As per title.
These refurbed units are back in stock and are available for $219.98 after 20% discount.
These are manufacturer refurbished by Sony.
can't resist… sold.
Sold or bought?
I don't know.
I am sold, and bought :)
Oh, who bought you? Were you 20% off?
Fantastic price. Willing to take a gamble on Sony's refurbishing.
Thanks OP. Pulled the trigger. I’ve purchased refurbished goods from Sony before and they are in mint condition if not new
Would this mean refurbished as in comes in proper box no cosmetic wear etc? I'd presume so it just doesn't seem to say anything about it.
Manufacture's refurbished… Hm…Hm…
Should I get it?…
Were$280 new. Personally I've been burnt by apple refurb before so i won't bite
Apple don't fix things, they build them. :(
I'd trust any company that builds customisable machines.
Apple refurb comes with a two year warranty, doesn’t it? I had an Apple TV refurb die, but they just gave me a new unit, no questions. Pretty annoying though. Especially since the people at Apple said refurbished items have more in depth tests run against them compared to new products.
Yeah lol. I had a similar issue with a refurbished 2011 13" MBP purchased in 2014. I was told Apple has better QC on their refurbs than their new stock, but when I got it the display had weird flickering issue that would pop up intermittently.
Calling them up was useless as their customer service are straight up idiots and will say literally anything to get you off the phone with them (yeah that's supposed to happen, the computer is just warming up LOL).
Ended up going to an authorized repair place who fixed it no questions asked. Haven't had any issues since.
TL;DR I also had an issue with a refurbished macbook pro I bought, but the issue was dealt with easily and the machine is going strong 4 years later.
It was a year or less. Long time ago
got one, thx OP, 7 still available.
Sold out, was fun while it lasted.
hahaha. went to take a piss, came back, gone. 3 mins tops.
I guess you're pissed off
to be honest, of course there's a part of me that…. wait a sec.. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE!!!
ffs this was posted like 2min after i went to lunch, came back and gone.
I had it in my cart, did not need one, thanks to you guys, was gone when I got back from my coffee break.
Haha same I was trying to justify it!
What is wrong with you people? 60 units in 10 minutes
In super unrelated news, I have 59 spare pairs I just found behind the couch, going for just $255 each
Can you give me your couch?
Just for people Interested, I bought these from Sony Ebay a few months ago for $230. They came in original packaging and look brand new. Amazing Headphones!
Dammmmmn it
definitely worth it for that price… I'm happy with the $293 I paid for brand new. This price (if got) is a bargain for company refurbished.
Amazing price and even amazing headphones
Does the fact that they selling so many re-furb units mean that there may be a quality/reliability issue with these headphones?
Given these are selling like hotcakes, presumably by the thousands, I wouldn't think 60 refub units is massive. I know a few people that have these and none have had any issues.
Refurbished doesn't always mean the unit was faulty. Sometimes Sony will repackage new units with damaged box in a new box and mark as refurbished. Some people will return the headphones because they simply don't like the fit/sound etc. And Sony will slap them in a new box and call it refurbished. It's all luck of the draw what you'll receive.
Don't know about quality as mine are excellent. Reliability, I've only had mine a week so can't make a judgement on that.
I bought a set last time and they're are marked on the box as Factory Seconds and they were NOT refurbed.
Everything was BRAND NEW inside so whoever bought this is getting an amazing deal.
FYI all don't upgrade to latest firmware right now as it's been bricking headsets…
If I brick it, will Sony replace it with a new one? ;)
Yes, and probably sell your previous one "refurbished" :D
What the difference between the 2?
Material/design resulted in cracking of the headband.
No idea about internals but I would avoid first gen.
The M2 is a newer variant with a few more features including ability to manage with an app. Check out some YouTube reviews for details.
I wouldn't get the 1000x for that price… hold out for a deal on the 1000xM2
a neg for that? really?
i got chu
It was the 1000XM2?
yep… was.
Has anyone's shipped yet? eBay says guaranteed delivery by Thursday, but it doesn't look like it's shipped..?
Mine shipped today, ETA is Thursday.
Same here, anyone else got the shipment info?
"If a guaranteed item is delivered late, the buyer can request one of two refund options:
The buyer keeps the item and gets a refund on the postage cost (paid for by the seller). Or, if postage was free, the buyer can get a $10 coupon instead (paid for by eBay)."
Kinda want it to be shipped late now…
just got mine delivery notice. Should be fine now.
Same, Toll tracking ETA says Friday, though. We'll see.
Mine just arrived. No $10 for me I guess!
Amazing price. I know I don’t need one.. must resist…