Original 20% off Microsoft eBay Deal Post
If you missed the recent Amazon deals, then this is the current best deal.
Original 20% off Microsoft eBay Deal Post
If you missed the recent Amazon deals, then this is the current best deal.
If you are not sure 1Tb is double of 500Gb.So same price more storage and over the top limited Edition
If you can get 1TB for the same price as the 500GB, why wouldn't you? You don't think double the storage is a benefit?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I actually don't mind the minecraft theme.
You can get game passes for like $3 per month and monthly gold for around $10 per month.
I rather get the larger hard drive and just pay my way for those extras.
I think for most ozbargainers bargain trumps cosmetics….
@StoneSin: Meh, gold + game pass can get for less than $10 month, both available for $1 first month right now. So say $40 worth. You'll be paying more than that for a HDD to make up for less storage.
As for the styling of it, it's not my cup of tea but that's very subjective to the individual. If this was a present for one of the kids, the theming might be a benefit.
Do you know that you can use the 500GB one the same as a 1TB one? Amazing!
Please explain how you can store 1000 GB on the 500 GB version.
If you're gonna suggest to replace the hard drive, then the "same price" argument is invalidated.
Mate I'm pretty sure 500 is 500 times more than 1.
Pay more and get less
Games these days are huge, 500gb doesn't cut it any more.
Then buy another hard drive. They're not expensive.
If you think getting a minecraft themed xbox is worth 500GB / $30 then that's your choice. There was a deal on the 1TB for $199/179 before. Why would you buy this then?
500gb one gives 3 month pass
Technically, it is the same as this one, just the OP of that deal hasn't revised the price on the 1TB bundle?
Let's let the Mod to decide.
The more negative points I get, the more I know I am right. It is definitely amusing on both sides.
@StoneSin: in order to reaffirm your belief I’m willing to take one for the team and give you more negs. You’re welcome
just the OP of that deal hasn't revised the price on the 1TB bundle?
Gotta share the love, thanks Joe, nice find.
Thanks, Nocure. I didn't know about your post until I read netsurfer's comment above.
Sadly no other game bundles…
all those people that were putting others down for posting xbox deals over the 179/$199 deal on amazon… they've been trying to flog them off on ebay/gumtree for 250-$300 and now this is cheaper. enjoy your xbox that you bought just to resell while the rest of us missed out….especially those that got more than 1. karma….
Has anyone ever had any luck getting JB/EB to match something like this?
My local EB has stock of the Minecraft 1TB console, albeit limited stock, and picking it up would be far easier.
I tried to get price match on EB and it seems that they will only price match shops which are nearby.
e.g. if the price in JB is cheaper than the EB you are walking in but they both are not at the same suburb they will not price match. wtf
Cheers sluol.
Just need convince myself to look past the hideous design and slap down some virtual cash. Still not 100% there on that one…yet.
I have seen tons of Xbox One S Minecraft edition flooded all over eBay, gumtree and fb market place.. what’s worse? Some are selling it for $250-$350 thinking of making profits. You guys should feel for the ones who actually can’t afford an Xbox but would have managed to convince his/her parents if the price of it was $180. So you guys prefer a mere profit of $50 over someone’s happiness? I hope karma bites you in the a** and never end up flipping the console 😛
I missed out on the deal but later got a white one for around $350 from ebgames with 4 games. So not bad, but not great :P
well said mate, especially the target audience of Minecraft are those younger kids
The target audience of Minecraft is young kids yes, but the target audience of a cheap xbox is me :D
How dare you place an age limit on my enjoyment of minecraft :p
Joking. I used to actually play a fair bit of modded minecraft on a private server back in the java days. Wouldn’t really touch this Mircosoft vanilla version filled with micro transactions.
Gave my game code away to 10 year old cousin.
The Wiggles wouldn't have their millions if they thought that way.
Welcome to the gig economy. Where people make money (profanity) each other over :)
I agree OZBers shouldn't buy items to then resell. And, yes, 30 minutes is not enough for most people to get the $199 ($179)
deals because we don't check OZB every minute.
However, there was a deal back in Feb for $220 for one week. More info: here. Keen to find out why so many people missed that deal.
If you want to post these, remind people about the 50%+ off deals before. One OZBer bought one of these sort of okay deal and then Amazon came out with the $199 ($179) deal a few days later. Sure enough, he was p*ssed. Luckily, he did eventually get one from the most recent Amazon deal (and returned the expensive one). I was/am happy for him, but I was puzzled when he posted another deal one week later which was clearly inferior.
My issue was: if you bought one from one of those $199 ($179) deals, it is best to avoid posting deals which cost substantially more, especially soon after those deals. Even if your intention might have been good, it's just hard to not feel part of you want people to pay more for the console.
This just made it a lot harder for people who bought it before to resell. Btw, are you also bitter against people who flip houses, cars, services, etc?
You won’t put up a car or house the very next second they get delivered or handed over to you, wouldn’t you? :P
I wish it was that quick and easy. If it was then hell yeah I'd do it till the cows come home. Lol
Do you always assume things in life or just on the internet?
Well, I’m in the field of wealth management, so assumptions and probability is at the core of everything;)
That's nice, but I wasn't asking you.
This is so cheap but I really don’t want a minecraft console….
Get the 500GB in white, comes with 3x Gold and 3x Gamepass. Same price. Or wait for a special on the white 1TB to come, it'll be here in a few days/weeks.
I filled my 500gb 360 the day I got it. I imagine I'd do the same thing with a 1tb xb1. Can't see the value in the 500gb model. Although it is fun watching how hard you try to convince us otherwise
Then you'd fill the 1TB. You're better off buying another HD.
I for one love the Artwork on this console. I fail to understand why there is so much hate for it given you place it in an entertainment unit and watch the TV.
Some people don't like the controller that much, mainly the green buttons and the font used. I have a Crimson Omen controller. Similar issue, I don't mind the dark red colour, though do wish the text on the buttons are easier to read (i.e. used a colour with a higher contrast to black or different colours).
Since a lot of people got them for $199 (or $179) or $229, overall, they are happy with their purchases.
yeah the minecraft controller colour and button is crap
also on the original ones
the buttons have a transparent glass like look with color letters
the minecraft just looks shit
and the text is same color and no glass like buttons
I for one like the Minecraft console. I do find B on the controller sticks a little, I'm probably doing it wrong.
A very cheap UHD player yeah?
Thanks OP bought one for my daughter. will have to warn her of the colour urghhh