This was posted 6 years 7 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nintendo Switch Yooka-Laylee $45 (25% off) Nintendo Switch eShop


Still not as cheap as other consoles, but this is its first discount for the Switch since its launch. If you've been waiting for this game to go on sale, now might be the time to grab it!

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closed Comments

  • +1
    • +1

      Thanks! I didn't realise we could access official pages outside the Switch. I've requested mods update the link to this.

      Is this new? I was almost certain the Australian eshop wasn't accessible online on a PC before!

      • OP. You can change the deal URL yourself.

        Edit the deal. Enter the new URL and then save.

        • +1

          I tried that and it said I wasn't allowed to change the store from nintypricechecker. Should I need to I should contact a mod.

      • I'd say so

      • It wasn't, but I'm not sure exactly when it did become available either because Nintendo Australia isn't exactly promoting the fact you can, but it's been at least a few weeks and it works fine when I've used it, possibly since May when they updated the site for the online subscription.

        However as they're not promoting it, it becomes a bit of effort to get the links yourself.

        • How did you find it? Seems useful!

        • @Lockdude: See below

    • +1

      How the hell did you find this, and how the hell do I use it to view every game on the eShop?

      • +2

        To view every game you're better off using a site like the OP originally linked or or

        To get the AU link you just use for games for bundles for DLC

        This is just of course a variant of Japan

        Since Nintendo Australia doesn't actually link to these themselves getting the number requires a bit of effort.

        The number is normally the same as the one for Europe (however there are exceptions like Splatoon 2 where we got the US version of the game) and if the game released the same time around the world will normally be 1 or 2 of the US or JP numbers. If they weren't released at the same time they could be far off though.

        eg. Breath of the Wild
        EUR (AU) - 70010000000023
        US - 70010000000025
        JP - 70010000000026

        To get the numbers well, you can go to other countries' official website to get the numbers, Japan's is just in the url, US you can get if you right click on buy digital and check target and UK you can find it if you view source. With those websites mentioned before though people clearly have found easier ways to look these up though, I think they're called "nsuid"s if you want to look further into it.

        • +1

          Whoa. Good insights. I wonder why Nintendo Australia don't just hook up a search function? I feel less silly now for not finding it the first time around :)

        • @Lockdude:
          My guess is Nintendo wants to push people to browse the shop on their Switch instead.

  • +1

    average game. tries to be Banjo Kazooie but falls flat. "Hat in time" is a lot better if you want a game of that style

    • For someone who has never played Banjo Kazooie is this game still decently enjoyable? I see most people say exactly what you have said.

      • +2

        I’d suggest Mario Oddysse or Crash Bandicoot over this

        • I wouldn't suggest Crash Bandicoot to my worst enemy!

      • It's okay. Just okay. It's not bad by any means, but there are much better alternatives. I bought it initially for the Banjo Kazooie nostalgia and I probably put about 15hrs into it before I got bored. I'll probably pick it up and finish it when I have time, but I don't feel compelled to.

        If it were $20 I'd say get it. For $45…I'd pass (although I paid full price on release so what do I know…).

      • For what it's worth, I saw a lot of mixed or poor reviews but bought it on the Switch anyway. I'm probably 7 or so hours in (home sick today so marathon session) and I'm loving it. I love games like Odyssey, the Donkey Kong Country series (original and new), and many other platformers, and this is a perfect game for me. I think a lot of the negativity is either people being nitpicky or going in looking for negatives because that's what some reviews told them to do. Each to their own but just my two cents.

    • Doesn't seem to be on switch…

  • How's coop? Good for dad and 6yr old?

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