• expired

Perth to Tehran, Iran $513 Return Leaving March (Departing SYD or MEL $696 RT)


Flights from Perth to Iran (flying Air Asia) just dropped $179 to $270.

Not only is that a 39% fall in price, it’s a ridiculously cheap price to start.
Once you’ve booked a trip to Tehran, you can go to Kuala Lumpur for $0. Or Singapore for $13.

Via [Adioso Blog]

$696 RT from Melbourne and Sydney.

Iran has a vast history and it's people (different from government) are the one of the friendliest you will ever meet. I would hazard a guess and say that there would be a low Western tourist rate (e.g. no British backpackers everywhere!).

Gadling's description best sums it up:

At first glance Iran doesn't look very inviting, what with an authoritarian government intent on building nukes and quashing dissent. But look past the politics and you'll find a hospitable country with excellent cuisine, rugged scenery, and a fascinating history. Add in a reliable bus system and you can have a relaxing vacation with people who love to meet foreigners. The only danger we faced in Iran was the very real possibility of being fed to death.

Read Gadling's Sean McLachlan's article on his interesting travels there.

Just so I don't look biased, here is SmartTraveler's summary which lists it at the same danger level as Thailand, India, Qatar and South Africa and safer than Indonesia

Just like any other post, personal attacks including ethnic and racial attacks will not be tolerated.

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closed Comments

  • +11

    hmm, Tehran you say? Forget the beaches of Phuket, I'm on the first flight there!!!

    • +2

      So many people have been to Phuket that your travel photos and stories will not interest anyone. But visit somewhere off the beaten track like Iran, and people will listen.

      • I certainly hope that includes the Aussie Consulate! :p

  • +9

    Sorry, but even considering this is asking for trouble.

    On top of your airfare, you'll need to fork out an additional AUD119 just for the tourist visa - which the Iranians won't refund if you're declined.

    And of course the length of the visa isn't guaranteed, so the length of your stay is entirely at the will of the Embassy staff - you could get 10 days, or 30 days, or anywhere inbetween or less.

    So of course if you've already booked and paid for your airfares, and you can stay for less than planned, you'll end up with a truckload of change fees from Air Asia to alter your flights - making this an even more expensive proposition.

    To get the visa, you'll also have to give the Iranian Embassy unfetted access to your passport for at least two weeks (has to be sent with your application). Given the amount of passport fraud committed at the behest of foreign governments, Iran is not a country high on my list who's officials should be trusted with my identity documents.

    Caveat emptor.

    • -6

      Paranoid anyone?

      • +17

        how can you call him paranoid for telling the truth, and informing those who do not know anything about the visa situation for Australia citizens going to Iran?

        • +7

          They are half-truths.

          I have a close relative who is currently in Burma (which has a similar situation to Iran regarding security and visas). This is about their 6th trip there in 3 years and nothing untoward has happened (don't ask me the reason they have travelled there so often I will have to kill you). They have also travelled to Sumatra/Java, Indonesia (rated worse than Iran/Burma) about the same number of times in the same time period without incident.

          My main issue with the comment is this silly line:

          Sorry, but even considering this is asking for trouble.

        • +6

          Sounds like a fair warning to me . If you are thinking of going make sure your not immodestly dressed because "women who dress immodestly cause earthquakes"

        • +9

          I think it's good to hear the additional info about the visa situation. I also think it's naive to claim that because you (camelgrass) haven't had issues, that no-one will. I fell of my roof a few month back and was 100% fine, but that doesn't mean everyone who falls off their roof will be - giving all the information helps people make informed decisions - though the deal itself doesn't warrant a neg vote

        • +2

          Millions of tourists visited Iran during 2010 without incident and the government is dramatically ramping up their tourist sector for a planned 20 million visitors by 2015. Iranians are not hostile to tourists, exactly the opposite. Like any overseas travel do your homework before you leave and most importantly use your COMMON SENSE whilst travelling.

    • +12

      There is truth to your statement, but really dont think it deserves a negative.

      Iran is great, shame its after March as its just after the ski season. Skiing there is fantastic and cheap too.

      Iran is not a dangerous country for tourist. The people there are extremely friendly and not reflective of the government. Having said that though, Visas and travel is way easier if done with a proper guide or tour group.

      • -7

        lol yeah it has been heaps safe for the amercians who got arrested for having a bible or the aussie muslim family who were arrested because the wife dared to look a male guard in the face.

        Maybe safer to go to eygpt right now…

        mid east = fail

    • +19

      The airline ticket is cheap. The quality of the visa application is universal regardless of the ticket price and is really not a valid reason for a neg.

      As for any fears regarding the passport, talk to our Australian embassy and seek advice on how to minimize risk.

      • +4

        Exactly. Someone has posted a bargain airfare. While you might want to debate the dangers and additional costs of visiting this destination, it is no reason for a neg.

        • +1

          If the visa cost is substantial, required and not disclosed in the post then I think it definitely a reason to neg.

        • +9

          Where do you draw the line for associated costs? Taxi fare from airport also? Vaccinations also? Precautions like anti-malarials for places like the Amazon? Also some people may not have to pay the visa fee, maybe they are still Iranian citizens, or citizens of "favoured" countries. It's up to the smart traveller to check all these details. This post is only about the airfare. Certainly not deserving a neg.

          BTW $119 is high but not so unusual. Vietnam cost me $75 and that was a few years ago, might have gone up due to inflation. If I had a different passport, say a SEA one, it would have been much cheaper.

        • +2

          You draw the line at expenses that you have no control over. E.g. mail order company that offers pick up - don't show the delivery charge. Mail order company that only delivers - need to show charge, else it wastes people's time.

          The post is worded as a tourism ad, so it appears to be targeting people who would not already have a visa and would need to get one (not people returning home for a visit).

          Also the fact that the visa is non-refundable if you don't get it, and then you're also in the hole for the airfares.

          I'm not anti-iran, I'm anti bargain posts that don't represent the real cost.

        • +6


          I didn't intend on writing it as a tourism ad but given that
          1. I have Persian heritage AND
          2. I have lived in the US and Australia, and I have heard the racist/ethnic remarks when you mention traveling to the Middle East so I know people are going to knock unusual destinations PLUS
          3. I reposted a deal found on the blog of Australia's best (IMO) flight search engine. AND
          4. Sorry, I haven't been to Iran so I wasn't aware of the visa cost. I don't see US posts mention the visa costs in the post or any other destinations as it's a given that some costs are associated with some destinations.

          I thought it's best that I put as much information as possible as I know in the description including a warning on the bottom to be respectful to others cultures. I hope this post and AirAsia's fairly cheap price has inspired people to travel to destinations not traveled before. Cmon, there's more out there then traveling to Bali, Fiji and Queensland.

    • +15

      While your post gives good information, your neg appears to be based on the country and their procedures rather than the posted deal.

      • +7

        However if you look at the posted deal, the air fare is now a smaller part than the advertisment for tourism to Iran.

        There are 10 lines devoted to how nice Iran is and 4 lines about the flight price.

        So is this deal about cheap flights or is it really a tourism discussion thread?

    • +3

      You are making a good point, but have you considered that this is a deal for Iranian students here in Australia wanting to go back home for holiday? Please retract your negative vote because I don't want to vote down your good comment.

    • +1

      Can you + the bargain and also provide travel information and warnings as a separate issue?

      The comment about air asia is valid for every airline????

    • +4

      It's standard practice to send your passport away to get a visa. I had to do that for China and India.

      EDIT: Regarding stealing passports, there's another Middle Eastern country with a proven track record of counterfeiting Australian passports. I don't want to get into a political debate here. Anyway, everyone knows which country it is.

    • And how much is the cost for Australia's tourist visa? AUD105 ($255 if further stay). And of course not refundable if you're declined. Not much different huh.

      • Depends what tourist visa is applied for. An ETA only has a $20 service charge.

    • +12

      wow people have quite a distorted impression of this country. I have visited there myself and can tell you carrying a handgun around would be the last thing you need. The image of Iran painted by the media, whilst some maybe true of the government, is vastly different of the people.
      As you may have seen from the elections a couple years ago, the people are not very happy with their own government and do not support it. I met alot of people over there who shared this sentiment and they actually want the whole system there overturned. Anyways back on topic, great deal!

    • +7

      Sounds like a good idea, member of a non-ally military trying to get your hands on weapons while you're there…What could go wrong!

      • +10

        we only train the finest!

    • +6


      Its IRAN not IRAQ. Everything is under control there. The key being the control. Not a democracy. BTW this is not agreeing with the control etc.

      Based on a trip made 5 years ago, under more enlightened times.

      Dont take playing cards in, even mobile phones are an issue. Run from the plane to the customs/immigration or be prepared to wait in line for a longggggg time. Be nice accept all commands by the beaucrats. A frenchman complained that his bag had been "checked already" and was told to dump the contents on the floor. Which btw enabled me to pass through with a quick open and shut the second time.

    • +2

      If you are in the ADF then you will need to be interviewed by your security officer before travelling overseas, and I bet you would need to have a damn good reason to go before he/she let you

    • I think the point is moot. Chances of an ADF security officer allowing it are miniscule, chances of the Iranian government approving a visa app for an Australian military member are even smaller.

      Shame, it's a lovely and safe country to travel through as long as you display an ounce of sense.

    • +9

      A really mature look at the value of the deal here.

    • +4

      Yeah, so lets all not goto China, Burma and every other place where you think the government is bad. Lets not bring our money to help the people of these countries.

    • +12

      The world should be encouraging tourist travel to countries like Iran. It opens our eyes, their eyes, and allows an exchange of culture and ideas. It can be the start of understanding and perhaps even one day, democracy and human rights.
      Not going to a country as a tourist because of human rights issues is silly, the people you punish the most by not going are the same people you feel sorry for, not the government.
      Personally I'd love to go, but just can't afford the money or the time!

  • +34

    Serideth, I'm in the ADF too, and what you just said makes us all look stupid.

    • -2

      Sorry you feel that way.

      I'm certain that the Iranians are wonderful people and that the chances of being attacked are slim. What I am saying is if it were legal, I would rather have a weapon and not need it instead of needing a weapon and not having one.

      Because there are people out there who don't like us. I have a family acquaintance who was one of the 2 Australians killed in the 2008 Mumbai attacks, he had just checked in and was at the bar when the gunman came in. They demanded everyone show their passports and killed him when they saw he was Australian.
      And Bym, I said "if I can get a permit" so if the Iranian Government allows it I don't see the issue.

      I'm sorry if you think I'm making you look stupid, but I'd rather that then be ignorant.

      Yes, Iran has the same danger rating as South Africa. But wait isn't that the nation with the highest highest number of rape cases per capita and the second highest number of murders?

      • +1

        I only mentioned those countries as many Australians travel to them with much less scrutiny. There's a huge amount of Aussie tourists in Bali and Thailand yet it has the same warning levels as Iran. I mentioned South Africa as many went for our unfortunate run in the World Cup ;(

        • We'll dominate Brazil 2014.

  • +1

    I have Iranian students and they are a very nice people. I also heard that the people are very hospitable to foreign tourists. The men are also handsome!

  • +9

    Wow, woke up this morning and thought 'I want my next holiday in an Islamic theocracy in the Middle East'. Sign me up!

    • -1


  • -1

    Be careful what you say about Iran here, if you do end up going this might be their evidence against you :)

  • +4

    Damn, I'd like to live in Perth just for the cheap international airfares!

  • +12

    Why bag out the post, maybe there are Iranians or Australians of Iranian heritage that would like to visit home again and this post helps them get a cheap ticket.. It is not always about true blue Aussies going on holidays..

    • +2

      In this case it probably is.. with their laws on conscription the way they are I can't visit, even being born in Australia…

      • I was about to reply with something like this but you beat me to it bru >:)

        • you can still get the 3 month exemption for a visit can't you?

  • When they stop hanging Ppl for drink alcohol and having a good time I mite consider it. Btw I'm Jewish and I hear their fascist government doesn't take to kindly to Ppl who even been to israel. If u got an Israeli stamp in ur passport expect to be accused of spying or the "Zionist reigime". Sad for the people of iran that they got Nazi government still running the show

    • That's the same in many Arab countries. Though obviously it's wrong, surely you can understand the reasoning behind it on their part. Iran and Israel are 2 of the biggest enemies in the world at the moment. Then the rest of the Arab countries are just showing solidarity with Palestine (again, wrong but understandable why).

      (And being accused of spying etc. doesn't exactly happen very often does it - and for all you know the people involved are spys anyway. The whole point is for them to look unsuspecting).

      • -2

        Ok, thank you for your comments, Hillary Clinton.. you obviously have as much of a clue as she does! (not much at all)

      • (And being accused of spying etc. doesn’t exactly happen very often does it - and for all you know the people involved are spys anyway. The whole point is for them to look unsuspecting).

        If this is true, how come a couple years ago, the Iranian "government" arrested 10 young students aged between 9-12 and their teacher who happen to be iranian born and live all their lives in iran but were jewish and held them in custody (p.s. iranian jain not like aus jail) for over 3 months suspecting they were spys for israel?

        Im sorry but thats a little F$%Ked up

        • Let's stay on topic. This is delving into the Israel/Palestine area.

        • Enough of the Jewish angst Gavman.

          OTOH, there are 1.5 million virtual prisoners in Gaza and another 2.5 million Palestinians oppressed in the West Bank by their Jewish occupiers.

          That's pretty f'ed up as well.

      • +1

        That’s the same in many Arab countries.

        Iran is not Arab. You are thinking of Iraq?

        • No they are not Arabs. They speak Persian.

    • Greece does the same thing for people visited nothern cyprus. I believe northern (turkish) cyprus doesn't stamp passports just because of this. A very popular place with israelis for its casinos.

    • +2

      This is OzBargain not OzPolitic, fair enough ALOT of people living in this country fled their homeland suffering from exactly the same injustices you mentioned to start a new life, but once your legally in this country and living amongst others regardless of race or creed then your Australian, the other stuff is excess baggage. There are many I'm sure who consider Australia Day as a public holiday, day off work, piss up or whatever but there are also those who appreciate the meaning of the day and that is we are privileged to be living in this country. For the guy who pointed out Iran's shortcomings, have you conveniently forgotten about this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_flotilla_raid its a shame that an inquiry into the events of that day were not conducted in an impartial country and court.

  • +7

    are iranian woman hot?

    • +8

      Let me get my xray goggles out and I'll let you know

      • +6

        lol i confess i have a thing for ninja chicks :D

        • +1

          Yes Believe.. they are hot! ahaha

    • +2

      Yeah, the whole body covering thing makes my imagination run wild about what might be underneath.

      • +2

        They are clearly hiding the colonel's secret recipe under there

    • +4

      Not sure about Hot, but careful observation, you will see the younger/modern ones have jeans on by looking at the ankle area. There is public and private dress. Ie what is worn at home or indoors

      • +2

        A little distorted . If any woman was caught walking around the streets like that they would be bundled into a black van and taken away for "reeducation" by the fashion police . Not trying to be disrespectful or anything but that video gives a very wrong and possibly dangerous illusion of what goes on in Iran . Feel free to neg me but you would not have an enjoyable holiday going to Iran thinking it was as free and easy as portrayed in that clip .

        • +2

          I think that video is referring to women of an Iranian background rather than women who currently live in Iran. Have some family and friends who are Persian so I concur that there are some beautiful looking women out there, although you could probably make the argument for any country.

  • Just don't expect the government to come to your rescue if you're detained there…

  • +2

    I like this site for comments about the deal posted and for consumer comments about the product posted as well. There is value for having both but care needs to be taken to keep those comments separate and distinct from each other.
    eg if a maker of low quality chocolates discounts their already low prices by more than half then we can comment both that it is a bargain but also that despite the bargain it is low quality so it still might not be worth it. They are two different comments and one does not relate to the validity of the other.

  • +7

    @xugi, According to the Smart Traveller website, there is an Australian embassy in Tehran.

    @ozpete, Were you there on holiday? Any places you'd recommend visiting?

    On the point of government, visa entry and people. A few years ago I came to Australia from a country that had/has big human rights issue where they would detain citizens of countries including Australia for huge amounts of time without formally charging or bringing them to court. Departing and arriving out of the airports takes hours with one time having to wait 3 hours in an immigration line. They've recently implemented an electronic scanner at select airports that doses you with a bit of radiation and has been recommended by cancer doctors to not go through them. Your alternative is a patdown where they will feel your genital areas regardless if you are a kid or an 80 year old woman. Not going to mention the #1 murder rate in the state I lived in but you get the gist.

    If you hadn't caught on, I'm speaking of the US. Would I dissuade people from visiting San Francisco, New York or Florida? No way. The people, the food, the culture, and the sites are very different from the government.

    • +2

      Just regarding the cancer doctors tell people not to go through the scanners, I don't think any reputable doctor would ever recommend that. Just a few quotes I've found:

      "By comparison, the amount of radiation from a backscatter scanner is equivalent to about 10 minutes of natural background radiation in the United States"

      "Another way to look at this is that if you were scanned with a backscatter scanner every day of your life, you would still only receive a tenth of the dose of a typical CT scan"

      There is a high level of hysteria surrounding the body scanners from a health point of view.

      • “By comparison, the amount of radiation from a backscatter scanner is equivalent to about 10 minutes of natural background radiation in the United States”

        Sounds good, so long as that part of the US used as a benchmark isn't in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania! ;)

        • -2

          Because of baseless hysteria spread by the likes of StewBalls, pollution and greenhouse are worse than it need be. Harrisburg has far less radiation than Boulder.

        • +1

          I'm sorry manic, I've just got no idea how to respond to that…ROFLMAO…all because of me "pollution and greenhouse are worse than it need be", WTF…apparently I'm yet another of the anthropogenic contributors to Al Gore…lulz! Give us a yell when you find ManBearPig bro! :D

  • Edit I found it… That is super cheap if you live in perth… It seems that Air Asia only goes to Tehran from Kuala Lumpur…
    I'm after a cheap way to go from Sydney to Tehran with minimum trip times and changes of flights. I'm probably only stuck with airlines like Emirates but return trips with them cost over 2k :-/

  • +2

    Just waiting for a cheap Contiki tour to go with the airfare and maybe a stopover in Cairo on the way back ………

  • +3

    watch the movie: The Stoning of Soraya M,what a culture and society!, no more need to be said

    • Other movies to consider before you travel.

      The Final Solution
      Mississippi Burning
      10 Conditions of Love
      Boys Dont Cry
      Conspiracy of Silence
      Farenheit 411

      etc etc…

      • +12

        Snakes on a Plane…

        • Executive Decision
          Passenger 57

  • +7

    Seriously, why all the political comments? This is a posted as a bargain. Not useful for me but maybe there are a few that would find it useful. Iran is not a country that is not on the "do not travel" list on Smart Traveller.

  • +3

    Like a lot of people here, I had a distorted view of Iran. After reading a National Geographic main feature (20+ pages) last year I found the idea of travelling to Iran fascinating and I am usually one to play it pretty safe.

    • +14

      Wrong. It's a bargain for those who DO want to go there. If you don't want to go (for whatever reason) than simply ignore it.

    • +3

      Nah nothing to see there at all…. it's like all sand and eerie islamic music and stuff..


  • +2

    perhaps, it is a one way ticket??

    but the point of OP is not about TEHRAN but about this deal "Once you’ve booked a trip to Tehran, you can go to Kuala Lumpur for $0. Or Singapore for $13."

  • "doesn’t take to kindly to Ppl who even been to israel"
    that reminds me of the Top Gear Christmas special, they said something similar to this but coming from Syria, if your passport shows a Syrian stamp the Israelis might not like it and deny entry on that basis, then again the three presenters did bring along three extra "spare" passports without any Syrian stamps in them….. ;)

    • From wikipedia:

      "According to Israeli law, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Iran are considered "Enemy countries" and an Israeli citizen may not visit them without a special permit issued by the Israeli minister of the interior. Therefore, an Israeli who visits these countries, be it with a foreign passport or an Israeli one, may be prosecuted when coming back to Israel."

      Having a stamp in your passport from a declared enemy nation can make it difficult for anyone to enter Israel, hence the Top Gear presenters dual passports. I don't quite know how they managed that… maybe one was a diplomatic and the other civilian passport?

      • Quote from you:
        an Israeli citizen may not visit them
        Therefore, an Israeli who visits these countries,

        Somehow I don't think Richard, James or Jeremy are Israeli citizens…

      • +1

        How do you get a diplomatic passport? the lines are understandably always shorter at the airports ;)

        • work for the UN.

      • You wouldn't be issued with a visa to the countries listed above in the first place if your a citizen of Israel as your not welcome. Countries like Indonesia and Malaysia also don't welcome anyone who holds an Israeli passport.

  • -1

    " an Israeli who visits these countries, be it with a foreign passport or an Israeli one, may be prosecuted when coming back to Israel.”
    yes, but apparently it also applies to people visiting Israel, and not just Israeli citizens!

    • I know many people who have visited countries like Syria and Lebanon and then made there way to Israel. You'll be asked a lot of questions but generally your still welcome to visit the country. If you hold an Israeli passport and visited these countires that could be a problem but then again you wouldn't be issued with a Visa from countries like Iran and Syria in the first place.

      • +1

        I believe the problem for most Australian's is you are very likely to be refused entry and possibly detained when entering countries such as Iran and Syria if you have Israeli stamps in your passport. Going to Israel (edit: Occupied Palestine) second is less likely to be an issue.

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