Hey All,
I have 250 GB of files on Google Drive (1TB Plan), however i want to migrate that to my One Drive which i get 1TB of storage and Microsoft office for $13 per month.
What is the fastest way to do this without having to Upload 250GB of data using the One Drive Client? I'm looking for a tried and tested way, even if it costs a little bit to do it! I tried migrating through the One Drive client for a couple of days and ended up migrating only 7GB of data. At that rate it would take me a couple of months.
Google Takeout to OneDrive does not work anymore, it looks like Microsoft have stopped the ability to do this, but there is also no way to extract zip files online within One Drive, so it's not really an option.
Telstra air at Telstra shops in big shopping centres can go at 250mb/s