Slightly cheaper than the last deal posted on this game from EB. Great value for 4 complete campaigns and, if it hasn't already, will be receiving a One X patch in the future for 4k compatibility
[XB1] Halo Master Chief Collection $19 @ JB Hi Fi

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I got a 'pre owned' copy sealed from EB for $17. The guy said they had a bunch out the back.
One of their business practices that annoys is when they have a new game cheaper then a pre-owned copy…but then don't have any new copies in stock anywhere. When I ask if I can buy a pre-owned copy at the "new" price, I get refused because the game is not new! It's one of the most confusing things I've come across! 😲
Because their margins on new copies are small and their margins on pre-owned are huge. They don't want to lose pre-owned copies at new prices because it reduces their overall profits.
It might not seem like a distinction to you but the source of where a copy comes from (supplier or trade-in) makes a big difference. It's the same reason you will often see new < pre-owned in a sale, sales come and go, they want to pump and dump the new copies, hopefully have those customers return later to trade-in at even worse value and then resell that same copy for big profits.
It's the very basis of the business and it works.
JB don't seal them at my local - cases on the shelf, discs in a locked cabinet. They put a sticker on the case once they put the disc in, that's it.
also worth noting that you can get it for a couple bucks more for the digital version:…
for games im unsure of i always go physical media, but for compilations like this that have some good replay value - i reckon digital is the way to go
This was well under $10 a while back.
Price has gone up as MS says they're giving it a big overhaul.
I pulled the trigger and got this and Diablo from eBay games only to find out it is cheaper at jb hi fi :(
Is this game any good? Whats the story like?
Is there any stock though?
Price match @ EB Games? I just did.
There is talk of a new halo collection and likely a pc port, news will drop at e3 in 4-5 days. Likely jb dumping stock before the collection is made obsolete.
Great deal
4 games for $10 is a bargain!
I wish this included reach though, one of the better (IMO) halos
I bought this from EB and it wasn't sealed, something about them having a policy of displaying the cases and so they take the discs out for safe keeping, it's probably common knowledge but another reason to get it from JB potentially if you are anal about these things.