This was posted 6 years 8 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Shadow of The Colossus, The Last of Us: Remastered $19, Nioh $20, The Order 1886 $15 & More + Postage @ Amazon AU

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Prices dropped further on these games too.

Other Games you can refer from this post or also explore these Buy 1 and Get 1 Free OR Buy 1 and Get 1 Free Direct Link

Feel free to combine with $20 Off with AMAZON20 Code (New Users) Min spend $79 and 10% cashback with NAB CC

$15 The Order 1886 (PS4)
$19 Shadow of The Colossus
$19 The Last of Us: Remastered (PS4)
$19 Ratchet & Clank (PS4)
$19 Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
$19 WipEout Omega Collection (PS4)
$20 Nioh (PS4)
$20 Everybody's Golf (PS4)
$20 Driveclub VR
$20 God of War 3 Remastered (PS4)
$20 Knack 2 (PS4)
$20 RIGS Mechanised Com League VR
$20 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
$20 Farpoint VR
$20 Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
$20 Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4)
$24.95 Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +9

    The Order 1886 awesome game should grab it

    • +4

      Very short game but for this price it's worth a look

    • +8

      Agreed, it received a fair bit of criticism but I enjoyed it.
      It’s like an action-packed Heavy Rain.

    • +5

      It’s a pretty game with zero substance /my 2 cents

    • +2

      Enjoyable at $20

      • It's $15. You have to click where it says "4 new from $15.00" and select the one fulfilled by Amazon AU

    • +1

      Had an awesome story too. It kinda ends in a cliff hanger and wished they made a sequel.

  • +1

    Oh Nioh !!!

  • Thanks OP, just bought Steins Gate 0 for $18 delivered thanks to your deal.

  • Thanks for putting the AMAZON20 link. Couldn't figure why I couldn't use it yesterday, needs to be > $79. Should have just added another game to the cart yesterday.

    • No problem.. you can reach out to customer care they may be able to do something about your yesterday purchase.

  • what happened to GT sport?

    • +2

      its still at $14.98, i think the game was not a huge success but it is still a good game. has split screen for 2 player offline races.

  • Does EBgames price match Amazon? I'm guessing no but hopeful.

    • +1

      Nope only bricks and mortar when I tried, but Target and Big W are doing most of these for the same price so just match with them.

  • +1

    Sweet I got:

    Shadow of the Colossus
    Picross 3D Round 2
    Mario Odyssey Mario Amiibo
    Mario Odyssey Peach Amiibo
    Mario Odyssey Bowser Amiibo
    Pixel Pals Ken
    Pixel Pals SMW Mario

    for $49.90 delivered after all discounts including BOGO, AMAZON20 and free shipping. Bargain!

    • Enjoy :)

    • I bought Picross 3D Round 2 for full price when it was released. In terms of hours played, it was a bargain.

      At this price, it’s a total steal.

    • I got these instead.

      Nintendo 3DS AC Adapter

      Rayman Legends PS4

      Need for speed rivals PS4

      Nintendo amiibo Character Peach (Odyssey Collection)

      Nintendo amiibo Character Mario (Odyssey Collection)

      For $37.89 just with AMAZON20 coupon free shipping haha

  • +1

    Worth mentioning Horizon Zero Dawn dropped to $20
    You can also still order Horizon Zero Dawn Complete for $25 even though it is temporarily out of stock.

    • Yeah, Horizon Zero Dawn Complete was for $20 on my previous post so didn't mention it but still worth at this price too..

      Added. Thanks :)

  • +3

    I’d highly recommend Gravity Rush 2

    • +6

      I'll second that recommendation. This was a very underrated game. Sadly the online features which added to the game are going to be turned off soon if they haven't already.

      It has the best world and lore I've seen in a video game. It's a unique setting. A Jupiter-like gas giant (how many other games are set on a gas giant?), with truly alien vegetation, and the sky's colour ranging from green, to red, to purple and everything in between. It has an invented written and spoken language. The cities are on floating islands, and it's a very vertical world with many layers. Flying around feels very exhilarating. Not only do you explore the islands, you also explore underneath the islands and buildings. When you go mining, you take an elevator ride through the thick clouds of the planet. It is like diving into Jupiter. It looks very cool.

      There are also black holes in the gas giant, and so time dilation applies. The royals and aristocrats live in a kingdom atop a giant tower, farthest away from the gravity of the black hole. People living near it though experience time dilation. Time passes by slower for them the closer to the "surface" of the planet. A few years down there, and 100 years will have passed for the rich people atop the giant tower.

      That is some rich world building right there. I've never seen anything like it. Even games set on alien worlds like Mass Effect, you will find some very earth-like vegetation. Yes, even in the Andromeda galaxy, the worlds look very earthlike. There's no logical reason for this. Why would you find trees and plants that look like earth vegetation on another planet even in the same galaxy, let alone one in a different galaxy with no contact from ours? That's called a lack of imagination. Even their technology and guns look the same as ours. Almost all of the aliens are humanoids and very very human looking. Everything that's not human in GR, is distinctly not human.

      Not to mention this game just looks gorgeous. And the music is amazing.

      And Kat is one of the most charming characters in any game I've played.

      I do recommend playing GR1 first though.

      • Reminds me I got GR1 on PSTV and yet I bought GR2 from JB hifi deal before heh

        • You can get the PS4 remaster cheap all the time. It's much better than the Vita version.

          And I'm not sure you could play GR1 on PSTV without a Vita. It requires motion controls and touch screen. I guess the DS3 supports motion controls, but not sure what you would do with the touch screen.

        • I bought GR1 already I don't see a point again buying another remastered copy for more than GR2 price.

          PSTV can be hacked if you got the old firmware which allows to play a lot of other titles on PS Vita. I even have it working to play my old PSP collection heh. One day my PSP stops working then I will play them on PSTV

  • Just cause and for honor are 20 each but if get one, other is free. Last Guardian is 19 bucks as well.

    • You could also get Rainbow Six Siege / For Honor for $20 as they are both part of the buy one get one free.

  • I find it abit annoying this new world of additions, expansions packs etc. Case in point bought horizon zero dawn for cheap months back and then you get the frozen wilds expansion and I assume the "complete edition" on sale now is there to entice you to upgrade for the expansion?

    Same for destiny? Always wanted to play but then you find you buy the original games and then there a couple of expansion which require you to purchase if you want to be up to date for online play. I just miss how you all had one game once in awhile, or at least updates were game wide as opposed to expansion by expansion and who 'pays' for them. Guess it's the new age of making money of us, but games were just as expensive back in the days and what you bought was what all got…

    • +2

      I don't think that's really fair on Horizon. There's just 1 optional DLC pack, no season pass or microtransactions etc. The base game alone is huge, 30+ hours easy.

      The complete edition is just for latecomers, not those who already had the original.

      • Fair enough - perhaps I Should have used "Destiny" as an example. Particularly where buying second hand games meant a complete edition was useless.

        I haven't seen how much for the frozen wilds expansion DLC but I assume it wouldn't be too cheap, as they all seem to be? So when you weigh it up to $20 for a complete edition….

    • Case in point bought horizon zero dawn for cheap months back and then you get the frozen wilds expansion and I assume the "complete edition" on sale now is there to entice you to upgrade for the expansion?

      The expansion can be brought on PSN as a DLC, you don't have to re-buy the whole game again.

      • Yeap, understood - but the standalone prices of these DLC always tend to be relatively expensive than when you compare to buying a whole new game pack. I honestly don't know how much the DLC price wise is for Frozen Wilds but I guess it is a decent few $ when compared to the $20 for the complete edition?

        • Just had a look and the frozen wilds DLC is on sale at the moment for $20 with a regular price of $30 so I guess you're onto something here

        • @Agret:

          That's what I mean… it's not comparable price wise sometimes. And I feel it's abit of eco and e-waste to go and buy the whole new complete edition becuase the bolt on costs comparatively an unfair amount…

          Same as when I thought I bought a real cheap destiny 1 to 'play'one day. now im better off just buying a complete edition on the cheap sales day. Or perhaps not even bothering becuase destiny 2 is out and it's going to have the same annoying expansions and dlc to choke more money out.

          I know it could be cool for someone following the series, but I just miss the days when say on a ps1 you bought a game and you got the whole game…. or an expansion would be starcraft, then starcraft brood wars, it was very defined. Now a few new maps and characters and you've got a new "expansion" and you need it to play with those people on multiplayer….

          I think we pay comparatively more for games these days than in the older days if you work it backwards.

        • @Agret:

          Out of curiousity what is the value time wise/game play wise of getting frozen wilds?

          I need to return one of my jb hi fi 2 for $40 games as i bought dragonquest heroes 2 explorer's edition through it but already bought it for $15 via the big w sales a short while ago.

          I was thinking of switching for knack 2 as i haven't really played a platformer. I have HZD and haven't played yet, I think i bought it brand new from jb hi fi months ago back in 2017….feels like a waste to buy HZD complete edition for another $20 to get the complete version… but at the same time I think it's too late to return to jb hi fi or sell it?

          edit: Ok so as a comparison we bought HZD for $39 down from $79/89 back in mid 2017.

          So now the trade in price is $17. I could get the HZD brand new for $20 or $20 for complete edition bar JB hi fi has sold out. So next best is the Amazon $24.95 per this deal.

          So still better off paying for Frozen wilds via trading in the original game and paying another $8. Means the original $39 = $47 for both games….

          I definitely wont be in a hurry to buy any games down to $35,40 anymore. It seems like PS4 games all go out for $19-$25 these days from target, jb or big w after a yr or two… so unless it's a new game that needs multiplayer and first mover advantage while more people are playing, one is better off just waiting for a 'sale' it seems.

          Particularly if first player or so games?

  • +2

    Got HZD complete, Uncharted Lost Legacy, SOTC and Nioh for $62.

    Thank You BA.

    • You're welcome buddy :)
      Have fun 😊

  • So Im guessing everyone's on the same boat then? The 2-3weeks and god knows when for HZD complete boat :(

  • Only PS4 games on special? what about Nitendo switch games?

    • +1

      Amazon's Switch game prices are the cheapest around if you're thoughtful with AMAZON20

  • +2

    I don't get the hype behind shadow of the Colossus, i like its lack of distractions but it's controls are bad and the game isn't that great, feels like an old game still

    • +3

      For me it was an incredible game the first time through - the atmosphere and the whole concept unlike any other game at the time.

      Playing it over again on PS4, yes the graphics are stunning, but it's not as appealing because I already know how the Colossi move, I know they're no threat to me if I follow the pattern I remember, it doesn't have the same sense of ominous foreboding. That said, it's nice not to spend hours on the wrong approach ;)

      If you've already conquered this game, I don't recommend re-playing it on PS4 unless you're really hankering for the nostalgia

    • +1

      Just remember, this game came out in the ps2 era. The graphics were amazing, to the point where the frame rate was absolutely terrible. The set pieces and boss fights were breath taking - not as impressive today as we've been exposed to 2 generations worth of epic games. Control wise, it's always been controversial. I wouldn't say I liked it but I see why it was done. If the controls played like any other platformer it would have been way too clinical and taken away from the experience. But keep in mind control schemes have come a long way since the ps2 days -I guess you could say it's an old game.

    • +1

      The Last Guardian is the same, clunky controls, actually its terrible but story and lore is great
      Gameplay wise its a bit dated

      • got the last guardian as it was $19 at target? RPG fan, but would you recommend playing it? I haven't opened the seal incase i wanted to return it asap haha.

        • +1

          Purchased mine for $20, I dont regret it for that price.
          Would recommend at that price point but not its initial retail price

          The controls and the camera angles lets it down, again its an old game. Graphics are pretty decent imo and the setting is just so beautiful. And I played it on a normal PS4, not a Pro. The story is great and the ending will make you emotional, in fact its the best part of the game
          Prior to the ending I gave it a 6/10, I now give it a 7.5 ;)

          For $19 keep it unless you want to wait for the holiday season sales

        • @Madaaara:

          thanks for the feedback! I guess for $19 how much coudl you save on holiday mode, and driving back and forth to return it… so i'll probably just keep it. I've decided to just wait and stock upon $20 circa games, I buy them and a yr or two later from $40-60 it's down on sale, and im so busy with work life that you never play alot of games for awhile. So might as well wait fo rthe sales of prevously expensive games haha.

  • $20 Everybody's Golf (PS4)

    Would you like to play again?

  • The games show up not as 19/20 but full price. What am I doing wrong ?

    • +2

      Select Amazon AU seller

      Check left, right or bottom on the page for $19/20 price..

      4 new from $19.00

      • Ahh that! Nice one, thanks

  • +3

    Gotta love Amazon customer service. I forgot all about the AMAZON20 code and after speaking on chat they took off the $20 on my current order which was originally $49.90 bringing it down to $29.90. They allowed $20 discount as a one off without needing to spend the $79 as they couldn't modify the order once it had been placed.

  • Man, so tempted to get Shadow of the Colossus for $20… bargain… now do I bother bumping the order up to $79 to get the $20 off

  • Went to get "Uncharted: The Lost Legacy" but they want an additional $10 for postage. Checked Target website, they have it for same price in store just incase anyone else was after the same title..

  • TLoU Remastered isn't showing up as $19 for me…

  • Have not been following the gaming scene for a while now, which would be the standout/must buy titles from these?

    And this listing while we're at it:

    Mostly interested in shooter/fps, adventure and sports games. From my quick research, Horizon Zero Dawn and Shadow of the Colossus get good wraps. Are the Uncharted ones worth a play? PLayed the first one and didn't mind it but haven't played one since.

    • +1

      Horizon Zero Dawn is a great if you like open world.

      If you didn't mind the first Uncharted, you'll probably like the later ones. I'd rank them: 4,2,3,1.

      Last of Us is good if you like games with a good story and/or Zombies.

      • cheers!!

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