½ Price Pic's Really Good Peanut Butter Varieties 380g for $3.75 @ Coles (Starts 27th June)
½ Price Pic's Really Good Peanut Butter Varieties 380g for $3.75 @ Coles
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No… I tried it once, since everyone here seemed to think it was the best and I wasn't impressed at all…
Good information. I didn't know that. We got Dick Smith's recently because they too are Australian nuts.
so? more protein or vitamins?
Support 'Straya, mate!
Except for Gerry Harvey, cause (profanity) that guy.
Made in NZ though
Half the stuff “made in NZ” is packaged in NZ from Chinese produce. I hope the labelling laws fix this.
What is wrong with Chinese produce?
Heavy metals.
Transferable diseases such as hepatitis A from frozen berries.
Due to mind-blowingly lax Food Safety laws and downright criminal farming practices, all produce from China runs a serious risk of being tainted.
Putting anything in your body from China is gambling with your health to save a few cents.
Got a link to any evidence of that? I've heard this before but noones ever given me an example.
@first in line: Enjoy your Hep A
Heh, it's fairly common knowledge but if you're interested in the specific types/levels of contamination there's a truckload of literature out there.
If this garbage is what they're straight up drinking, imagine the kind of water they use for farming produce.
Oh, don't forget the Hepatitis A from frozen berries that was plastered all over the papers last year.
Bonus links:
WTF you're kidding me **? this is not from Chinese peanuts?????
Can you please confirm?@first in line: let me put it very simple to you, Chinese produce is rubbish at best
Nah no one said that. Just making conversation.
I'm with you on china stuff but the coles website says this is
"Made in New Zealand from 100% Australian ingredients", how did you deduce its was chinese produce?Backed by their website - https://www.picspeanutbutter.com/au/pics-peanut-butter-produ…
Australian peanuts
Time to stock up again! Thanks!
I live off peanut butter, I'll go stock up, cheers. Prefer Mayvers though.
Mayvers is better but they haven't been on sale for a while now
Yes, my supply is running out, going to have to get some of this Pic's stuff, sad :(
i got myself 8 bottles the other time it went on half price. really like Mayvers. stock's running low though…
I used to eat mayvers until i ate this one, its the best peanut butter ive ever had.
I was the opposite way
2nd best peanut butter on the market, only Mayvers tops this.
Surely a Mayver's deal is just around the corner then? Im down to my last jar…
ditto mate
not surely. there was another pics deal before this one.
People talking about Mayvers, taste like filth to me.
Pic's is not bad but Mothers peanut butter is where its atNor quite filth, but I really don't get all the hype on here about it. I found it very average
There is daylight between this and mayvers. Will stock up big time!
Protip - the pic’s smooth is better than the crunchy which can be a little dry or over roasted in my experience, while the smooth is always perfect.
Source: 50+ jars of the stuff in the last 5 years.
how good ?