This was posted 6 years 8 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

1 Year 365 Day Anonymous, Logless, 4096 Bit, UnMetered - $4.99 AUD VPN – Port 443 – Sydney IP – Bitcoin/PayPal – @ PhillipDi


Hi All, I hope you are well.

I am offering a VPN service that is very security conscious

Security specifications:
4096 bit Diffie-Hellman key
4096 bit RSA key
TLS Auth SHA256
All logs switched off
Port 443 UDP

Payment options:
Paypal/Credit Card

Client download precautions:
The client is encrypted with a password or PGP key you sent us during the order, you are then emailed a link which will expire to the file.
In the case of PGP it will be signed with our key

Alternatives out there don't accept Bitcoin, or are opaque about the logs they keep, or in ExpressVPN's case, use a SHAMEFULL 1,024 bit RSA key, god knows what their DH key is…

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Is it 4.99 per year or per month? Can you make it clear in title?

    • 1 year, $4.99. Does it need to be clearer?

      • -4

        $4.99 per month per year. Done.

        • 365 days $4.99

  • +1

    Do you really keep no logs?

    • +9

      Wait for him to check the logs to verify

    • Open VPN keeps no logs
      Unless theres something Im missing but I doubt it

  • -1

    nice will sign up

    static or dynamic IP Rep

    • static

  • So you sell iPhone 6 and have a VPN service? I am actually looking to get a VPN, just want to be sure who I am dealing with

    • Hi. Yes I sell phones, laptops, tie clips VPNs, later I do sip also

  • If it's based in Australia, i.e. Sydney IP, then I thought by law they have to keep logs?

    • +1

      Only if they're an ISP.

    • +1

      1.Data retention law applied to ISP not VPN provider. 2. Data retention and logs are not equivalent. 3. Depend on what you need the VPN for, but you dont have to use "Sydney IP" most provider have multiple server arround the world.

      • Ah, ta

    • -1

      Im not an ISP 😀

  • +15

    Nice try ASIO

    • +1


      Ok. Trust a US based company haha

  • +2

    Please use the search bar if there’s something you cant find, we are still updating our categories section for most things like knives, processors, keyboards, chargers, motherboards and most phones, so if you have a brand/model in mind please use the search bar

    Will you be throwing in a set of steak knives, an iPhone or a processor with this deal?

    For those who aren't aware of DH vulnerabilities via Logjam attack, please read up on it.

    • Yes. And untill they impliment something else we are with DH

    • What do you suggest instead of DH?


      I mean EC is a bit of a tough one, its hardly close to fully implemented

    • @thushan The reference you provided literally suggested to use a 2048 bit DH key instead of a 1024 bit key. OP is using a 4096 bit DH key, so what is the issue? It is already using better encryption than the authors of that study suggested.

  • Signed up before realising it's Sydney IP (so, useless to me) - haven't received any email communication from them re: my purchase in an hr plus. Will let you guys know if anything comes through, but it doesn't look promising…

    • All sorted, ignore this!

    • please confirm you have the file and that it DOES in fact look promising haha

      • Confirmed! All promises fulfilled

        • giggedy giggedy!

        • As you have the service can you try going on the doileak website and ipleak dot net and running their test and informing us if the actually hides your real IP?

          A credible VPN should pass this that test with flying colours.

        • @saisaion:

          IPLeak: Shows my IP as the VPN exit IP (Sydney), no IPv6, WebRTC IP is shown as 10.8.x.x (assigned by the VPN), DNS servers are OpenDNS (AU) and Google (TW), no forward IP detected, torrent test shows the VPN exit IP, geo-location is Sydney VPN exit.

          Same results from doileak.

        • -1

          @saisaion: So, as you can see 4wd has confirmed it.
          Why did you neg it?

  • or are opaque about the logs

    Or they claim to keep no logs when in reality they do. No way to know who is lying unless there's public records arising from court cases or something like this.

    Tor is a free open source proxy program which is easy to use that offers anonymity with the proviso that any website scripting with the exception of Javascript can be used to deanonymise you if the website serves an appropriate script. Javascript can be used to deanonymise you in theory however not using it breaks most of the internet so Javascript can be "cleaned" so you can use it (Javascript is enabled by default in many Tor based products).

    The free open source part is important: the way Tor is coded means no other parties can see or trace and this can be verified by all (if you know computer code) as the source code is published. Tor was developed by and for US Military intelligence for operatives to use and then control passed to The Tor Project.

    The best ways to use Tor unless you know what you are doing is to use either Tor Browser (Firefox with Tor) or Tails Linux (a Linux distribution that enforces total security so no mistakes can be made) which can be downloaded from The Tor Project's website.

    • +2

      People should stay away from Tor unless they know what they are doing. VPNs are safer and easier for beginners.

    • -1

      You shoildnuse TOR and a VPN.
      I think I read that on a TOR website

    • no other parties can see or trace and this can be verified by all


  • +1

    Can't trust this person. Yeah right logless hahaha

    • Right. Its only 2 lines of code to turn off logs in a vpn.

      As much as I enjoy looking at logs of when encrypted data passed through a node.

      I dont….

  • Can OP or someone else smarter than me explain the bashing of ExpressVPN? I dont think his info is accurate.

  • All logs switched off

    Oh BS. you can't run a server with logs turned off. unless you expect lots of downtime.

    When a VPN provider claims no logs take your money elsewhere, because you can't trust them.

    • So what are you even talling about?…

      Now ALL the openVpn logs have been switched off

      • that's not what you said, you claimed

        All logs switched off

        tell us what logs are (switched) off.

        • All the Open VPN ones.
          All Logs in relation to the VPN.

          I'm selling a VPN, and so when I say all logs switched off, I mean that all logs pertaining to the VPN are switched off.
          I hope that makes sense

        • +1

          @phillipdi: so i could setup one account and share it with everyone here and you'd be none the wiser because you don't log?

        • @supabrudda:

          Using OpenVPN with certificate credentials you can limit the number of connections used against a certificate.
          If it was user/password, (as a lot of VPNs are), then you need some form of logging to track connections to ensure a (possible) connection limit is not exceeded.

          This OpenVPN configuration uses certificates.

  • Ed25519?

  • For what it's worth if you look on the news site TorrentFreak they have artciles where PIA VPN provider has been called into court and have twice provided evidence they can't associate IP activity with a paid user. And I think they also take Bitcoin.

    • Nice!

  • +1

    What's the use case for an Aussie IP VPN?

    Seems to be of limited use to me. Won't get past any geoblocking, won't add a layer of jurisdiction when someone wants to take you to court. If you want to hide your IP, what do you gain from another aussie IP over one in another country?

    Oh and I don't believe the no logging claim. How does a VPN even operate without at least some logging? How do they know how much you've downloaded? Or if you've broken their TOS and they need to terminate you?

    Honest VPNs will tell you they keep minimal logs and delete the logs after a few days. Someone who says 100% no logs even kept raises red flags.

    • +1

      Just playing Devil's Advocate:

      Won't get past any geoblocking …

      Actually it will if you're overseas and want to access Australian sites that are geo-blocked, (eg. ABC, SBS, etc).

      If you want to hide your IP, what do you gain from another aussie IP over one in another country?

      It will add a layer of obfuscation to your traffic, single IP gateway means everyone gets the same IP, no logs means no single time period or traffic data can be tied back to a particular IP. Same country should enable a faster throughput, network dependent, (in theory).

      How does a VPN even operate without at least some logging?

      It's easy, I run one without logging.

      How do they know how much you've downloaded?

      It's unmetered, why do they need to track data usage?

      Or if you've broken their TOS and they need to terminate you?

      There are none on the site, how can you break something that doesn't exist?

      • No ToS is a recipe for disaster. You could hack their servers or DDOS them and they wouldn't even know that it was you, because they have no logs, and didn't say you couldn't do that.

  • Is it possible to "chain" vpn providers? That is, go through one vpn to a second vpn provider, then to the destination website?

    Unless I'm misunderstanding how vpns work, won't that get around the problem of logs? The first vpn only knows that you visited the second vpn, and the second vpn doesn't know who you are (provided you pay them by an anonymous method like bitcoin).

    • +2

      Thats what TOR trys to achieve.

      If you browse SSL content your VPN cant see what the ssl protected packets are only the sites visited and when.

      TOR encrypts its packets woth ssl like encryption between each node.

      So what you do is this.

      You get a VPN. You use TOR and you browse SSL Enabled sites.

      That way theres no MITM issue with TOR. Your VPN cant see whats going on nor your TOR exit node when using SSL.

      If you run yiur VPN In a Docker application not even your OS would know whsts going on. And if you mount muh of your system read only AND turn off OpenVPN Logs your sweet pertiet.

      Buy the VPN Through TOR. Pay by BTC, get the login details by a disposable email address accessed through TOR, decrypt it using the preset password or PGP Key and your swimming

  • Best advice… don't do bad things on the internet and then you don't need to rely on tor/vpn.
    Keep safe all.

    • +5

      You don't need to be doing something wrong to want the right to privacy.

      • Cheapest way if you want to stay anonymous, get Opera and use the InPrivate + VPN mode.

        As a bonus, a simple switchover to the 'Americas' region unlocks John Oliver on Youtube, that's a win for me.

  • So you mention no logging right, is that for everything? No traffic, dns request, bandwidth and IP?

    How many servers do you have? Can u change location to say America If I want to stream Netflix? How about the bandwidth as well? Would I get near what my download speed is now?

    Also is there a kill switch option on your Vpn?

    • Single IP exit point in Sydney, no good if all you want to do is watch US Netflix but then that isn't the point of this VPN.

      I get near max speed over my ADSL2 connection through it.

      • How about torrents and surfing dark net? Would this suffice?

        • You could ask the OP, I've had it working for less than 6 hours … haven't got any Linux isos to download atm but I did a load of Steam updates, (>3GB), at full speed.

          Wondering why you negged the deal since none of the acceptable reasons seem valid?

        • Hey. So why did you neg the deal exactly? @saisaion

    • what kind of porn are u looking at

    • So you mention negging my post, why did you do that exactly?

      • After more than a week you have failed to answer Member saisaion's pertinent inquiries regarding this offer.
        Expected Behaviour
        It is recommended that reps respond to comments and reasonable enquiries about their deal, product or service. To assist with this, reps are automatically subscribed their deal posts.

        • -1

          No one can accuse me of not replying to comments and reasonable enquiries, I'm the most responsive OP on here.


        • @PJC and you, your logic is this.

          One poster somewhere is saying they don't have their iPhone 6, they don't provide any evidence but they say they are a customer.

          They make a post without tagging me in it and I therefore can't give my side of the story to it.

          I am working with them to resolve the issue (which should be over by today) and the reason why it got this far was because I thought it was already resolved when it wasnt.

          And you think to yourself, you know what! I'm going to randomly neg a post about a VPN with OZbargainers CONFIRMING the service is fine, your going to IGNORE that and IGNORE the people who got their phones without issue and IGNORE that the person who made the post's issue is being resolved as we speak, and your just going to randomly neg the post because of "due to serious issue with retailer", right, I can see who has the serious issue mate. :) Best of luck

        • @phillipdi:
          This is at least the 5th time I have negged one of your posts. I always give a proper reason, which is why none of them are removed by Moderators. The same applies to negs by Member saisaion and every other Member.

          No one can accuse me of not replying to comments and reasonable enquiries, I'm the most responsive OP on here.

          Even now, we still see no reply to Member saisaion's inquiries. I assure you responsive is not a synonym for combative.

        • @PJC: Hang on, so @saisaion negging, then asking a questiong, getting the answer, and asking more questions while keeping the neg is supposed to inspire any human being in their right mind to respond curiously and promptly too them? If anything it shows there's nothing I can say or do and I'm not going to reply to his questions unless he gives a reason as to why he negs.

          As for you, you ignore 63 positives and look at 2 negs and thing ohh well I'm justified in negging even though its a good deal but a small % of unverified users are saying they have an issue (and later all post it was resolved), and you neg anyway.

          There's no logic mate.

  • Would this work with Netflix?

    • Yes. On a sydney Ip

  • FWIW:

    My connection is Telstra ADSL2+ at ~8Mb/1Mb, (I'm over 2km from the exchange), in Melbourne outer east:

    Speedtest Telstra: 26ms ping, 6.46Mbps Down, 0.80Mbps Up, Optus Burwood East server

    Speedtest VPN: 41ms ping, 5.93Mbps Down, 0.68Mbps Up, Foxtel Sydney server

    Considering the VPN overhead and the ~1000km difference between my local test server and Sydney this is a very good result for my connection.

    • That's actually pretty good. Have you tried a (legal of course) torrent to see whether it's supported/throttled?

      • +1

        Tested right now:
        Linux Mint 19 XFCE x64 beta 1.7GB - ~580-700kBps, generally averaging around 640kBps, connected to 32/88 seeds.

        Pretty much max. for my connection, no throttling observed.

        UPDATE: Final results: 1.7GB, 46.6 mins, ~635kB/s Down, 35/89 seeds, 0 hash fails
        There was a slowdown half way through due to Defender deciding it was a good time to update its database otherwise the average would be higher.

        I'll just point out, no association with Phillip Di and I bought this knowing that I might not be able to use it for any P2P stuff, (I have another VPN on a RasPi for that).
        I got it primarily for the intended use of privacy for which it is working better than the other 2 VPN providers I have.

        • not bad xD

    • It would be good to also provide speedtest results for on/off vpn to the same server (Foxtel Sydney).

      • Todays results:
        Speedtest Telstra: 38ms ping, 6.13Mbps Down, 0.68Mbps Up, Foxtel Sydney server
        Speedtest VPN: 40ms ping, 5.93Mbps Down, 0.73Mbps Up, Foxtel Sydney server

  • How long has this been running for? how do I know your not going to change your mind in 3 months and shut it down?

    • I have been in business for 6 years, on eBay for 3 and running VPN's for 4 years.

      You have a much greater chance of a large company disappearing after 3 months due to court cases and such than me doing it.
      Also look at my first post, it was done 7/8 months ago.

      So yea up to you. There's also paypal and chargebacks

  • +3

    OP has Member holdenmg's matter been resolved please?

    • Yes. I want to say to everyone to use the cintwct secionnof my website to contact me with issues. Not ozbargain. I dint check ozb everyday

      • +1

        No, not according to Member holdenmg. You posted the deal here.

        • Its being resolved as we speak.

        • +3

          @phillipdi: That's not what you said yesterday. Let your yes be yes and your no be no.

        • -1

          @PJC: I don't think you want to start quoting chapter and verse with me.
          And yesterday I said ozbargain is not the best place to contact me with issues, I was typing on my phone so it came out wrong.

          How is "its being resolved as we speak" the opposite of me saying its best not to contact me on ozbargain, but to use our email system?

          Its really quite simple, if I see an issue I'll act to fix it, I dont check ozbargain every day but now I am checking it every day because someones messaging me on it, but I still encourage them to email me as its better.

          So whats the problem?

        • +1

          I asked you …

          OP has Member holdenmg's matter been resolved please?

          … and the first sentence of your reply was …


          … which is not the same as today's …

          Its being resolved as we speak.

          … unless you are certain you have resolved this twice, once yesterday, and subsequently again today.

          It's really quite simple. Members pay you for goods, and you send them what they ordered and demonstrate a better attitude than you have done if that fails.

        • @PJC: When I sent that I thought it was resolved, then the member replied further and it turned out it wast. I'm not retarded, really I'm not, I've been doing this for 6 bloody years, Members pay for goods, and they get them! WHOAH! Cave men have mastered this… But occasionally in life things go wrong O_O wow!

          Once the member replies to the latest message I send them they should be getting a refund and I will ask them to report their resolution results. Until that time you can PM the member or wait a day or so.


  • +1

    Negging due to serious issue with retailer. Associated OP's appalling attitude to basic customer service is amply demonstrated here and exacerbates with specious reasoning about the inconvenience of checking here where it is somehow convenient to post deals.

      1. Your not a customer.
      2. Thats not even related to this deal, its an entierly different one
      3. Your ignoring all the people who don't have issues
      4. You should probably wait until end of the outcome with @holdenmg, that way you can actualy base it on results rather than the selected things you have read on ozbargain but sure
      • +1
        • you're

        What's there to wait on holdenmg's order? He paid for a phone on 6 June and it has been 14 business days and counting. The order is not fulfilled and looks like a refund is in order. What "result" are you actually expecting on the outcome of holdenmg's case that could possibly warrant a positive review?

        • Well, and I'm not kidding, allot of his reply's are 1,650 words long, I have offered a refund many times but I get 1,650 word long messages which don't have clear answers. I won't go in his direction and make his corrospondance's public because I do believe in confidence.

          Second, THIS POST IS ABOUT THIS DEAL! NOT ONE MADE WEEKS AGO AND ONE INDIVIDUAL'S ISSUES WITH AN ENTIERLY DIFFERENT PRODUCT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          How many posts on OzBargain do you see neged because on another entierly separate deal ONE person out of 120 odd has an issue?

          Anyway, give a man a keyboard and a username and he will slap you in the face (neg you), THEN ask you questions about your product, after which get answered, and continue to ask questions and expect a nice reply…

        • +3

          @phillipdi: You took his money weeks ago and he should make allowances for your attention span?

          This is the second day you informed me that Member's matter is resolved yet it remains unresolved. Your previous excuse …

          I dont check ozbargain every day …

          … is irrelevant because …

          reps are automatically subscribed their deal posts.

          Your woeful attitude while dealing with that simple matter is not at all encouraging.

        • -3

          @PJC: First off, how does that have ANYTHING to do with this thread?
          Second, I thought that persons issue was resolved but guess what! I got annother 1650 word email, so I simply opted to refund them, after asking them if they wanted a refund 3/4 times………..

          Third, OZBARGAIN IS NOT THE WEBSITE TO GET CUSTOMER SERVICE O_O Surpise! No onder it took so long to get a reply.
          It shows up as a notification and most of our PM's are from people asking if we have new deals, THERE IS NO WAY OF KNOWING THAT A CUSTOMER HAS MESSAGED US WANTING SOMETHING OR IF ITS JUST SOMEONE ASKING IF WE HAVE THE IPHONE X, do you get it?

          Jesus. You are Woeful

          Mod: Removed personal attack remark.

        • +4

          That's an unpleasant remark about Jesus but it's generally postulated he will forgive you after you repent.

          You persistently confirm your fundamental inability to rectify customer service matters with an acceptable attitude. You may claim you would perform better with this offer, but who has not noticed your fatuous rejoinders, your emphatic reluctance to take OzBargain seriously, and your proclivity for defending the indefensible?

        • @PJC: I am not "confirming" any inability to rectify customer service at all, what I am trying to do (politely) is explain the issue is with the buyer making a specific, clear and direct decision on 1. How they want to communicate with me (by email, ozbargain PM, ozbargain forum, reply's to my OP) 2. What they want (a refund) in a clear message that isnt 1,650 words long EACH….

          And its not hard to defend a $4.99 per YEAR VPN deal at all, also no one on here has reported a issue, and the person that had the iPhone issue is 1/2 out of at least 120 sales on ozb…

        • -1

          @PJC: Heads up, its the last time I'm going to bother replying too you, your clearly stalking my posts and finding any reason to neg me, and when you can't find an honest reason to neg me on this deal, you try to invoke someone ELSES experiences of which you know NOTHING about to justify your random trolling. Bye

        • +1

          @phillipdi: OP has Member holdenmg's matter been resolved please?

        • -1

          @PJC: I can say that a FULL refund has been issued. It is resolved.

        • +2


          I think it is important for "my side" to respond.

          To claim "allot of his reply's are 1,650 words long" certainly isn't the case.

          Let's fact check:
          holdenmg on 24/06/2018 - 13:56
          was a mere 435 words.

          One single message I sent subsequently I admit was lengthy but incorporated verbatim excepts from both of us.

          As a very gracious measure to yon (and a weary OzB) on my part I didn't post it publicly.

          A consequence of which this was that you telephoned me late at night Mon 25/6/18 21:32 (Adelaide time) from a "No Caller ID" number on a Mobile Number that I had previously advised was unreliable. (This was because my existing mobile was failing while waiting 19 days for my new iPhone to arrive).

          It was apparent that you didn't seem to have read the message I sent, so I again attempted to verbally summarize the Summary at the foot of the message.

          In short, I asked you supply the iPhone (as advertised on 6 Jun) or provide an equiv. and to make reasonable attempts to source and supply same from Melbourne at your expense by 5PM ACST 29/06/18.

          I didn't really want a refund as I had already bought a Belkin Case for the iPhone and given you are in Melbourne and already had my funds thought you could make contact with Apple or other suppliers.

          You looked on eBay while we spoke, said something like "I can't source it at that price" and said you would message me.

          I actually thought you were going to continue to look and attempt to obtain an iPhone for me…

          I acknowledge you have now refunded me.

        • +6

          @holdenmg: There are numerous examples of OP's utterly execrable interaction with Members. Your own experience in this rather simple matter has also been regretfully shabby. Since your comment, 5 whole hours of OP's blatant indifference to your actual requirements serve as yet another stark warning to potential customers.

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