Original 10% Off Sitewide on eBay Deal Post
pretty good deal for an Xbox one X could probably sell both games $20 bucks each to get it even cheaper.
Original 10% Off Sitewide on eBay Deal Post
pretty good deal for an Xbox one X could probably sell both games $20 bucks each to get it even cheaper.
COD has been $20 many times.
Cod is like 12 dollar at OZgameshop right now.
And Halo 5?
Why don't you google it and report back
I wish.
A much more useful comment would have been
"COD is selling for $12 on OzGameShop and Halo 5 is $15 at JB Hifi"
"how much are the games"
Definitely won't get close to 20 bucks each for those 2
So if we minus $40,
is an Xbox one X selling for $506 on it's own a good deal?
You won't get 40 bucks for them though. They often sell new for less.
Yeah so that means the Xbox one X is even more expensive.
So if you factor that in,
would the Xbox one X be a good deal after selling the games for whatver price e.g. $15 or $10 each etc.
Saw Halo 5 for $18 at a JB store last weekend (could be that store only).
Problem with Halo 5 is that it's on GamePass. Games on GamePass drop in value. Also, pretty much most of the exclusives I bought are on GamePass except Forza H 3 and Forza 7.
Microsoft announced at E3 that Master Chief collection will be added to GamePass. Yet another one of the exclusives I own available on GamePass.
Why gamepass drop in value?
Gamepass still needs an annual subscription..
and you don't own it.
These are permanent disks you own and can resell possibly on ebay etc.
No, you don't need annual subscription for GamePass, you can just buy it for 1 month. If you are a regular OZBer, you would not pay full price. We had the Master Card deal (some people got 2 years+ worth of GamePass for free), MS Rewards sign up deal (again, there was a loophole), $1 GamePass for December 2017 ($1 XB Live Gold too for that month). Every XB1X comes with 1 month GamePass voucher + 1 month XBLive Gold voucher.
I played Halo 5 through GamePass subscription (no disc needed). My copy of Halo 5 (it came with the console) is still sealed. My local BigW store was clearing a whole bunch of XB1 titles (all less than $20 and all of them were/are on GamePass - coincidence? I don't think so). Normally, when I get to the BigW store, the titles I want are already OZBargain'ed. I was able to see those discounted titles so that gives you a good idea what people feel about buying titles available on GamePass. Same goes for Halo 5 at the JB sore, it has been at that price for 2 weeks now.
I don't know about you, but 1 month was enough for me to play pretty much the games I am interested in GamePass library. I played Gears 1-4, Halo 5, MGS V, Sunset Overdrive, a few Devil May Cry games (they were there), a bunch of XB360 games (inc. Gears 2,3). A lot of the other games I played about 10 minutes or less (coz I didn't enjoy them). I still have my XB1X 1 month vouchers (GamePass + XBLiveGold) unused + a bunch of free GamePass vouchers. I plan to use one once Forza Horizon 4 is released.
@netsurfer: Do you finish all those games in 1 month?
I don't see how I can finish all those games you listed in 1 month
unless I play 24/7 without going anywhere for 1 month
@pinkybrain: It was around Christmas / New Year time. Gears 1-4, Halo 5, MGS V - yes. I was even overseas for a week. Sunset Overdrive - I lost interest half way through.
Devil May Cry games, after I found deals for the PC version, I stopped playing the XB1 version (and I think they were on their way out of GamePass library). I also played Forza Horizon 3 (which is not in GamePass) during that time (as well as PS4 Pro titles).
Currently, there is nothing in GamePass that I haven't played which interest me at the moment. I'm going to have to wait till Forza Horizon 4. Also, I am not sure whether I can be bothered selling my Halo 5 + Master Chief (brand new, sealed) for $18 on feeBay.
@pinkybrain: we are using free 3 mth gamepass came with console ….idea is rather than buy and own 2 games per year ….pay for gamepass and play those titles …problem is gold live on top and its $200 per year in subscriptions ….
@garage sale:
what does gold get??
how much is gamepass btw?
I never try it so don't know anything about pricing or what you get for each level.
@pinkybrain: Yeah, sealed, unopened. Not exactly happy Microsoft is going to put Master Chief collection on GamePass. Yet another XB1 game I own that gets added to GamePass. Sigh… only Forza Horizon 3 and Forza 7 left. I suspect will be added eventually. Besides, Forza Horizon 4 is going to be added anyway.
GamePass is normally around $10 per month. The two loopholes posted allowed people to get some vouchers for free. You get one from XB1X and some of the newer packaged XB1S. The XB1S 1TB Minecraft Bundle (i.e. Amazon one) comes with a 3 months voucher (it might even come with a 3 months XB Live Gold voucher). Then, there is the 1 month free keeping auto-renew on when using a voucher (1 time only).
what does gold get??
how much is gamepass btw?
I can see the value of gamepass now, since as garage_sale said instead of spending money on 2 games per year,
you can get gamepass to play it for how many months?
Only downside is you don't own the game.
So when Microsoft shutdown the Xbox 1 service, then you got nothing in your game collection except for a console.
If rumour is true about Xbox two, they are working on more game streaming
so in the future, all our ownership will be digital only
and reselling will be resold as a digital second hand game.
So we won't own any physical games, just digital library
like steam is now.
They tried that at first when Xbox One was released but had to backflip.
Still think they are trying it again until the masses accept this business model.
One of the reasons masses didn't like the idea at first cos we can't resell our games as digital title.
So i read that MS is working with the block chain technology to handle the second hand digital games reselling.
If they do this successfully, then you can say goodbye to EBGames, that rely on the second hand market to make their biggest profits.
But if they shutdown the service for that console after it is EOL, then we won't have owned anything even though we paid money for it.
At least with steam, I know they will be around for PC gaming for a long time,
As long as steam exists, all my PC game titles will exist.
@pinkybrain: Gold gets monthly free game(s) (but generally old games). You need Gold for most online play. You need continuous membership to collect them month by month - and you do get so so games for several months in a row.
The biggest change is that early this year, Microsoft announced exclusive titles will be added to GamePass on launch day. $10 for Forza Horizon 4 for a month as soon as it is released - pretty good deal.
GamePass, you don't collect games. It's a set of games Microsoft decide to put in the library. Microsoft do add / remove titles. For example, Gears of War 4 will leave GamePass library at the end of the year, but honestly, by then, I doubt the game will worth much.
Basically, you can play Gears 1-4 (+ Ultimate Edition - which is Gears 1 remake) for FREE with the included voucher. So, no matter how cheap you can get the physical version, you cannot beat free.
The more you can squeeze into that 1 month free the better. You can also earn vouchers through Microsoft Rewards, which combined with the bonus 1 month for keeping auto-renew on, you can get roughly 3 months free (but you do have to painfully use Bing for 2 months to collect enough points).
Gold gets monthly free game(s) (but generally old games). You need Gold for most online play. You need continuous membership to collect them month by month - and you do get so so games for several months in a row.
So how many levels are there in the membership?
and cost of each?
GamePass, you don't collect games. It's a set of games Microsoft decide to put in the library. Microsoft do add / remove titles. For example, Gears of War 4 will leave GamePass library at the end of the year, but honestly, by then, I doubt the game will worth much.
Didn't know gamepass is just what microsoft wants to put in there..
Not sure if that is better or worst than steam..
Since we can't pick, and if they remove it, we will not able play it anymore, if we are not finished.
Problem, how do you finish all those games in 1 month?
I take my time to play the games..
Will need to be playing them like almost non stop.
Basically, you can play Gears 1-4 (+ Ultimate Edition - which is Gears 1 remake) for FREE with the included voucher. So, no matter how cheap you can get the physical version, you cannot beat free
What you mean for free?
Is it only last for 1 month or how long?
Yeah Bing is shit, I don't see myself using that just to collect points..
But good on MS for trying.
How much points you need BTW and how often do you need to search to gain it?
@pinkybrain: Gold is just gold - 1 level. GamePass is GamePass - 1 level.
Didn't know gamepass is just what microsoft wants to put in there..
Not sure if that is better or worst than steam..
It's not steam. Basically, think of it as you are renting the games. Most of the time, when a game is added, it is there for 1 year (sometimes more, sometimes less). That's generous. Not sure why you want to keep on picking on it, Microsoft would add in a new game when removing an old game. Think of it like the old video renting, you don't want to watch old movies forever. You do want to watch new releases. You can install every game in the GamePass library if you have an external hard drive that's big enough.
With any XBox One X purchase, you get to try GamePass for free for 1 month, what do you have to lose? If you don't like it, just don't continue.
Simple, if you MUST own every game (or you are good at selling second hand games), then sure, go for physical disc versions and pay for them (or wait for discounts). Realistically, how often do you actually replay a game you already finished?
You can purchase the game after it leaves GamePass and the save games will continue to work. I don't know about you, but most games I own physically I actually wish I can sell them off easily. The remaining ones, honestly, it was only due to the fond memory I had I kinda want to keep them - basically, it is my heart wanting me to keep them, my brain still want to sell them.
Gold is just gold - 1 level. GamePass is GamePass - 1 level.
So gold allows online gaming
and gamepass allows you play/rent free games from what MS puts in that library.
And you need to pay for both Gold and gamepass separately?
Thanks for the explanation..
I have never subscribe to any MS online services or played any of this generation of consoles so I don't know anything
about this stuff.
Do you own any other consoles or portables?
Simple, if you MUST own every game (or you are good at selling second hand games), then sure, go for physical disc versions and pay for them (or wait for discounts). Realistically, how often do you actually replay a game you already finished?
It is more about the nostalgia and having a physical copy of your own
You are right about not replaying completed games..
but the same benefit of keeping your own copy is, if you never finished those games, you can still do vs the rental model of MS.
And even the rental model is only based on what MS decides vs a real rental that you can pick which games you want to rent.
I don't know about you, but most games I own physically I actually wish I can sell them off easily.
There are some good about own physically copies if those are collectors items.
There's huge collection library that people built up and sell as one collection which can make them alot of money from collectors or rare games that sell for quite alot of money as well.
Sadly with rental model there will not no longer such thing as a collection library of physical games or rare games that one has a few copies etc..
What do you think of a future Xbox two where all you do is just rent or own digital games?
The downside of that like I said is that once the service for that console is EOL, you will just have an empty console.
At least with steam, we keep the games in our library forever
as long as the steam is still running as a company.
@pinkybrain: I own PS4 Pro, XB1S, XB1X, PC and still have the ancient PSP and Wii. Obviously, like most people, have Android and iOS devices.
And you need to pay for both Gold and gamepass separately?
It is more about the nostalgia and having a physical copy of your own
It's not like if you have GamePass, you cannot buy a physical copy of the game or the digital version of the game. Also, there is no game where you just want to play once or twice (or only while it is popular)? You need to keep every game?
At least with steam, we keep the games in our library forever
Two things, if it is a network based games, when there is no player or if the game developer shuts down their servers, it doesn't help if you own the game. Also, you can pay for the digital version of the game from Microsoft store (just like Steam).
You have a smartphone right? How many "physical mobile games" do you own? Do you manually copy Android apk files to your phones or use special software to "restore" old games without doing a full Apple iOS restore? Majority of so called "physical games" require downloading patches or updates on consoles anyway.
Consoles still have the physical disc option and most likely will continue for quite some time.
Once the service for that console is EOL, you will just have an empty console
You obviously don't own any current gen console. You can play XB360 games on XBOne. Not only that, some are graphically enhanced to have better resolution AND better framerate, especially on XB1X. Now that PS4/PS4 Pro is basically X86 based, you can bet PS5 will most likely be backward compatible. Even Sony is making some PS3 games playable on PS4 via some form of streaming service. Key PS2/PS3 titles have been remastered for PS4. Game studios released remake version of some classic games recently. Don't worry, if it is one of those must play type games, game companies will be happy to remake/remaster them and milk the customers twice or three times.
Go to a game store, it is much easier to buy physical console games than physical PC games. Mate, I think you should do some research and get up to date with the facts on latest gen consoles. GamePass is NOT Steam. Microsoft digital store is already Steam like. GamePass is like Netflix for consoles. Microsoft COULD easily extend it to allow you to rent ANY GAME. It's DIGITAL - it can change easily. I told you, the saved games are still there so if you must play a game again after it left GamePass right now, very simple - buy it (digital or physical - it doesn't matter, you can resume playing that game).
Yeah thanks for the explanation
I have been out of the loop this console generation..
only started to get back into gaming this generation of consoles.
@pinkybrain: Have a look at the E3 2018 demos for the following games:
Halo Infinite
Forza Horizon 4
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Death Stranding
Ghost of Tsushima
The Last of Us Part 2
After seeing them, what I feel is: not much point holding on to too many existing games for too long. You can keep a small number of them if you really want to, but new and better games keep on coming. Better to enjoy as many of them as possible.
I just bought the GamePass deal going to try and redeem when Forza 4 drops at end of the year. can see the value in that game alone having 6 months to play it costing me only $41
Is it there is a new XBOX announced?
Nothing tangible and exciting from e3 for xbox to make you buy the x at this price ….seems the S will have fair bit if life yet ….also microsoft will be using more azure to preprocess some functions….you can do that when you own azure …..
Making the $200 S deals look good.
MS announced a price cut at E3. But no new consoles for a couple of years
So those news about new Xbox coming is not confirmed.
All MS said was that they are working on new hardware. Nothing else.
but probably won't release till 2020..
Not announced.
Mate, stop linking the same article to these rumours. Microsoft E3 is already over, and no such announcement was made.
I am free to do what I want..
people can read or not read and make up their own mind.
Are you trying to be the Thought Police
PS5 will be released before any Microsoft console(s) and that will probably be released 2020 so wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft go for a 2021-22 release.
With their purchase of GitHub, change on there OS model trying to follow Apple and also combining windows 10/xbox… they will definitely not release a system until they have a very stable and connected system whilst also increasing there developer/user base on windows 10. With the announcement of a number of studios being partnered up at E3 the developer side is going to be huge and they will want a stable framework before any future console.
I am definitely getting a XB1X but waiting for a good deal under $500 with an extra controller. Hopefully something around EOFY time.
Sony CEO told the Wall Street Journal they are aiming for 2021
Yeah, with Xbox One X being released last year, I can’t see the next Xbox being released in 2020 despite the rumours. That seems too early. Xbox One X is supposed to be a mid generation upgrade, but it’s a huge leap over the original Xbox One. I’d say 2021 at the earliest for the next Xbox.
That all depends on the Sony's move.
If they release the console early e.g 2020 or even 2019, then Microsoft will need to move early as well
else they will lose market share.
I think this generation of console, PS4 still outsold MS.
Did PS4 release before Xbox1 and how long after PS4, the Xbox1 come out?
They won't lose as much as you might think. They are prepared for 4k, improving the development experience, helping indies, more microsoft partnered studios and improvements to game pass will be more than enough to steal from Sony. Hardware yeh sure, the new playstation will be ahead of XB1X but most games won't even fully use the resources of an XB1X. Engines and frameworks are further behind.
The main thing they need though and they will definitely be able to overtake Sony… VR
Edit: Will add that both companies are profiting from console sales still (rarely has this ever happened).
TLDR; There is room for improvements in more important areas than hardware. But as I said in original post. Sony will make the first move before Microsoft do in the hardware space.
Soooo want an X after seeing Forza Horizon 4 60fps E3 trailer. :(
Is xbox even worth buying? I guess if you don't have a pc then yes but ps4 has much better exclusives and a decent pc will get by
Not all of us have the time nor inclination to worry about maintaining a gaming PC.
Xbox also has Game Pass and EA Access.
Do you have a PC with RX580 or GTX 1070 graphics card? Or, you are happy with your existing PC setup and generally happy with 1080p gaming?
XB1X does have 4K HDR support. For me, it comes down to which version of the game is cheaper. For example, I got Forza Motorsport 7 pre-owned for $25 XB1 version few months ago. Couldn't find the PC version at that price.
Hmmm true. I understand those who want the couch experience. Hence I got a ps4. I guess there's still a market for it!
It can be a bit pricey to get an ITX PC setup with a great graphics card to put in the living room. Not exactly sure I want my most powerful PC in the living room.
However, if a game is the same price, I generally prefer the PC version over the XB1 version.
But, there is one thing though, UHD Blu ray player. The equivalent setup for PC is not cost effective. Need to come up with some excuses to buy XB1X…. LOL…
GamePass is $1 for a month at the moment:
You’re thinking with the mindset of a PC gamer. Not everyone is a PC gamer. If you’re a console gamer only, which MANY people are, you either buy an Xbox One or a PS4. That’s the decision you make. Period. I no longer game on PC, so whatever games can be played on PC is completely irrelevant to me. If there’s a game on Xbox that I want, then that’s the console I’d look at. It makes no difference to me if it’s on PC. Many people have the same mindset.
So yes, there is a point.
I had both games unopened. Best I could get on ebay was $10 each.
Still a good console price though
how much are the games selling right now?