Hi All,
My son was born and is raised in Australia. He is 9 years old. Yes, he is bi-lingual. We speak our native tongue at home. He is very easy to switch languages (automatically) - which I think he has the skill to do that as it is not an easy thing to do.
However, I notice that he does not have any Aussie accent and tone. That's a bit of concern as most of his friends have a strong Aussie Accent.
If it is possible, I like him to have it because it shows a true identity, but what do we need to do to make this happen? Do we need to speak English all the time? Is it too late for his age for having the accent?
I like him to have some degree of Aussie Accent if it is possible.
Please advise or share your experience.
Thank you.
There. Do you or ya partner have an accent?
He'll probs end up neutral.
Take him outback for a few years or go on a overseas trip so others can pick it up and you can achieve the full identity