This was posted 6 years 9 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS+ Required] PlayStation Plus Free Games Lineup for June 2018 @ PlayStation Australia


Naturally! Alongside these two beauties there’re four further titles: two for PS Vita and two more for PS3. Put that all together and June’s line-up looks like this:

All these will be available to download from PlayStation Store on the 5th June – until then, there’s a still a week left to pick up any titles you’ve missed from last month. A quick reminder of those:

And that’s all for this month – join us again next month as we unveil July’s PS Plus line-up.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    :( Got both PS4 games.

    • +3

      Do you need to play XCOM 1 to appreciate XCOM 2?

      • +6

        Not really. From a story point of view, the first one had a couple of possible endings ie you fought off the alien invasion and won, or you didn't and lost. XCOM2 assumes the latter ie the aliens won and have taken over, so in XCOM2 you're fighting a kind of guerilla war, but the overall gist of it is the same.

        Personally, I much preferred the previous game. XCOM 2 felt really cheap at times - really tight time limits that didn't seem to serve much purpose, enemies that could magically teleport behind you, thus negating the benefit of the cover you'd so carefully positioned your guys behind, etc.

    • +1

      If you have the game discs, and intend to continue your PS+ membership for the life of console, (until you stop using it)…. Then just have this digital copy, and sell the 2 physical discs on gumtree/ebay/facebook etc . Or if prefer EB games, or CEX etc, but the stores usually don't pay a good price.
      Also the digital copy has the advantage of convenience so you don't need to get up and go change discs to play different games.

  • +10

    Thanks, I almost missed this month's games. It's kinda stupid really, the games should be auto added when you're subscribed for the month.

    • -3

      As someone who has literally thousands of things to sort through in that download list, I'm damn glad they don't.

      • +2

        I really wish they'd do something about that download list in terms of being able to sort and filter it, etc. I suspect I've probably got a bunch of games that I've bought and forgotten all about because I just CBF scrolling through the whole list :P

        It's even worse on the Vita where for some reason it also shows your PS3 stuff, even though you can't actually download it to the Vita, so you have to scroll past a whole bunch of completely useless stuff in search of Vita games.

        • Yeah the vita list is a complete balls up, and until recently the ps3 list was almost non existent.

        • +1

          PSDLE Chrome Extension does this.

        • +1

          @Wuffybrother: Hmmm that looks interesting - thanks, I'll take a look. Although that obviously doens't help when browsing the list on the console itself. It's kind of sad that we even need a browser extension to do this kind of basic **** for us that should be there no matter what device or interface you're using to view the list.

        • @AngusD: I know what you mean, it's far from an ideal solution sadly… PSN has had 10 + years to implement a basic sort function :(

    • having used PS+ for four years, i'm pretty convinced that the whole PSN system must be a mess on the backend, which is why they've never implemented basic features like that or changing your PSN username. getting notifications when friends log in was only added recently after years of people requesting it. i don't say that with any authority but i can't imagine why else Sony is so slow on the uptake with simple PSN features.

  • Finally a game I would actually play (x-com 2) after a few pretty meh months

    • Opposite for me. Can’t stand these strategy games on a console. I think these type of games are better suited on a portable.

      • Yea not a fan of the arcade motorbike game and a turn based game. You win some and lose some I guess.

  • +1

    Literally just bought Xcom 2 from Amazon Au few days ago… ;(

    • has it shipped? cancel & get a refund. i think you can return to Amazon anyways

      • Sure can - often for free. I did it Tuesday

        • How does free returns work with Amazon? I cant find on the item page whether an item qualifies for free returns.
          Is it like Paypal where you pay for it and upload them the receipt and get a refund?

        • @Madaaara: I bought some shirts that were the wrong size and it states just under the price that it's a free return. I'm not sure how the actual refund for postage is worked out but they state up to $17

    • You certainly can return it to amazon. You can return it to their fulfilment center in Dandenong south or they refund the return payment (I think..) worst case, it’ll cost you around $3 to ship it back via aus post

  • +2

    Excellent, I never bought Xcom 2 but always wanted it. I traded in my copy of trials as well so that won't hurt either.

    • +6

      $5 for Xcom and Trials, yeah it's worth it to me (still got 2 years worth of $60 per year left)

    • +14

      This comment is eh ugh

    • +1

      Telling us ‘eh’ and ‘ugh’ isn’t a good enough review to tell us how the games are. I’ve played trials, put hundreds of hours into it and loved it, and I’m really exited to play XCOM 2.

      • +2

        XCOM 2 is brilliant. You will enjoy it!

    • +1

      Wouldn't be a 'gold/ps+ thread' without your negative comments.

      Blistering and inciteful as ever.
      Eh, eh, ugh, ugh.

      Keep up the good work.

      • +1

        More like the sook of nukem, eh guys?!

        • I'll pay that, that's actually pretty funny.

      • -4

        That's not true, the Gold games were actually half decent this month. Especially compared to this.

        • -1

          Uh no, the next round of Gold games are trash. That’s the general consensus in that thread too. You’re one of the very few excited for the crappy AC side scroller and a lego game you can, ‘co-op with the missus’. What a stellar relationship that is if you guys find those kids games enjoyable.

        • Eh ugh

        • @Puff Braddy: There's no need to be insulting. You can get your point across without doing that.

        • -1

          @Sxio: yeah your opinion has zero relevance I’m afraid.

    • +2

      You’re in luck TheDukeOfNukem… I ran out of negative votes allowed for the day.

  • +3

    Anyone here ever played Elastomania? How does trials compare?

    • +2

      Now you've made that comparison, I'll be making an effort to play Trials. Elastomania was the shiz.

  • +1

    This is a great month any way someone with the minimum level of human maturity could slice it, and people are still finding ways to whine. People these days are so spoiled.

  • I've never taken advantage of the free games. Can you only play them for the month ? Or if you download them, do you have them for the life of your PS+ membership ?

    • +2

      The latter, so if you decided to skip a few months and resub down the road you'll get access to those games again.

      • Awesome thanks

  • +2

    Trials is the shit. It's still in my regular rotation when mates are over for local 4 player.

  • +1

    Looking forward to getting the squad online for some 4 player fusion fun!

  • do they ever repeat prior offerings?

    • I haven't seen it

    • Never seen this either. I wish they’d offer a repeat game as an alternative to what they’ve posted for the first time.

      • As soon as they do it will have those that have been on ps+ from the start up in arms for doubling up.
        I personally missed a lot of the ps3 games and instead of them stopping them next year, would like to see them just re-release all the bigger titles again.

        Would never actually get the time to play most, but would like the illusion that I could if I wanted to.

  • Great, another garbage month for PS3 and VITA. Considering they're dropping them next year you'd think they'd pick some quality games to go out on…

    • Most have been already,ps3 -wise at least.

  • +1

    XCOM 2 wooo! I tried to play my steam version with the controller on TV and it was garbage hopefully the port is more supportive of controller.

  • +1

    Already have Trials on the Xbox but won't say no the PS4 version (Trials HD on the x360 is the only Trials game I've 100% completed… my skill level is very low lol). Won't say no to XCOM 2…. only ever played the first thanks to it being a PSN+ game wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy back when.

  • +1

    +1 for XCOM2. Ridiculously good game. Hopefully they put the DLC on sale as its pretty good too.

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