Hi guys,
I came across this thread about working out every other day and I've confused myself about how they ended up counting the days. Can anyone see if it makes sense to them?
Hi guys,
I came across this thread about working out every other day and I've confused myself about how they ended up counting the days. Can anyone see if it makes sense to them?
Yep same with me, and usually stay for about 40-50mins most times.
3 and 4 alternately — 3.5 on average.
LOL. Is this is the thread where someone's arguing that there are 8 days in a week?
If you go every other day, you go 3 days one week and 4 days every second week, so 7 days in a fortnight.
Edit: Yes, yes it is. Also, the guy's an idiot. He posts this schedule as proof:
Week 1 - Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Week 2 - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Week 3 - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Monday
Week 4 - Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday
Week 5 - Thursday, Saturday, Monday, Wednesday
Week 6 - Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
His weeks start progressively later so that Week 4 'starts' on a Wednesday. Aka he doesn't know what a "week" means.
Albert Einstein Quotes. The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.
Time is an illusion. Gym time even more so apparently.
If he thinks there are 8 days in a week he will get way more done than everyone else.
Not exactly, I heard he leaves all the real work till day 8 and slacks off 1-7.
so that Week 4 'starts' on a Wednesday. Aka he doesn't know what a "week" means.
Well, he's not exactly wrong, he just has a more liberal definition of when the week starts.
Reminds me of explaining how a year doesn't have 52 weeks, and might even have 54. 56 if you are really lucky.
It's a classic thread. I've been linked to it so many times over the years and it never gets old.
That thread was actually funny - and even funnier that its a bunch of gym rats who are arguing about how to count days.
"The dumbest internet fight I have ever seen."
One of the best Jon Bois videos.
I find it better to count the number of rest days I require between workouts when doing a schedule rather than focus on workout days per week
I’m getting nostalgia from the gold old days of BBing misc
U aware?
Mirin brah
no homo?
I Just Go - Monday Wednesday Friday. Olympic Lifting Full Body Programme.
Is this some Singaporean 5th grade Maths question and the answer is 22?
Does refusing to go to the gym count as resistance training??
Is it a 24-hour gym? If you enter the gym at 11:55PM on Monday and leave at 1:00AM on Tuesday, do you go back on Wednesday or Thursday?
You go back Wednesday at 11:55PM again.
but then that would be the next day, not looking at the hours
Is it a 24-hour gym?
But there's only 23 hours & 56 minutes in a day. 24H is an illusion.
Hmm, so in a year that's over a day you're paying for but can't use. Call the ACCC and demand a refund!
23 hours 56 minutes 4.1 seconds. Where does the remaining 3 minutes 55.9 seconds go?
Where does the remaining 3 minutes 55.9 seconds go?
Doesn't go anywhere, we gain it. The Earth takes 23:56 to spin exactly once, if we didn't orbit the Sun then that's what a day would be.
Imagine that it's sunrise, you can just see the Sun over the horizon. Now move the Earth a days distance in its orbit, this effectively causes the Sun to drop back under the horizon as all the angles change. The Earth will need to spin for another 4 minutes before the Sun will be visible again, and there's your 24 hour day.
(The Moon does the same thing, it actually rotates but because it's also orbiting the two cancel each other out, so we always see the same side.)
wouldn't this conversation be pointless?
Well, like the question "How long is a day?" it all depends on your point of view.
You should bump the thread. I already know the reply someone will give but it's funny because they get so upset.
Haha classic thread. Always a good laugh.
sometimes 3 sometimes 4