Waiting for the Microwave to Beep

Does anybody fully wait until the microwave has beeped before taking out their food?

I turned the microwave on and prepared my food and waited for the microwave to beep. Just before it finished (maybe 5 seconds tops) I turned it off and took it out.

A colleague walks by and said my food will be warm and I have to wait until it 'beeps' until i can take it out.

IMO, it is the same temperature when I turn it off compared to when it 'beeps'. Does anybody else wait right to the end or do they turn it off early like me.

P.S, my colleague also takes her food out before turning off the microwave. I can't take her seriously any more and worry about her health.

Any thoughts Ozbargainers?

Poll Options

  • 22
    I wait for the microwave to beep
  • 38
    I don't wait for the microwave to beep
  • 3
    I don't use microwaves because radiation is bad
  • 19
    I have better things to do than waste my time on this poll (but ill vote anyway)
  • 6
    Bikies and button pushing


  • +22

    I take my food out with 1 second left just so it doesn't make lots of noise

    • +1

      Playing bomb diffuser and trying to hit that stop button as late as possible

      • +1




        Terrorists win.

  • we had a microwave that the wife and I would attempt to stop with 0 remaining.

    our current one cannot be done that way - i miss that game………..


  • +1

    Is this the same guy as the "Do you wait for the kettle to click" poll…………

    • +6

      I think it's Cambridge Analytica.

    • +3

      That's it, I quit OzBargain!!

      The forum topics are getting too damn stupid!!

    • Came here for this exact comment. Waiting for next week's exciting thread - "do you skip the 15 minute cool down on the dryer and why"

      • "Do you open your dishwasher early?"

        • No, and frankly that's disgusting.


        • @ozbjunkie: hahaha yeah I can't imagine many people would but you know could be an interesting forum..

        • @pennypincher98:

          Post away - I think the forum section proves ozbargainers are not busy people.

  • I thought the beeps was to do with the amount of radiation left inside. By waiting for all the beeps to complete, the heat would have died down to a safer level.

    • Yep, I thought the beep was a warning that maximum radiation level had been reached, and you need to wait for the beep to stop (thus indicating that the radiation level had dropped to a safe level) before opening the door.

      • +5

        The radiation stops as soon as the cavity is turned off - it doesn't "die out" over time. The heat also doesn't die down, because a microwave oven does not produce heat.

        Heating in the item being cooked is caused by the microwave radiation exciting water molecules in the food. The water molecules stop being excited as soon as the radiation stops, but they will remain hot until they naturally cool down, and the time this takes will vary depending on what you're cooking.

        • +1

          Pssst, I don't think they were being serious.

        • @D C: You can never tell.

        • +3

          @pjetson: Troll or stupid, the internet's favourite game.

    • +1

      If movies have taught me anything, if I open it early, I'll get superpowers. Brb

      • +1

        South Park told me that's it'll give you enlarged testicles. Sounds bad but women love them, and you get to smoke dope to deal with your 'disability'.

        • and what an awesome way to travel

  • +2


  • +4

    I discovered that even if I stop it before it beeps, my kettle is already destroyed so I am not in the right mind frame to care about if my coffee isn't as hot as if I had let it fully boil.

  • +3

    Microwaves are much weaker than ionising radiation. they only have enough energy to vibrate molecules. Even when you open the door before the 'beep' the wave emitter will stop and microwaves dissipate at the speed of light. -paraphrased from some scientist/phd

    you could get hurt from the microwave if:
    - you somehow turn on the microwave while the door is wide open
    - you can open the microwave door faster than the speed of light
    - your microwave blows up? but that has nothing to do with waves anymore..
    - you cut off a body part and microwave it.. but you're not hurt directly by microwaves

    • +3

      What if I drop it on my foot? 🤔

  • i press my abdomen into the microwave while its operating, and when my pancreas 'dings', i take my food out and eat it burnt.
    And do people here leave their metal spoons in their food while they microwave so their utensils arent cold when you eat?

    • +1

      A good tip my late grand father taught me: stick some Eneloops in your food while it microwaves. Will help it warm up quicker and also recharges the batteries.

      • +1

        Haha, apparently it recharges your iPhone as well! Try it!

        • Thanks, I can confirm this method works perfectly!

  • Using the microwave is a contest in of itself. With mine there is a small window where if you open the door just as its finishes, it will act as though nothing happened … No Beep and no time left on the timer, just displays the time again. This is living right here, a Utopia that everyone should strive to achieve.

  • I always take my food out at least a minute before the beep because I am impatient and hungry.

  • -1

    ok so there's a bit of a theme going here now.

    who's going to do the thread "Waiting for the next sh$tpost?"

  • I just push the door release before it beeps, not the actual stop button because it is another beep.

    • +1

      If you get it just right you can trip the interlocks and blow the fuse.

    • -1

      I just push the door release before it beeps, not the actual stop button because it is another beep.

      Who has time to press STOP before OPEN!?

      Those valuable milliseconds add up over a lifetime.

  • +1

    Should I wait for the traffic light to turn green before going? Can I take off a few seconds before if the intersection looks pretty clear?

    • +1

      No doubt this will be the next "I'm not insured and at fault, what are my options" scenario

    • Red light jyst means approach with caution doesn't it?

  • +1

    My Panasonic died and I just want to talk about how great my Kmart Microwave is

    Memory Function
    Super powerful 1100 watts
    Doesn't want to cool down after use
    To me it's a bargain but regular price

    Intend to read the manual for the pizza, popcorn, dinner plate buttons

    I wait for the beep.

  • Dupe

  • Beep beep Beep
    Food is over cooked

  • Next post:

    Why do you like the smell of your own fart but can't stand the smell of anyone else's?

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