This was posted 6 years 8 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Majans Bhuja $1.92, Spam $2.45, Cheezels $1.20, Uncle Tobys Oat Sachets $2.75, Nong Shim Noodles 5pk $3 @ Woolworths

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Hey, specials starting Wednesday.


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Majans Bhuja Mix 140-200g 50.13% $1.92 (Save $1.93) $0.96-$1.37 per 100g 26 weeks
Thins Chips 175g 50.00% $1.60 (Save $1.60) 91¢ per 100g 9 weeks
Doritos Crackers 160g 50.00% $1.75 (Save $1.75) $1.09 per 100g 8 weeks
Cheezels Box 125g 50.00% $1.20 (Save $1.20) 96¢ per 100g 6 weeks
Pascall Medium Bags 185-350g 50.00% $2.00 (Save $2.00) $0.57-$1.08 per 100g 0 weeks


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Pepsi, Solo or Schweppes Can Varieties 24 x 375ml 50.00% $10.50 ($13.80 in NSW) (Save $10.50) $1.53 per Litre 1 weeks
Coca-Cola So Drink Varieties 30 x 375ml 50.00% $17.20 ($19.50 in NSW) (Save $17.20) $1.73 per Litre 2 weeks
Frantelle Spring Water 24 x 600ml 50.00% $6.00 ($7.50 in NSW) (Save $6.00) 52¢ per Litre 8 weeks
Jarrah Flavoured Co ffee 250g 50.00% $3.00 (Save $3.00) $1.20 per 100g 2 weeks
Robert Timms Co ffee 200g 50.00% $4.00 (Save $4.00) $2 per 100g 8 weeks
Vittoria Mountain Grown Coff ee Beans or Ground 1 kg 50.00% $18.25 (Save $18.25) $1.83 per 100g 2 weeks


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Cadbury Favourites 320g 50.00% $6.00 (Save $6.00) $1.88 per 100g 1 weeks
Cadbury Giant Freddo or Caramello Koala 35g 50.00% $0.50 (Save $0.50) $1.43 per 100g 4 weeks
Cadbury Milk or White Chocolate Fingers 114g weeks 50.00% $1.50 (Save $1.50) $1.32 per 100g 4 weeks


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Uncle Tobys Oat Sachets 350-420g Pk 12 50.00% $2.75 (Save $2.75) 65¢-79¢ per 100g 10 weeks
Heinz Condensed Soup Cans 420g 51.11% $1.10 (Save $1.15) 26¢ per 100g 1 weeks
Continental Cup a Soup 2 Serve 40-75g 50.00% $1.00 (Save $1.00) $1.33-$2.75 per 100g 2 weeks
Continental Standard Pasta & Sauce or Rice 85-120g 52.38% $1.00 (Save $1.10) $0.83-$1.18 per 100g 2 weeks
Spam 340g 50.00% $2.45 (Save $2.45) $7.21 per kg 3 weeks
Patak’s Simmer Sauce Varieties 450g 50.00% $2.25 (Save $2.25) 50¢ per 100g 2 weeks
Sunrice Jasmine or Brown Rice 5 kg 50.00% $6.75 (Save $6.75) 14¢ per 100g 3 weeks
Aunt Betty’s Pudding 2 x 95g 50.00% $2.00 (Save $2.00) $1.05 per 100g 3 weeks
White Wings Bliss Balls 250g or White Wings Cake in a Cup 220g 50.00% $2.50 (Save $2.50) $1.14-$1.25 per 100g 4 weeks
Nongshim Noodles 600g Pk 5 50.00% $3.00 (Save $3.00) 50¢ per 100g 21 weeks
Passage to Asia Meal Kits 320g 50.00% $2.50 (Save $2.50) 78¢ per 100g Never


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Bazaar Gourmet Pizza Bases Pk 2 50.08% $2.99 (Save $3.00) $1.50 per ea 3 weeks
Golden Crumpets Rounds Pk 6 50.00% $1.75 (Save $1.75) 29¢ per ea 1 weeks


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Flora pro-activ 250g 50.00% $2.25 (Save $2.25) 90¢ per 100g 4 weeks
Primo Chorizo – From the Deli 50.00% $11.50 (Save $11.50) $1.15 per 100g 1 | weeks


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Lean Cuisine Wholegrains Frozen Meals 400g 50.00% $3.35 (Save $3.35) 84¢ per 100g 13 weeks
Mr Chen’s Family Dumpling Pack 625g 50.00% $8.50 (Save $8.50) $1.36 per 100g 4 weeks
Ingham’s Frozen Chicken Breast Tenders 400g 51.81% $4.00 (Save $4.30) $10 per kg 1 weeks
Ocean Chef South Atlantic Prawns 500g 50.00% $10.00 (Save $10.00) $20 per kg 5 weeks

Home and Garden

Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Sabco All Purpose Microfibre Cloths Pk 3 50.13% $1.99 (Save $2.00) N/A 48 weeks
Ansell Sensitive Touch Gloves Pk 1 50.20% $1.24 (Save $1.25) N/A 25 weeks
Sistema Klip It 2 Litre Rectangle 50.00% $3.10 (Save $3.10) N/A 0 weeks
Geelong Brush Company Toilet Roll Holder & Brush Set 50.03% $7.49 (Save $7.50) N/A Never
Palmolive Dishwashing Liquid 700-750ml 50.00% $2.75 (Save $2.75) 37¢-39¢ per 100ml 1 weeks
Cuddly Fabric Conditioner 850ml-1 Litre 50.00% $4.50 (Save $4.50) 45¢-53¢ per 100g 1 weeks
Bref Power Active 50g, Duo Active 50ml or Toilet Gel 450ml 50.00% $2.50 (Save $2.50) N/A 1 weeks
Biozet Laundry Powder 2 kg or Liquid 2 Litre 54.98% $9.00 (Save $10.99) $4.50 per kg/Litre 1 weeks
Lovables Care & Renew Laundry Liquid 1.5 Litre 50.00% $6.00 (Save $6.00) $4 per Litre 0 weeks
Cold Power Capsules Pk 18 or Dynamo Capsules Pk 16 50.00% $6.00 (Save $6.00) 33¢-38¢ per 100g 10 weeks
Quilton Toilet Tissue Pk 8 50.00% $3.50 (Save $3.50) 24¢ per 100 sheets 4 weeks
Quilton Tuffy Paper Towel Pk 3 50.00% $2.15 (Save $2.15) $1.19 per 100 sheets 11 weeks

Personal Care

Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner 900ml 50.00% $7.85 (Save $7.85) 87¢ per 100ml 8 weeks
Head & Shoulders Supreme Shampoo or Conditioner 400ml 50.00% $7.50 (Save $7.50) $1.88 per 100ml 7 weeks
Schwarzkopf Extra Care Shampoo or Conditioner 400ml 50.00% $3.45 (Save $3.45) 86¢ per 100ml 2 weeks
Beckham Body Spray 150ml 50.00% $4.00 (Save $4.00) $2.67 per 100ml 1 weeks
Nivea Deodorant 250ml 50.00% $3.25 (Save $3.25) $1.30 per 100ml 1 weeks
Rimmel Wonderfully Real Mascara Black 11ml or Rimmel Insta Duo Contour Stick 8g 50.00% $9.50 (Save $9.50) N/A 1 weeks
Palmolive Shower Gel 500ml 50.00% $2.70 (Save $2.70) 54¢ per 100ml 1 weeks
Garnier Naturals BB Cream 50ml 50.00% $8.50 (Save $8.50)) $17 per 100ml 18 weeks


Discount Price Price per Unit Last Time This Price
Optus $30 SIM Starter Kit# 66.67% $10.00 (Save $20.00) N/A 1 weeks

Historical price information thanks to Price Hipster

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +9

    Right on the dot, thank you Savas!

    Hostricoal price ifnor,matiokn

    Are you learning a new language at uni?

    • +5

      hahaha!! now I can relax and watch Samwise post coles

      • +1

        Nice post as always buddy…
        lets see who wins Coles one ldstr or Samwise..
        Anyone betting ?

        • +1

          Isn't ldstr promised let Samwise go first this week?

        • +2

          @O O: Is it ? Couldn't recall.
          What if none of them make post today thinking that other one will be doing it ? :D

      • These grocery catalogue deals are serious business.

      • waiting for your Coles list, much mire info and easier to read

    • +4


      I couldn't stop laughing, it was hystricoal.

  • +3


    Patak is Savas' cousin.

  • +4

    So tempted to report this for "SPAM"…..

    Seriously though wow nice post. Thanks for this!

    • +4


      • +3

        Omg lol you madman, you actually did.

        (Don't do this too much though, the mods are probably busy enough as it is reviewing actual spam…..)

    • Every.

      • +4

        I've never done it, too childish.

      • +1

        Until next time neil! ✋

      • +1

        Hahaha my bad for mentioning it… I resisted the urge though!

  • +3

    Spam has 26.8% fat.

    • +1

      Did you log into the wrong account again MathNerd?
      For bonus points, can you work out where the missing 41.76g per 100g went?

      • +5

        MathNerd is in the penalty box, he's been naughty.

        • Now there's the madman!

        • +3

          What's MathNerd done I need some juicy gossip :D

        • +4

          He didn’t do his maths homework

    • Mmmmm……

    • +1

      To be fair to spam, I'm about the same.

  • +2

    Doritos Crackers 160g $1.75

    Are these the Doritos version of Shapes? If so, these are so good!!!

    Also on an unrelated note, how are Golden Crumpets normally $3.50? There's that new brand at Woolies that are $1 for the exact same thing..

    • +1

      yeah they are!! also the $1 crumpets sound good

      • +4

        Awesome!! I'll stock up and make the most of my free reusable bags haha
        These are the Crumpets here for $1 :)

  • Serious question do people really eat Spam?

    • +3

      I don't even give it to my dog :D

      • +2

        A lot of things you can eat you can't give to a dog though. Like chocolate!

    • +7

      Spam is delicious. What do you mean "do people really eat Spam"??

    • +1


  • +1

    Special for hot and spicy SPAM too?

    • There is a hot & spicy??!!?

      • +2

        You've been missing out.

        There's spiced Spam, hot and spicy Spam, Spam Turkey, Spam with bacon, etc.

        • +1

          Spam Turkey?

          I clearly haven't been living :(

    • Normally they do the whole range of products for each special.

  • +2

    way to go Savas!

  • +1

    I don't like how the price of cheezels has increased. Sale price used to always be $1.
    Mad. Bad. Sad.

    • +3

      though worth noting boxes have increased from 110g to 125g

      • +1

        Interesting I didn't know that.
        I was happy with the old size heh.

  • Who pays for SPAM? I'm clearing out my emails, PM me for free SPAM!

  • +2

    I've recently fallen in love with Shin Ramyun, this is great news, blood pressure be dammed!

    • +2

      The previous research that salt is linked to high blood pressure has been debunked. The link itself hasn't been, but it's back to "not really established" territory.

      A lot of health bodies/websites haven't really updated it, because the actual link seems to be between high salt intake and a generally unhealthy diet in general, and that link in most junk foods still exists (most foods high in salt are also high in fats and other 'Bad Stuff' <TM>).


      These long-term data from the Framingham Study provide no support for lowering sodium intakes among healthy adults to below 2.3 grams per day as recommended. This study does support the finding of a clear inverse association between potassium, magnesium, and calcium and blood pressure change over time."

    • +2

      crack an egg and cook while doing the noodles.
      makes it even better.

  • +1

    Those Nongshim made in Republic of South Korea or PRC?

  • +2


    • +1

      soccer re header re.

    • +1

      I hope you've been saving up your Good Boy Points young man.

  • +1

    Not mentioned in the catalogue but if anyone's interested Red Rock Deli Chips are on Sale for $2.24 save $2.25.……

    • +2

      Oh nice find. Though I really shouldn't - potato chips have got to be one of the least healthy things you could eat, it's basically empty carbs which have been deep fried………

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