Gastroenterologist in Sydney - Please Help

Hey guys,

I’ve had gut issues for the last 2 years, which have come to a real head in the last few months.
I’ve been treated for H. Pylori but unfortunately this has done nothing to solve the daily diarrhoea and borborygmi.

My GP referred me to a gastroenterologist, but they’re all the way in Liverpool (I’m in the CBD) and while a consultation is bulk-billed, treatment is $450. I have no health insurance and am currently in a bad financial situation, but I really really need this looked at.

Does anyone have any recommendations? It would be greatly appreciated.


  • -2

    Sorry you have this type of bug can imagine it's ruining your life. Can't offer anything specific, however as you are in Sydney cbd area I'd talk to some Chinese down at the markets / Chinatown about possible cheap herbal remedies these ppl have been using herbs to combat stuff like this for yonks may or may not be a help but it's something.

  • +1

    What do you eat on a typical day?

  • +1

    IANAD but have been dealing with my own gut issues for the last few years…without drugs. It took a while but I am happy with how things are going with no gut issues left anymore.

    Have you had an official diagnosis from the doctor? If so what was it.
    I believe that HP is treated these days with a long course of antibiotics, did your other gut problems start before of after your HP treatment?
    IBD-D can be alleviated with slippery elm bark (cheap from your local health food store).
    Have you tried probiotics (inner health IBS support, Vivomix etc?)

    If your doctor has ruled out any acute conditions are you are satisfied that it just some kind of gut dysfunction, then you can sort it out, but don't expect it to happen overnight. In the west we are conditioned to take a pill and expect things to feel better quickly, real healing doesn't work like that and gut issues can get very complicated. Did you know there are more neurons in your gut than in your brain? So without knowing ANYTHING really from your OP do some googling on 'Heal your gut' and start to get some ideas of a long term strategy. What are your eating habits? Do you exercise? Are you under lots of stress?

    Here's a start:…

    If all else fails you could talk to your GP about a fecal transplant (google it) the experts are getting some great results with this if you can get passed the psychological aspect of swallowing some crapsules along with your daily vitamins. :)

    Here's an interesting talk by a gut professor:

    All the best.

  • +5

    Ask your GP to refer to a public hospital gastroenterology clinic. Free

  • If that treatment is outpatient, private health insurance wouldn't cover it anyway.. they're not allowed to by law

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