• expired

[OPTUS+QLD only] Free replacement modems, handsets, wifi modems. Flood affected customers only


hi Guys.

For our flood victims around the southern qld area with optus lad cable or dsl services. If your device was damaged
During the flood. Ie water damaged or washed away. Bring ur existing landline handset. Or modem and optus will replace it in store free of charge.

A few optus stores are doing this. I know of Carindale being one with plenty or stock.

This is a good Samaritan service so this is not for you pouchers out there looking to score a free modem. Its only for flood victims guys. So if you don't need it don't take it. Save them for those in need

Mod: Added location to title

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closed Comments

  • +14

    How do u bring it in if it was washed away?


    It is nice of Optus to do it!

    • +10

      Walk around the neighbourhood until you receive a Wifi signal from your wireless. 3 Bars and you know to start digging.

  • -1

    For our flood victims around the southern qld area with optus lad cable or dsl services.

    What about Victorian flood victims ??? Are Optus discriminating ???

    • +7

      /Sarcasm mode on

      Yes..they hate Victorians they should all take it very personally.

    • +5

      They aren't doing this because they have to, so if they choose to offer it to only a certain street in QLD it would still be better than nothing as Optus don't have to offer it to anyone that's flood effected.

      • -2

        Why are they being selective then ??? Does someone who lost everything in a flood in QLD deserve more help than someone who lost everything in a flood in VIC ???

        • +1

          So you'd prefer nothing than some?

        • They don't owe anything to anyone - they probably chose QLD because the disaster is (hopefully) over and also it was way worse than those so called flood waters in VIC (not trying to downplay the floods in VIC, but they were NOTHING compared to, say, Toowoomba or Lockyer Valley)

        • and dont forget Optus really isn't that interested in small country areas, it hits their bottom line too much They have always cherry picked their markets, so Vic floods are mainly smaller country towns

          1. That's optus customer care. If you need one call them there. No point whinging about it on here. Do something proactive and hunt it down if you are in a different state.
  • markis, are you affiliated with Optus? Rep?

    • Use to :) a mate told
      Me about this as he works there

  • -6

    Whilst I applaud Optus for doing this ( but please Vic as well), I don't see this as a bargain.

    • +1

      Knowledge is power. Think of this post as a public service annocement :)

  • +2


    The above link from what I read only shows replacement or loan phones from Optus Insurance. Is your information by word of mouth or is there a link to a optus site displaying this? I got a few mates in QLD that would appreciate this so please advise where you got the information from. Much appreciated :)

    QUOTE 1:

    "For Optus customers who are awaiting mobile handset repairs or replacements from Optus Insurance, ‘yes’ Optus Shops in Queensland will be carrying increased stock levels of loan phones to help provide greater access to services."

    QUOTE 2:

    “For those customers who have lost services due to the floods temporary solutions such as a loan phone or prepaid mobile broadband services are available."

  • +16

    I found a HACK for Victorian flood victims…

    When you go to the Optus store, just end each sentence with "hey but".
    They will think you are a Queenslander and replace your modem for free…

    • +3

      Being a QLDer I feel like I am the butt of this joke, but I don't get it! Seriously!

      • +1

        Hey but seriously I think you should just google it:

        • LOL first post for me is

          sorry my mistake. i'm a bogan queenslander hey but.

          this is from

        • +1

          That's only got 39.9k search results whereas "hey but" vic has 81.5k!


          I'd say that they're more likely to think you're victorian if you use that!

    • +4

      a hack!!! NEG!!!

      • +4

        I'm going to dob on you all and email them and let them know!

  • +4

    Wth, I'm a queenslander and I've never heard sentences being ended with "hey but". I know for sure that queenslanders put an 'aye' at the end of every sentence though aye.

  • -4

    My modem didn't get washed away but I put it under the kitchen sink so I got a new free one lol

    • +3

      Under my kitchen sink is clean and dry…how many holes does your sink have?

    • I would expect no less from you

    • Broden, i understand you next time add a

      /sarcasm sign

    • +1

      If you wish u can. Scam them and why not kick the fella who's house washed away along with his wifi

    • +2

      A free modem and 10 x ps3 @ $199, your ability to go lower is impeccable.

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