This was posted 6 years 9 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4] The Last of Us: Remastered $19 C&C @ JB Hi-Fi


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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

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  • +35

    This game is one of the best I have played in over 20 years of gaming. Not many are fun to play, and become emotionally attached to.

      • +4

        Yeah no one's agreeing with you on this one.

      • +2

        You haven't played it have you

        • -1

          played it! thanks all for negging just because I didn't think the game was that great

    • +9

      Naughty Dog have a great track record for improving on things in the sequels, and the ending was obviously written to be continued. Should be good tbh.

    • its not like joel is holding a gun to head to make you play the 2nd one

      im sure ND will make sure the story is good, my concern is the MP the current one is fine but is also just a slapped together thing and when they have spent effort on it, they have messed it up lol

  • +1

    Feel so sad paying $21 on ebay for a used copy :(

  • +1

    Its $20 at Big W link

  • Wish this was on Vita !!

    • +2

      Use remoteplay and enjoy it on your vita!

      • lol but i only own an Xbox One

        • +3

          What a confusing exchange.

  • Bought one on Amazon for $24.

    • You can get it cancelled if there is enough window left and buy from JB

    • It's $19 on Amazon now.

  • Since late last year this game often goes down betweeen $18-$22 (depending if you have PS+) for digital version. You can play two copies at the same time with one PS4 set as your home console and signed into the other. You can basically share your entire digital library with one person, and they can do they same with you.

    Downside is you can’t sell the games or lend them to anyone else.

  • +7

    Felt the need to comment. This IS, to me, the BEST ps4 game to date.

    Bought this game off gumtree then played it using a loaner ps4 from a friend. Had such a blast playing it that I decided to get my own ps4 pro after so I could replay it. From thereon I bought a few A list sony exclusives like Uncharted 4, etc that I never could get myself to finish. I eventually sold my ps4 pro and all the games I accumulated with it.

    Now, half a year down the road, I see a deal on this game and I would still buy it even though I no longer own a ps4, just so I could replay it when I do rebuy a ps4p when part 2 is released. It’s THAT good.

    • +3

      I can understand why people rate this game highly. However, it is not a game for everyone. I understand the writing is great, it's a Naughty Dog game, strong character development. However, for lousy gamers like me, some parts of it can be frustrating (even with a top notch youTube walk-through video). There are certain chapters where I really just want to quickly finish them so I can take a break. It's different to say Uncharted 4 or Uncharted 2 where I genuinely want to keep on playing on.

      I have to be honest though, graphics is reasonably important to me. I have a PS4 Pro and played on PS4 Pro. Yes, I can see some of the up-scaling on 4K/1080p screen being nice (i.e. font and some of the textures), but the graphics engine is still kinda PS3 like in general. I played it because of the story I guess and I am only half way through it. It's in my backlog of games to finish, but not that high up on the list.

      • Oh man, I thought uncharted was a drag sometimes haha. Having to find certain items spread around the place etc….

        • Uncharted 4, the pacing was not great. Same producer (Neil Druckmann). The last of us drags on even more. It's well known Uncharted 4 has more influence for the last of us. At least you are not limited by ammo and the need to upgrades / make items. It's also much easier to replay one chapter in UC4.

          I personally like Uncharted 2 best, but the graphics improvement on 4 is significant. In terms of awards won on "PS4" version, it's Uncharted 4 (Most, if not all awards won by TLOU are for PS3). Children are happy to play Uncharted 4. If I put TLOU on, they simply move on and do something else (same goes for Uncharted 2). So, graphics is important to some people and there isn't a game for everyone.

        • @netsurfer: I just reported tlou and left behind. Graphics at no point affected me or my immersion. And I am quite picky!I am playing on PS4 Pro

        • @OnlinePred:

          reported tlou and left behind

          You meant replayed? Like I said, I understand why people rate this game highly. However, I would not showcase my PS4 Pro with this game. I don't believe the graphics is at true PS4 level (let alone PS4 Pro level). One of the reasons is that we are talking about Naughty Dog here - it is clearly just a remastered version of the game. I totally understand Sony needed a few titles available earlier on for PS4 and with the architecture change, some games need to be remastered. Reviewers have all agreed that if you already played it on PS3, there is no reason for you to get this on PS4. I can honestly state that I only played it because of the hype and it being a ND game (and I got it for a reasonable price - cheaper than this deal).

          I think children who didn't pay for the games do offer reasonably objective opinions. They are happy to play Uncharted 4 mainly because the graphics is current gen. Uncharted 2 (which I feel is actually a better game, except the graphics) or TLOU, they simply won't play - they looked at the graphics and then basically said thanks but no thanks.

        • @netsurfer: yep probably a bit dark and story driven for kids. They can play uncharted etc or cod

        • @OnlinePred: Mate, I already told you it's the graphics (they told me that's the reason). Stop spinning it. They won't play Uncharted 2 either - because of the graphics (and I put on the train level - arguable one of the nicest part of UC2 - zero difference).

          Neil Druckmann's writing style - simple storyline, complex character development.

          Graphics is important to some people. For me, Gear of War 1 on XB1X (through backward compatibility), wasn't interested, BUT Gears of War Ultimate edition (basically the same game but with XB1 type graphics), I was quite happy to play it.

        • @netsurfer: uncharted 2 looks terrible though. Either way it's your opinion so all good. Like I said, I played it all the way through again recently, and was still finding myself admiring the views and details. If graphics mean everything then no one would play games on their phones, they wouldn't play indie games etc.

        • @OnlinePred: Stop spinning this PLEASE. I have no issue other people rating TLOU highly. However, it is not a game for everyone. It should be okay for people to state the graphics in TLOU isn't good enough to their likings. If Uncharted 2 graphics in Nathan Drake collection is terrible, then TLOU remastered graphics would be considered bad.

          PLEASE… just accept it's not a game for everyone. I am happy that you enjoy it a lot. A masterpiece for PS3 I am sure. I'm sure Naughty Dog will make TLOU part 2 fantastic on PS4/PS4 Pro. But TLOU remastered really belongs more to PS3 gen. Look at it yourself:

        • @netsurfer: I accept completely. Just like uncharted isn't for everyone.

        • @OnlinePred: I think you still don't quite get what I am trying to point out.

          While I understand TLOU is one of the best games on PS3, it is disappointing that Sony elected to just remaster it, rather than remake it - like Gears of War Ultimate Edition or Shadow of Colossus. Same goes for some of the Uncharted games (Uncharted 1 is not worth a remake, but it would have been good to see an Uncharted 2 remake).

          My main point is, Sony definitely could have made TLOU much more enjoyable on PS4/PS4 Pro had they gone down the remake approach. The reality is I have a much higher expectation on TLOU over the Uncharted series. If Sony gave me a choice that only one remake is possible and ask me to choose between TLOU or Uncharted 2, I would chose TLOU remake - because I am only half way through it whereas I have played UC2. It's UC4 which led me to play UC1-3 (and UC1 was a pain/boring to play).

          Bottom line is this, even though I don't enjoy TLOU remastered, to me, I am positive it is worthy of a full remake and I firmly believe a remake version would make the game substantially more enjoyable for me.

        • @OnlinePred:

          The uncharted series is great in its own right, but TLOU has more layers and depth to its lore. The premise and dystopian world of TLOU really helps form, then fuel, the father child relationship dynamic that is quite unique and uncommon for a game of this genre. It does such an effective job at it that the player can't help but feel emotionally invested in the two protagonists - which was truly built from nothing at the beginning to everything at the end.

          This game is more for the moviegoer than it is for the gamer. I'm not a gamer by any stretch, so things like graphics aren't a big priority for me. The story is what sells to a casual gamer like myself. There aren't many games out there that manages to balance all aspects of great storytelling, character development and intuitive gameplay within a sandbox environment. Most games these days create depth and complexity by simply making it open world - which really, is just a lazy way of watering down quality and "leaving it in the hands of the player".

          Uncharted is fun, but is more fictitious in its making than TLOU, so therefore not as effective in invoking emotions and encouraging player involvement IMHO.

        • @netsurfer: you know shadow of the Colossus is much older right? I was just happy I could possibly it on the PS4.

          I think by ps5 they could do a remake of it.

        • @OnlinePred: You know that TLOU is THE ONLY PS4 remastered game that was developed by the original developer right? It still feels like a PS3 game and Naughty Dog worked on it. If another developer worked on it, I could understand. ND worked on their master piece and all they did was just a remaster?

          TLOU fan boys…

        • @avexdevil:

          This game is more for the moviegoer than it is for the gamer.

          If that's the case, then graphics (the realism) plays a big role. Neil's writing style is simple story line, complex character development. It's about the characters. If the graphics is one gen behind, it's obviously not going to be as good.

          Uncharted is fictitious, sometimes just the set pieces, but because it is mainly about set pieces, you are just doing more actions so you don't have time to really care about graphics that much.

          I really don't get you guys. Why would you rather TLOU being on PS3 level graphics if you believe it is a master piece. After all, Naughty Dog was tasked to do the remaster (i.e. Sony was serious about it).

          If what you guys said is true, then why can't Naughty Dog simply use the same old graphics engine for TLOU and release TLOU part 2 already? It's all about the story isn't it? You know that won't work today. TLOU remastered on PS4 is essentially making a PS3 game playable on PS4. It's not a true current gen game.

          Sony got away with just doing a remaster on TLOU. Microsoft could not just do a remaster (that would be pure silliness). After that, it is obvious to Sony that remaster won't cut it anymore, that's why Shadow of the Colossus was done as a remake.

        • @netsurfer: now your kids can play this one I guess.

        • @netsurfer: Fan boys? I only played it on PS4. I was grateful I could do that as I never had a ps3.

          Anyway here is the new one that might make you happy, or not as some just don't like the controls and game style.

    • +1

      Played this when it was on PS3, absolutely agree, great game. Probably the fastest I've ever finished a game. Interesting Easter Egg, in the Left Behind DLC there are twitter accounts on the walls of the mall, which actually exist and were carefully planned ahead of time, before the game itself was released.

      • -1

        PS3, yes. This is PS4 though. But the BEST PS4 game to date? It's good to be able to play it on PS4, but it is a remastered title. If you compared to Shadow of Colossus (remake) or Gears of War Ultimate Edition (XBox One). Those titles are done better.

        I understand Sony needed some games initially for PS4 and a quick remake of TLOU made sense. However, clearly, we know if Naughty Dog did a remake instead of a remaster, the game would have Uncharted 4 like graphics.

  • -5

    Frankly I don’t understand the hype about this game…It was just one awful cutscene after another. Stopped it because I just got bored.

    • +1

      Ohh okay, I’ll let them know so they can return the 240+ awards they won for the game.

      • The english patient won the Oscar

    • Once you stopped playing, did you then fire up cod?

  • Been meaning to pick this one up for my PS4 pro loved it on the PS3. I'm not sure if I love this game more than the recent God of War but they both have superb storytelling and challenging gameplay especially on the higher difficulty levels. Most games these days are a walk in the park to complete so it's rare to have a great story well presented, coupled with fun gameplay that's challenging. I loved Witcher 3 but it was a bit repetitive by the end gameplay wise.

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