TERMS & CONDITIONS: Excludes clearance products, selected packs, Burt's Bees, The Ordinary, Ego QV & Sunsense, Lucas Papaw & MooGoo. Savings based on Priceline's normal national selling prices. Savings and stock may vary in stores and online. Further exclusions may apply in some stores. Please check with store staff before purchase. While stocks last.
Priceline - 40% off Skincare, Suncare and Tanning
noodle23 on 17/06/2018 - 17:38 priceline.com.au (3129 clicks)
Last edited 19/06/2018 - 15:42 by 4 other users
Last edited 19/06/2018 - 15:42 by 4 other users
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closed Comments
Is it wrong that I don't need anything and that makes me sad?
Though I have 3 packs of make-up wipes that I don't like, and would like to get the nivea micellar ones…
I'm not a big fan of those. Scent is too strong.
Mannn i want to buy some moisturizer and face wash but I don't want to buy $100 bucks worth for the $0 shipping
Of course The Ordinary is excluded as usual sigh
Thanks so much for posting OP. I was running low on creams and cleansers, this sale came just in time!
Of course, when I'm hoping for a makeup one we get a skincare one :P
As is tradition.