What to line bins with post plastic bag ban?

Woolies no longer gives free disposable plastic shopping bags from today. Coles is starting soon too. Like most Australians, after I unpack the groceries I save the bags and use them to line the bin in the kitchen. When my stockpile runs out, what am I going to use!?
What do other OzBargainers do? I find it hard to believe you pay good money for commercial bin liners.

This article has some good tips and some unhelpful ones:
Using old bread bags to pick up dog poo is a good suggestion. Wrapping prawn shells and lining bins with newspaper is no help - who reads newspapers any more?


    • +3

      I only have those small bins around my house, we dont throw much food scraps usually and if the bin is too big, it'll just end up rotting.

    • +2

      If you don't put recyclable material or food scraps in the bin then why does it fill so quickly?

    • Our kitchen has a bin which can be lined by a shopping plastic bag. We usually cover the bottom with newspapers and use one each day. For our lounge we only use one each week as the rubbish doesn't stink like kitchen wastes would.

    • +2

      How much rubbish do you generate a day that you need a bigger bin? Or do you not empty your bins every day…?

    • https://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/20295440/

      I use these as my bins (older version though with thicker material). Fits one colesworth bag exactly.

  • +1

    We just got the 3 bin system implemented at my suburb, the red bin for food / compostable scraps. So no 6c plastic bags to go in there, but no chance I'm throwing my food scraps straight in the bin…

  • Will make an effort to save/keep bags from shopping at other places such as Target/Kmart and Asian grocers

  • +3

    Most Australians do not use supermarket bags for their rubbish. Buy bin liners so you only use 1 medium to large bag a week. We've been using reusable shopping bags since Aldi came to town.

  • +2

    The problem with you guys talking about size and frequency (snickers) is that sometimes there are bins that just have to get emptied more frequently because the odours build up or particularly smell thing was used. Once had some fish bones and forgot to take out the kitchen bin bag … yucky smell the next morning!

    • +1

      If that's a major issue then why can't you just put it straight into the outside bin?

      • +3

        Because people don't want to have to spend a significant amount of their time using harsh phenyle chemical cleaners to clean out their bins when the neighbors complain to the council about the smell.

  • +1

    The average Australian uses 200 disposable bags a year. For everyone incessantly whining about the struggles of finding a suitable container for your rubbish, if you're producing anywhere near that amount of waste then you are an ecological disaster…

    In fact, if you all recycled properly you'd be producing hardly any waste at all.

    • +3

      People talk the same about meat.

      They should be allowed an opinion, but never to force it on others.

      Plastic bag disposal in first world nation landfills is not an ecological problem by a long shot. What is is the amount of plastic waste from 3rd world countries making it into oceans and waterways. So nothing is being done by this for an environmental cause - it's just for show and that's what makes it really disgusting.

      (Almost all plastic in the oceans comes from only 10 rivers around the world)


      I don't know a single person who won't continue to use plastic bin liners after July 1 - so instead of reusing plastic bags, they are now going to have to purchase bin liners. So no plastic waste is even saved, and more is going to waste as those plastic bin liners come in a plastic wrapper of their own a lot of the time.

      • +2

        What is is the amount of plastic waste from 3rd world countries making it into oceans and waterways. So nothing is being done by this for an environmental cause

        What do you think Australian retailers should be doing to change behaviours in "3rd world countries"? (What are you doing? What can I do?)

        I don't know a single person who won't continue to use plastic bin liners […] So no plastic waste is even saved

        Even if every single bag acquired by you and everyone you know is used as a bin liner, you're discounting the 23M people you don't personally know and making a huge leap of deduction. I know people that currently buy bin liners and also currently dispose of their shopping bags within those bin liners.

        Apparently only 1% of bags are re-used. I personally get way more bags than I need for bins (we fill 1, maybe 2 per week with rubbish). I recycle the excess, but most people don't.

        The phase-out of bags will reduce plastic waste. No, it won't solve the rampant pollution in other places. If there is a better way to reduce plastic waste, especially "from 3rd world countries", please suggest it.

        • Australian retailers shouldn't be doing anything. Let people have the option to use plastic bags or what ever bags they like. Australian retailers have a responsibility to the consumer, not to reducing the amount of plastic waste in a country they have no sway over.

          You are advocating the forcing your views about plastic on other people via legislation. I've provided the sources that first world countries don't contribute to the problem of plastic in waterways, and your counter link was to suggest a perfect solution fallacy? This isn't some philosophy class, we're not here to discuss the merits of Nietzsche, it's very easy to see that the West doesn't contribute to what has become a well known problem.

          It isn't an issue in Australia, we have proper landfills. If you are suggesting that people don't use rubbish correctly and litter, well that's already an offense that we have laws for and not something we need another nanny state law for.

        • -2


          You are advocating the forcing your views about plastic on other people via legislation.

          Please quote the part of my comment where I did that.

        • @abb:

          The entire post and others you have made in this thread (I'll get to those later). Your entire post advocates for the legislation and you upvote those who spell it out - you even spout that "if there's a better way to reduce plastic waste [than the legislation in question], please suggest it".

          What utter tripe that you would try and hide behind the 'oh, I didn't actually say the exact words' so he doesn't understand my argument - yet you make a post outlying how many marine animals die from plastic waste in oceans every year (which I have sources isn't a problem of first world counties, but is a problem primarily of Asian and African nations) as justification for the legislation.

          You are an absolute charlton if you are going to say that you don't support forcing the legislation on all Australians after making the comments you did, because that's exactly what you support going by your comments in this thread. You didn't make a single comment saying you supported choice.

        • -1

          @c0balt: I never said anything remotely linked to legislating the removal of the bags. You're completely fabricating that viewpoint.

          I do support the supermarkets voluntarily withdrawing them, and I do recognise that single use plastics are a marine pollution problem. This concludes my statement of position.

          "if there's a better way to reduce plastic waste [than the legislation in question], please suggest it"

          You can't just project your fetishised legislation as an imaginary context onto my words. The topic in question is the major supermarkets (Woolworths, Coles) voluntarily ceasing to free issue plastic bags. OP used the word ban, yes, but never referenced any law or mentioned any scenario other than the voluntary ceasing of supply.

          You didn't make a single comment saying you supported choice.

          Sure. There are approximately an infinite number of topics I did not mention in my comment.


          you upvote those who spell it out

          How do I find out what I upvoted? (Other than scrolling and looking for the green) I don't remember such trivialities. I'm amused that you bothered to (somehow?) investigate my votes though.

          PPS. OK I had a quick skim and can't see any posts that mention legislation at all. So, well trolled sir/madam, and good day to you.

        • @abb:

          Your posts are in black and white and I even quoted them.

          Single use plastic bags are not a marine pollution problem in Australia.

          Projecting? I quoted you and backed it up by you constantly upvoting all posts that are pro-legislation and anti plastic bag. You have a crusade against the plastic bag, even those like myself who reused them and don't litter.

          You still don't make any statement supporting choice. Hilarious for you to continue your false ambiguity when it's crystal clear where you stand on the argument by your posts and constant upvoting of anyone who makes comments supporting forcing legislation on others.

          You have taken everything so defensively, and rightly so. I've made it very easy for a subjective reader to see where you stand, that you can't hide behind ambiguity when your comments + actions show a clear view that you are anti-plastic bag for everyone and anti choice when it has no appreciable environmental impact in this country.

          You too, have a wonderful day.

      • +1


        You'd be moving the goalposts a long way to argue that meat is not wasteful. And fair go about not forcing opinions onto people, but in this case, it's not just an opinion, but backed up facts.

        "I don't know a single person who won't continue to use plastic bin liners after July 1 - so instead of reusing plastic bags, they are now going to have to purchase bin liners. So no plastic waste is even saved, and more is going to waste as those plastic bin liners come in a plastic wrapper of their own a lot of the time."

        Uneducated guess and oversimplification! Habits will change. What you are saying is if you had a bountiful lemon tree at home, then moved to a place without one, you would still be consuming the same amount of lemons. People will consider what they are using more if there isn't an endless free supply of them, not to mention the psychological aspect as they wonder why that supply does not exist anymore.

        • +1

          Look first few comments in this thread have ~40 upvotes saying the same thing I have.

          It’s easy to pick on the guy a page later, even when they provide sources showing how ‘wasteful’ plastic bag use is not a problem of first world countries (it’s not wasteful anyway, we use the bags and then reuse them) because your side already lost the argument on the first page.

          It’s sickening to watch your ilk forcing your beliefs on people who do the right thing, just not your version of the right thing.

          Pretty soon you all will be cheering for the banning of toilet paper because of how wasteful it is and say we can wipe with one hand like they do in some real 3rd world countries. Think about how many trees we waste on anus’ and how that affects the CO2 cycle!

        • -1

          @c0balt: Do what all the people that give a shit about the planet do. get a bidet.

        • @Conye:

          By your logic (seeing as you upvote those against me) that's a waste of water, as you have a perfectly good hand you can use - wait for the crap to dry then use a stiff brush to brush it off and use only a few drops of water with an old reused paper towelette to minimise all waste. You can even use some old soap chips, seeing as your an environmentalist who advocates banning the plastic bag in places it has no environmental impact, surely you would be for making every single effort possible to reduce your footprint on the planet?

          You are being so wasteful by your own logic! Think about all the drinking water in the dams you are just flushing into the ocean! Don't you know those dams take time to fill up from downfall after solar radiation evaporates seawater into air humidity? Jeeeeeeeeeeees, think about all that wasted water from you washing your hands!

    • Not all towns have recycling

  • +1

    I wonder buying from ebay or chinese online store would be cheaper.

  • -1

    This is called when people have to much control which leads to paying money for plastic bags. What is wrong with people we need our plastic bags.

    • +2

      Don't be dramatic you won't die without plastic bags

      • -2

        I will die we need plastic bags for everyday life

  • +1

    I think we should be focusing on educating public, especially kids since young in school. Look at Japan and Taiwan. A ban in giving it is not a solution.

    • +8

      Certain Asian cultures. Watching the Japanese spectators pick up the rubbish from the stadium after the match with Colombia the other night was pretty cool to see. Whereas in Chinese culture.. people hock up loogies in airports and spit them on carpet.

      Most the plastic in the world that ends up in the Ocean comes from Asia, though:

      • Asia happens to have 50% of the world's population. But it's also home to the world's largest renewable energy investor (China).

  • +4

    We will still use plastic bags. Now we pay for new plastic bags instead of recycling used plastic bags!

    • -1

      WTF? Which one do you think you are recycling? The one you didn't need in the first place then?

  • +1

    I’m with you on the plastic ban as we stockpile the bags and reuse them for garbage or for when I need to bring stuff to school (for our child).

    At the same time though, I’m a bit glad because now I can use my reusable bag without feeling like I’m a thief. A smiggle staff actually told me to just use their bag so people didnt think I was stealing.

  • +1

    I'm going to get a smaller lbin and reuse the bags I use for veggies.
    Funny how woolies and Coles haven't banned those?

    • -2

      And you'll end up using more bags, funny how you haven't though it through…

      • How so?
        The veggie bags r just going to go in the bin anyway.

    • Coles and Woolies are not banning anything.
      The fruit and vegetable bags are biodegradable.

  • -1

    Don't line the bin, chuck your rubbish straight to the red bin!!

    • you must have a very smelly house and bin…

  • +4

    Buy biodegradable bin liners. I don't understand why people are so upset. You can still get plastic bags at the supermarket. It's your choice whether to use plastic bags for shopping, and it's your choice whether to line your bins with plastic.

    If this gets people to think about plastic more then it's a good thing.if it gets them to think about consumption in general, then even better.

    • People are upset that they have to pay for a bag to use in the bin rather than using the one they carried their shopping in. It's funny how people are complaining about now having to buy "single use" bags, when before they were using a smaller bag a maximum of 2 times (once for shopping, once for the bin)

  • +6

    Ah yes.

    This whole debacle is just a huge scam by the supermarkets.

    They figured out they could pretend to be good environmental citizens by banning these FREE plastic bags but in reality make more profits from you by charging you for the same.
    They can now charge you for using a plastic shopping bags
    They can now charge you for buying bin liners too.
    What a huge boost to thier profits!

    But they could have offered to go back to environmentally friendly paper bags or plastic ones that break down over time.
    But that would have cost them money.

    And what about all those plastic drink and water bottles?

    They should have a plastic bottle collection point at every supermarket where you can get your 10c per bottle back (in SA and NSW)

    • +1

      It's not a scam. They're copying Aldi to cut costs. If there was competition in NSW or VIC, they couldn't do it without the government ban which was unlikely. It's collusion here.

    • +1

      Why the hell is everyone caught up in the mistake that it's the supermarkets banning bags??
      It's government legislation, woolworths just started early.

      Then there is the people that say the supermarkets are saving money now, so should pass the savings back on.
      The bags cost a total cost of 1-2c each. Averaging 6 items a bag, how would beopke like their 3c,cheque cash or rebate?

    • I'm with you here!

      At first i didnt think paper bags would work.. but having gone to Hawaii.. it works fine.

      total cost cutting without offering shoppers an alternative!!

      • Paper bags are more taxing on the environment than plastic.
        Trees required, paper only gets used once, the amount of energy to recycle them.

        Cost cutting, sure. As I mentioned above the total cost saved is minuscule in the scheme of things.
        The alternative is they can spring $6 for half a dozen bags (which profits go to junior landcare program) that have a lifetime replacement on them and they can actually remember to bring them when they do their shopping.

        People are whining because it's an inconvenience, deep down that's all it is there is no reason otherwise.

  • +2

    I think this plastic bags fact sheet from Planet Ark covers everything:

    This answers your question "Are Reusable Bags Greener than Conventional Plastic Shopping Bags"

  • +6

    This is a good opportunity for everyone to begin reducing their waste by being more conscious of what you buy and how you throw things away.

    -Don't buy pre packaged vegetables
    -Avoid using plastic bags for fruit and veggie purchases
    -Bring your own fabric bags everytime you shop
    -Avoid buying individually packaged foods, try buying the bulk packs and pack them yourself with reusable bags
    -Dont buy bottles of water or disposable coffee cups
    -Try to find brands that use recyclable packaging rather than wasteful plastics
    -Get a compost bin or worm farm
    -Collect plastic waste and deposit them at a plastic recycling bin

    A lot of the stuff above will reduce your garbage down to one bag a week. And will even save you money.

  • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/243674 - still using some from this deal, lol.

  • -1

    Honest question say if you got boob job and dies would those degrade quickly?

  • +1

    South Australia got a head start on this farce. The 15c reusable bags (opaque plastic) are the default bag to stockpile or buy, in case you forget. Simply use these.

  • The plastic bag ban has taught me how cheaply I can buy them new from Ebay and aliexpress to line my bins. The benefit is now I don't have to worry about holes in reusing woolies bags. $50 can buy me enough bags for several years worth of use

  • +2

    Woolies no longer gives free disposable plastic shopping bags from today

    Come on OP, everyone is pretending to complaining about how useful these bags are when you've just exposed the reality of the situation; the bags are free and that's all people care about.

  • +2

    I gotta say I see a hell of a lot more McDonalds rubbish dumped everywhere on my walks than anything else and that includes the beach.

    • +2

      Education is way more efficient than banning.

      I don't see government is keen to ban sale of alcohol and tobacco.

      • Why not a plastic tax equivalent to cleaning up and giving tax to alternatives ie paperbags, boxes, metal, biodegradable etc.

      • And legalise cannabis lol

  • Check aliexpress etc plenty of sellers will send you bulk bags costing a few cents each

  • +1

    The Victorian Government has a landfill levy of about $63 per cubic metre, supposedly to curb the amount of waste going into landfill.
    12 months ago there was some $500 mio in the fund that was unspent.
    Rather than all of the hoopla about plastic bags going into landfill etc, questions need to be asked why the $500mio cannot be used to build a large recycling plant such as they have in Sweden.

  • +1

    Fact is, you don't NEED bin liners. Bins function as bins with or without liners. And it's not as messy as you think.

    • +6

      So living in an apartment building, should I now tip raw trash down the shute or off the balcony?

      • +2

        Utilise your two legs and walk to the waste room.

        • +6

          Ok now I am in the waste room holding my unlined bin full of fish guts, chicken bones, 2 day old oily soup residue, wet wipes with my babies s**t on it, and all the other disgusting crap collected over a 24 hour period…..do I wade through the hoards of cockroaches/rats and fight fainting over the smell of collected waste from other apartment dwellers and add to the pile of the slightly bigger bin?

        • +1

          @sl85: yes

        • +4

          @zhenjie: Nah I'll keep lining my bins thanks. Also good luck finding a body corporate that will allow residents to just dump unbagged waste into their bins. Delusional.

        • +4


          Absolutely not.

          Act like a civilised human being living in a first world country. Don't chuck unbagged waste down the garbage chute or in the waste bin. This goes doubly so for "wet" waste as garbage collection occurs once a week. So the putrefied meat, veggies, filthy diapers, used sanitary products and offal are going to stink to high heaven before the week is up.

          Have a sense of social responsibility towards your fellow apartment residents. A pack of rugged bin liners costs like a few bucks and would last an entire month.

          And the people who throw raw garbage into the chutes… the waste (especially wet waste) will likely coat the inside of the chute and the poor sods in building management will have to hose the damn thing down. Simply because some filthy cheap bastard couldn't be bothered to spend a few cents on a bloody garbage bag.

        • -1


          The delusional one who thinks bagging meat will result in no smell…

          Keep the lids closed and you'll have no problem. You do realise why we have lids on the bins right. Oh right, you are living in that apartment whose bins have no lids… Damn you guys who are too cheap to repair it and let rubbish float all over the street.

        • -1


          People throw pizza boxes down there with oil all the time, some idiot had to get me to throw something heavier down his chute to fix it. My God, you haven't seen what people already do.

        • +3

          @VPNWasteOfCash: My apartment building waste room does not have wheelie bins with lids on it (except for recyclables) - just a big commercial bin thats open and directly under the rubbish chute for the levels above. There are signs everywhere saying all rubbish must be bagged before thrown into the bin/chute. Thankfully there are no environ-mentals in my building throwing raw trash in there to ruin it for everyone else. Oh and those flimsy wheelie bin lids are sure to mask any smell, flies, maggots, cockroaches, right?

          Bagging meat will not remove the smell but will reduce it significantly. There are also older walkup apartment blocks where the bins are all lined up out the front. Try putting in unbagged wet trash directly in those and see how well you get along with your neighbours. Nothing like fish guts baking away under 40 degree sun for a week.

          I'm not sure where you live where rubbish floats all over the streets, but I'm sure it wouldn't be the case if people learned to bag their rubbish and throw it in the bins properly. I'd say the cheap ones are the ones who won't fork out a few bucks a year for bin liners. In fact they're so cheap I might double line all my bins from now….and to pee off a few more environmentals

        • @VPNWasteOfCash:

          Sadly I have. :( My parking space is close enough to the chute well. The reason I know some mofos were throwing stuff without bagging it is because I saw some pretty unmentionable stuff just stuck to the "trap" on the chute. Like they didn't even bother making sure the stuff made its way into the actual chute.

          Building manager was livid once this started (new family moved into an apartment nearby), I had a chat to him. Next day they had a bunch of guys scrubbing the chute receptacles and there were signs plastered in all common areas NOT to throw unbagged garbage down the chute (and there are fines associated). Things are heaps better now, so it seems to have worked.

      • -1

        That chute will have cockroaches coming up anyway in most apartment buildings. RIP, Do yourself a favour and seal it up until the next tenant or owner comes along; where you would remove it and allow the roaches to come in after the inspection has been done.

    • +1

      I also don't get all this bin liner mania. One plastic bag in my indoor bin gets emptied into my rubbish bin once a week and is reused many, many times over. Food scraps with green waste, straight in, along with paper not suitable for recycling (if it once lived, it can go in the green waste bin). Recycling rinsed before going in bin. Clean the bins once a year….it's not hard. Soft plastic goes to Coles recycling bin. Only issue would be if the rubbish bin gets blown or knocked over on pick up day - hasn't happened yet.

  • +5

    For the past 6 months or so we've bee using other bags.
    -Postage satchels
    -Bread bags
    -the plastic bags that come with new products e.g. we bought a new toaster and the toaster was inside a plastic bag inside the cardboard packaging (waste of packaging if you ask me)
    -takeaway bags (like Macca's bags)
    -4L ice cream containers
    -toilet rolls wrapping (those are large plastic bags!)

    basically anything that we used to just throw out we now look at it and see if we can re-use it. Turns out… there is a lot of plastic that we were just throwing out that could be used to store rubbish in. Any dry rubbish (which is about 80% of what we throw out) just goes into the bin without a liner. The size of the bag is smaller so we are going out more often tho.

  • +4

    Meh, buy the damn bin liner. Besides, my kitchen bin is too big to take normal shopping bags so I have never used them.

    • True, but the free plastic bags fit perfectly for smaller bedroom/office bins.

  • +1

    they shouldnt be allowed to sell anything with plastic on it if they refuse to give free plastic bags

  • +6

    So many whingers on this post. I have 3-4 people in my household. Most weeks we use 1 * 30 litres bins for rubbish and on the rare occasion a bit more. The rest is compost and recyclable and we still have heaps of plastic bags from packaging that we use or take to Coles. Plastic will be around forever and the biodegradable stuff still takes energy and a long time to break down but we can reduce our use and waste of plastic bags. I see people in the green grocer get a seperate bag for each item of produce including people I know. What for? Seriously it's not like the vegetables will contaminate each other. When I'm at their house they have a stockpile of plastic bags. Saving for the end of the free plastic bag era. So much waste! And I'm not a conservationist but waste and whinging about not being able to waste is a pathetic luxury to have especially if you have time to troll on this site about it. Neg me all you like!

  • Haha I just used the plastic packet my Socceroos onesie came in to chuck rubbish :)

  • Glad wrap.

  • -1

    In Italy they stopped using normal plastic bags too. Shops sell biogradable bags at about 10c a bag. Australia and the rest of the world should do the same as these plastic take up to a 1000 to decompose. Bio bags are the way to go.

  • +1

    From previous experience, you will inevitably forget to bring your reusable bag. Or you decide to impulse buy a few things.

    So eventually you have a ton of useless reusable bags. Use them as bin liners. I've been to states with the plastic bag ban, and the bins are full of the reusable bags.

    • +1

      Keep the reusable bags in your car, pack you shit in your trolley, take you trolley to your car, pack your shit in your bags in your car…

  • +1

    In the kitchen, you could also reuse other plastic packaging (bread bags, frozen produce bags etc.). Sure they're smaller, but you'll also be minimising waste too.

  • Installing an Insinkerator !

  • +1

    Buy more fruits and vegetables, it seems they still hand out plastic to bag your fruits and veges.
    Shop more often at Asian groceries or wet market.
    Order more takeaway.

  • +1

    had to do groceries yesterday, went to kmart first bought some boxer shorts for $4 and grabbed a handful of shopping bags and then went and did my groceries

  • What to line bins with post plastic bag ban?

    • line
    • bins


    Something that would line bins… you mean like a bin liner?

  • Probably been said multiple times but I haven't bothered to read the comments.
    Become a part of a waste free society - if that fails don't use plastic bags, stop lining the bin altogether, it's unnecessary

  • +2

    Biodegradable bags are $3.50 for 20 at Woolworths and Coles, so $9 a year/16c a week for a sharehouse of 4 adults who buy their own stuff/ no shared shopping and fill a medium bag a week. Cat/dog poop bags are $2 for 100 at Asian discount stores.

    I've been carrying a backpack or satchel bag with a refillable bottle of water and a tote bag inside for years. A few more reusables in the back of the car.

    But if you're a boomer just get outraged and start abusing and shouting down the retail staff until the stores come back around and start paying for your kitchen supplies. >_____<

  • you can use newspaper if you get free weekly ones or junk mail

    • Origami or tape?

  • Newspaper apparently

  • Hollowed pumpkins and melons.

  • The Pacific Islanders in my area throw their Maccas, KFC and other rubbish in my street's green and yellow bins. They have ZERO regard for others or the environment.

    I can't say anything because they're so vile, large, loud and always swear.

    I love to recycle but these people make it so hard. I am someone who hasn't used plastic bags for years. I always bring my tough nylon bags.

  • I noticed that woolworths were using bin liners today

  • I've just started using the 15c Aldi bags as bin bags. There like 10x thicker, but honestly there isn't much options

    • +1

      Not sure if troll or stupid..

    • +1

      An actual product exists for this specific purpose…

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