Avocado Trees for Sale? (SYD)

Does anyone happen to know of a good (not necessarily the cheapest, but good value for money) supplier of grafter avocado trees in Sydney? I wanted to plant a couple at the back of the yard when spring rolls around.



  • +10

    you can plant your own using the seed

    • -2

      I tried gardening with my own seed. The neighbours called the cops.

    • +1



    • I'm pretty sure it takes an average of 10yrs to bear fruit if you plant from seed. And they say the seed Wong taste like the original fruit it came from. Just like kids, they r a hit n miss sometimes lol.

      Should get a cloned plant that was grafted/air pruned, ask the nursery the age or expected time it bears fruit. I'd rather pay the extra to get an early harvest Than to tend to something for 10yrs .. we got kids for that.

    • According to Google " If you have purchased and planted a tree, you can probably expect to see your first fruit 3-4 years after planting. If you are growing from seed, it can take anywhere from 5 to 13 years before the tree is mature enough to set fruit. When the tree does flower, expect a lot of flowers to fall from the tree without setting fruit. This is natural."

      • Yeah, the success rate is not good from seed growing (not to mention the painstakingly long waiting times), besides you get large genetic variability.

  • We planted one in our yard about 5 years ago using the seed. You can google what you have to do to grow a seed into a tree. Its about 5-6 foot now but the stalk/trunk is still very thin. Just remember these are a long term investment.

    • You need two for fruits :)

      • Or a neighbour with one or more.

  • +18

    You had me at spring rolls.

  • +2

    always take the seeds from avocados and put them in water filled jars with toothpicks.

    80% of the time they will sprout. the trick is to wait. some people get impatient and believe that it will not work. if they aren't going to sprout then they will root and you'd know about that. they can take up to 3 months to start growing a sprout (after they have "split").

    • When I was prepping my garden bed that was lots of clay soil, I just threw all organic waste into the garden bed… a few months later numerous avocado plants started popping up.

  • +2
    • I got 3 grafted trees from Daleysfruit about a year and a half ago, they came well packed about 80cm tall. Trouble is they sell quickly, from memory the update their stock list on Tuesday about 10am, and you’ll only find them stocked at a certain time of year. What ever you do, plant it on a raised mound (they hate getting wet feet) and give it a whole 25l bag of cow manure on planting (it will love you)
      Mine are a year and a half old now and all taller than me, good luck :)

  • He wants grafted so he dosent have to wait 25 years for fruit people…

    • I'm an impatient man :)

  • +1

    Will avocado trees even grow in the Sydney climate?

    • Yeah they do, just a little slower. They can grow throughout most of Australia, so long as you're not in frosty Canberra or something.

      I grew an avo tree from seed at my old place (also in Sydney), and after a bit more than five years it was pretty tall (albeit a bit skinny). No fruit through, as it was more something done for fun. No grafting and no soul mate for the avo tree either.

      • my parents grow them in Melbourne. the 2 trees took ~ 12 years to finally fruit. the fruit is small however they are usually stolen by possums before they really develop.

        though my parents didn't tend them as they should have. - e.g. trim them at 2 or 3 metres to get make them bushier.

      • frosty Canberra


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