?

      • +1

        People use points to upgrade flight tickets

        • +3

          People can use points to do anything, but are they worth 2% of eGift card value in terms of the absolute amount?

        • +3

          @virhlpool: yes. Especially if you’re getting triple Amex points.

  • +11

    Also, use the Woolworths money app to keep track of your e-gift cards. You can open the link from your email in the Woolworths money app. Displays the numbers to input, plus available balance and transaction history easily.

    • +1

      is there an equivalent for Coles egift cards?

      • +1

        Coles doesn't want its customers to have a good experience when using discounted payment methods. I've switched to Woolies exclusively (apart from the odd unmissable deal that gets posted here to OzB).
        The ability to get a 5% discount and get triple points on that (Woolworths eGift cards) is something that makes life worth living.

      • +1

        aami have Suncorp club which has 5% off coles

    • +9

      One of the best apps made ever, hands down. I've refreshed the app as a transaction is processing at Woolies, and the balance refreshes before the "Approved" message is even shown on the POS. Brilliant database management by Woolies.

    • I hear they work in Google pay now. Can anyone confirm NFC?

  • +4

    Decent savings over long term if you can combine with your fuel purchases. Get 5% off groceries and 4c fuel savings on rewards card. Purchase fuel, with gift card and use rewards card for 4c off and 5% off.

    • When 7/11 price lock isn't cheap enough ;)

  • +1

    Buy with platinum edge or DJs Amex for effective 3% further off.

    • How did you work out 3%? From 3 points per dollar spend?

      • +3

        Probably by a standard valuation of "1 point = 1c", therefore at a rate of 3pts/$ on "supermarket spend" using the Platinum Edge, it's an effective "3% return" on each dollar spent on eGCs purchased through this way.

        • +1

          Ah, sorry math never was my strong point :p

        • +2

          @Droid11: I can help with that :)

    • DJ Amex works out to be around 2.30% off.

      • If you buy Virgin flights it's like 7%

    • Not sure what all the hype is about this? Couldn't u have just used your amex card to purchase your groceries/liquor/gas in the first place which would get u the same "3% off". So surely the savings from the gift card is 5% and not 8%.

      • Triple points earned from GC purchase on edge card.

  • Ive heard about a woolworths money app - can we transfer these gift cards there? Also if it is possible to transfer - can the woolworths money app be used to pay for caltex wooloworths fuel?

    • +3

      Open the link in the E-gift card email on your phone and it will automatically load in the Money app.

    • +1

      can we transfer these gift cards there?

      Nope, but you can just forward someone the email that the eGift Card comes in and that's effectively you "transferring" the gift card.

      can the woolworths money app be used to pay for caltex wooloworths fuel?

      The app itself can't be used to pay for fuel (unlike BPme, if you're thinking of that), but the app stores the eGift Cards which contains all the digits you need to make the payment at participating Caltex Woolworths locations.

      Note that there are some Caltex Woolworths that accept WISH Gift Cards but not WISH eGift Cards that you'd be buying through this deal.

      edit: Sorry, seems I may have misunderstood your question. Let me cover my bases..

      Yes, the eGift Card can be stored in the Woolworths Money app.
      No, the eGift Card cannot be transferred via the Woolworths Money app, but can effectively be transferred by simply forwarding the email to someone else.

      • +1

        I didn’t realise this until recently - eg the Woolworths Petrol at Rozelle NSW (on Victoria Rd; the one between Birkenhead Point and Anzac Bridge) does not accept Wish cards or e-gift cards.

    • +1

      The egift card they email you is a number and PIN. You must manually enter these at the payment terminal, whether it's at Woolies, BWS, Caltex Woolies etc.

      The Money app will show you the balance as well, but apart from that is nothing more than a way to display these details.
      You can add them to the app manually or opening the link in the email via the app will add them automatically.

  • +1

    I've got $1 left on my first egift card. Do I literally have to do a $1 purchase to get that last bit of value or is there some less clunky way to use it? I don't want to end up leaving even a few cents on it.

    • +5

      can part pay any purchase.

    • +7

      you can do split payment

      • +1

        Confirmed this works. Excellent!

      • How do you do make a split payment, on check out I'm getting. Payment has exceeded the gift card balance. Your help would be very appreciated. :]

        • +1

          At "Assisted checkout"
          - Press "pay"
          - Under the main payment method, press "other payment method"
          - Press "e-gift card, split payment"
          - Enter how much you have left on your e-gift card
          - make payment with e-gift card
          - The outstanding amount is now reduced
          - Complete payment with another e-gift card

          When going through a check out person, just tell them you are using e-gift card and the amount. They will input the amount for you.

    • +3

      I use the balances of my cards when purchasing online from Dan murphys

  • Does anyone know what happens if I buy gift card via credit card, is it considered cash advance or purchase? Thank You

  • Another thing is you can use them to buy gift cards for other stores at Big W (used to at Woolworths but they stopped it recently). I buy my Sony PSN, Steam and JB Hifi cards like this to save the 5%.

    • +1

      I thought they banned purchasing gift cards with (e)WISH gift cards?

      • +3

        I used my eGift card to buy a 10% off Nintendo eShop gift card at Big W just yesterday and it went though fine.

        • +1

          ditto. Used it to buy the Nintendo eShop cards + Origin too!

        • Didn't the 10% off eShop cards expire at the end of June?

      • As I said, they did stop it at Woolworths, but it still works at Big W.

        • +1

          Been using egift cards in Big W for years.

          Best to find cheapest price then get BIG W to price match then use discount gift cards..

          Do this all the time at Christmas.

  • I have never purchased a egift card before..

    When i go on website it asks me if i want egift card for woolworths groceries or dans or big W.. there is no bws ?

    Also can i not buy a egift card that i can use in all them.. say buy 500 then use some in wollworths and some in big W? If so what is thay gift card called


    • +3

      The WISH card is usable at all of the aformentioned companies in the OP, it's a one-for-all card. Paying partially at different companies is definitely fine.

      • So why do they have so many individual cards when you go to purchase and specifically say woolworths, dans, big w..

        So if i buy a big w egift card i can use it in any of ops stores? I just want to be sure before purchase thank you

        • +3

          I'm not 100% sure, but the one you're looking for is the "WISH eGift Card", there's about 4 different colours to choose from.

          Just to be safe, get the WISH card as it will definitely work everywhere.

        • @doweyy: +1 I use them all the time at BWS and they work fine np

        • +1

          Unless things have changed recently, my understanding is that all the woolworths group gift cards work at all their stores. You can use Big W, Dan Murphys giff cards at woolies too.
          It’s just different design and branding.

        • +1

          I wouldn't know but I believe it's marketing. You give someone a Dan Murphy's card and they think "ahh I'm going to go buy some alcohol". Or moreso if someone is trying to find the gift for the alcoholic in the family that's hard to shop for "Oh I know, I'll get them a Dan Murphy's gift card". That's just the one example but you get the idea

  • +2

    you can also use egiftcard to recharge opal card too

    • When you top up with Opal at Woolworths can you use your everyday rewards card to get Woolworths points?

      • There’s nothing stopping you scanning the card, but it’s not an eligible purchase for points according to T&C.

        • And AFAIK it does not earn you points (i.e. they do enforce this rule).

          It used to work, but they fixed it up.

          • +1

            @illumination: however, if you present your everyday rewards card, you do get the fuel voucher if you spend over $30

  • -7

    Or you can get them from other providers, I use the entertainment book now to buy the vouchers since cashrewards have terrible support and just don’t email you back about cashback purchases that aren’t getting approved after 6 months.

    • +7

      I beg to differ about terrible support. In fact I challenge you to provide evidence that we haven’t responded to any email or query. Feel free to PM me anytime. Thanks.

      • Cashback pending since January and queried it on the 23rd June, received a pretty generic ‘yeh it’s still pending we follow this up’ email a couple of days later then nothing, despite an email for an update on Saturday. Not sure what you want me to PM you?

      • +4

        I will back you on this one TA, in my experience the support at CashRewards has been great and follow-up spot on!

        • +2

          Yeah I agree Cashrewards do follow up querys very well.

          I spent 30 plus emails with ShopBack on time zone issues not even the missing tracking it was hopeless.

      • +1

        I can:
        I had a matter being investigated "as a matter of high priority", yet they never followed up and ignored any attempts to contact them again.
        They paid me only half of what the cashback rate promised, and I had full proof of this.

        They seem to just ignore people when they are wrong, yet don't want to admit it.
        I can send you the whole email chain if you think you can do something about it.

        • +1

          Please do. PM me your CR email address and ticket number. Thanks.

        • @tightarse:
          Sure, doing so now.

        • +3

          Can confirm that TA is following up with the tracking issue from Feb this year, and has promised it will be sorted.

          Thanks TA!

        • +1


          Yep finally got a reply tonight and they have paid the credit now even though they are awaiting payment from the vendor. Good work cashrewards

        • +1


          TA has sorted out my issues quickly and professionally.
          Very impressed with the communication and it's clear that Cashrewards reputation is important to TA, and I'll have no hesitation to use CR in the future.

        • Wonder if tightarse can sort out my ebay purchase not tracking? only seemed to fail to track on the larger purchase .. not the smaller ones.

        • @sssx: send TA a message

  • https://www.montysrewards.com.au/#venues
    A bunch of hotels also take gift cards but looks like the plastic ones only?
    Nothing for WA :-(

    GET 5% OFF
    •Save on purchases over the bar or in the bistro
    •Available at more than 280 pubs & taverns Australia-wide

    •Earn points on food and beverage purchases and gaming machine play
    •Redeem points in full or part payment towards food and beverages, gift cards (where available) and cash (SA & QLD locations only)

    •Receive a birthday voucher every year
    •Participate in member-only promotions

  • Can the Woolworths Wish egift cards be used top up opal cards at Town Hall Woolworths?

    • +1

      Yes you can use, I do it all time.

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